Can we all agree that cats are jews of the pet world?
>lazy >makes humans (goyim) work for them >infects humans (goyim) with brain parasites to make them obedient >absolutely selfish >destroys eco systems (goyim societies) where ever it's introduced >constantly developing lame ploys to take over the world >enslaves humans (goyim) >act cute and innocent on purpose whilst being straight out evil down to the core. >ridiculously finnicky when it comes to their food
>2016 >still petting the feline jew
pic related, my qt 3.14 fuzzy fluffy merchant. Gas the cats, pet war when?
They even have the audacity to stick their throbbing assholes inches away from your face knowing you won't throw them at the wall. Total kikes.
Caleb Brooks
Calling cats jews is an insult to cats.
Matthew King
There is no cat war you fucking tinfoil. You're doing exactly what the jews want.
t. John James Audobon
Joshua Richardson
Posten the reddish pill pet
Jose Lewis
>lazy >makes humans (goyim) work for them >ridiculously finnicky when it comes to their food Seems you fell for the house cat meme. My cat basically hunts its own food. It's got a bowl of those dry cracker things but it barely touches it.
John Miller
So you're suggesting we force (((cats))) outside and make them hunt their own food instead of cucking us?