Can we all agree that cats are jews of the pet world?

Can we all agree that cats are jews of the pet world?

>makes humans (goyim) work for them
>infects humans (goyim) with brain parasites to make them obedient
>absolutely selfish
>destroys eco systems (goyim societies) where ever it's introduced
>constantly developing lame ploys to take over the world
>enslaves humans (goyim)
>act cute and innocent on purpose whilst being straight out evil down to the core.
>ridiculously finnicky when it comes to their food

>still petting the feline jew

pic related, my qt 3.14 fuzzy fluffy merchant.
Gas the cats, pet war when?

Other urls found in this thread:

bump. don't let the merchant win.

bump for cat war

A jew owning a cat.

>>still petting the feline jew
Kek. I love pol.

They even have the audacity to stick their throbbing assholes inches away from your face knowing you won't throw them at the wall. Total kikes.

Calling cats jews is an insult to cats.

There is no cat war you fucking tinfoil. You're doing exactly what the jews want.

t. John James Audobon

Posten the reddish pill pet

>makes humans (goyim) work for them
>ridiculously finnicky when it comes to their food
Seems you fell for the house cat meme.
My cat basically hunts its own food. It's got a bowl of those dry cracker things but it barely touches it.

So you're suggesting we force (((cats))) outside and make them hunt their own food instead of cucking us?

Cats are our greatest allies.

Delete this thread.

T. Gondii infectee

What's the point of having it around?

Wild cats dedicate their lives to the genocide of rodents and annoying birds and are able to live on their own, making them low-maintenance.

to make your house dirty basically

People who don't like cats are the types that like slaves.Weak minds who can't handle being questioned.
They usually like dogs, which are willing slaves.
Fail, Redcrosslandistan.
>hurrr penis tiny must have slaves!1!

I say 'close this thread if you have any self-respect', but you don't, so...sorry for your meaningless life.

The only reason to keep cats is for big houses and farms to kill rodents.

> also they are the niggers of the animal world always trying to get a free feed....fuck i hate cats!

The reason for cats is to get rid of vermin. But even so, you might as well get a terrier.

I don't see very many black people with cats as pets. Cats are truly redpilled

>What's the point of having it around?
What's the point of having rodents around? They shit in your attic and everywhere else, eat fucking everything, candles, food, roots of fruit trees.

Just the smell of a cat and all of them fucks off.

>defending the BCC

pick two.

>visit sister who has a cat
>annoying animal
>it crawls under the couch and I jump with all my weigh on it
>hear a loud scream under me
>lel as I keep moving on the couch while it screams under me
>later lock him in a cage and blast him with cold and hot water
>cold makes it produce a different sound compared to the hot water blasting up its ass
>keep doing it until he just lies there completely soaked and to tired to scream
>let him put of the cage and he runs still completely soaked under the couch
>jump on it again
>screams in agony
>top kek
>later when he wante to sleep I sneak up on him with a cup of ice cold water
>drop it on its head
>almost jumps to the ceiling
>also once I jumped into the kitchen yelling from the top of my
Lungs while he was sitting at the window looking outside
>he ended up falling down 3 storys and ripped 4 of his nails out on his way down

>being this autistic


> This triggers the jew.

animal abuse is fun past time activity

>see 3 pigeos sitting on the road
>kids nearby standing watching them
>go from 4th into 3rd gear and speed right through them
>squashed on and wounded the other, the 3rd one got away
>see in mirror kids standing there watching in horror
>keep blasting real slim shady

epic edgelord xD

Cats have a parasite that decreases humans ability to think rationally. This is a fact. You have toxoplasmosis and are mentally I'll.

Here's the jew I keep in my containment camp.

Cats are smarter than blacks don't you know.

>tards butthurt about some random animal
lol kys

> Cat embargo on Sup Forums.

You can just smell that newfag aroma.

Muhammad loves cats and hates dogs

Muhammad confirmed as actually Jewish

Natural freedom lovers.

One of the residents at work has these by a window, the fucking noises are creepy at 2am.

> Jews
> Lazy
Pick one swiss nigger.

The cats are creepy too, the only non creepy pet is a snek here. It just raves under a blue light in its tank.

>havign something that is one step up above vermin as a pet

I suppose it makes you feel better about yourself in comparison right?

I'm allergic to cats and jews so I have two giant puppies. Cane Corsos to be exact


just googlw what they look wihtout fur....
little devils in disguise

nice things that never happened

>present year
Not having pet spic and rescued mudslime sex slaves

make way for superior dog.

Shits n giggles aside, this is my pupper, great tracker.

Dogs are actually the aryans of the pet world.

I dunno, mine is black white and brown. My ball python is more of a purist. Only mates with her own kind, calls for extermination of all vermin.

Except cats are actually nice and smart unlike jews.

>my orange jew I keep imprisoned.

Guinea hair transplants WHEN?

My grandmother used to have a Jew like that, she's German so shits even funnier to me.


Niggers of the pet world. Always relying on gibsmedat from the owner. If you leave a dog in the forest it will die because it can't hunt for shit. At least a cat won't starve.

I dunno ask Conan he's hoarding the pelts.

Clean your shit.

Also, look into a perpetual puppy program. Farm raised animals are the best.

What the hell are you talking about, I see strays doing just fine. Really depends on breed

Was moving out into a place with yard, dog is a rescue. My other two fugly ones are too.

Wife's dog

Cats feed on rats and mice. Then they voluntarily get impregnated by black tomcats, which then kill the entire litter of kittens as soon as they are born, just so they can impregnate them again. How is that not acting like niggers?

My dog hunts and fetches birds for me, and tracks down animals. He helps me put food on the table. He also understands that he is not allowed in the kitchen when I eat, nor is he allowed on furniture, nor is he allowed to eat until I eat.

Dirty, smelly shitskin dog.

Those fuckers kill sanekes and shit, they're not just one step above vermin.

Shut the fuck up, that's a proper dog.

Are you sure?


Cool dog.

Here's one of mine

reminder muslims love cats but are terrified of dogs

all you need to know really
