The Jew

What is their end game in destroying Western Civilization?

Is it because they think all other races must serve them? Is this why they are presently leading the genocide against Europeans? Because a truly informed and good white person would never stand for their tyranny?

What is the end game?

Other urls found in this thread:

No one knows?

they think that once white people are gone the rest of humanity will be easy to control.

>Is it because they think all other races must serve them?

They're explicitly taught this.

It's literally this.

I know some of you are familiar with this information, but many newfags here are not so, today, I'm remind the oldfags and redpill the newfags:

The endgame of the jew is and halways been to establish a one world monarchy with a jewish king surrounded by a caste of rabbis, where the jews will rule over the world and the goyim (non-jews). Everything that you see, the leftists propaganda and shit, is part of the process in the creation of the slave race of goyim of tommorrow: the negroid-asian race.

When this has been achieved and the whole world is composed of a minority of ruling jews and a majority of negroid-asian goyim, they will freely rule according to the law of the talmud (the holy law of the jews) which states things like "a jew may not kill a jew but he can kill a goyim" etc etc.

Forget about left/right and all these pretty illusions. The only real dichotomy is jew/goyim. You are either a jew, a chosen human made to rule, or a goyim, a forsaken human made to be ruled over, like cattle.

This is the vision of the jews (and they hardly hide it) and their original and ultimate plan.

Arabs/muslims are a proxy army of the jews and when they have fulfilled their role, they will be destroyed too (they are too white to be allowed to exist for the sake of the negroid-asian race to come).

There, now you are "redpilled" and you may see the world for what it really is.

More about destroying white racial identity than destroying anything else.

The Jews are masters at fitting in to their surroundings, without in any way changing their nature. They are mimics. They have a natural instinct that senses danger, and their drive for self-preservation usually gives them the proper ways and means to escape danger at no risk to their lives or any need for courage. It is difficult to detect their sly and slippery ways. One has to be an experienced student of the Jews to recognize what is happening. Their response when they have been uncovered is simple and primitive. It displays a perfidious shamelessness that is successful because one usually does not think it possible to be so shameless - Goebbels

They thrive on racial tensions or the "race is a social construct meme" because people can't identify just how parasitic and destructive (((they))) are. If whites actually acted in the same tribal manner as (((them))) we would have kicked them out of our country

''This hypothesis is open to the objection that, so far as we can tell, a distinct change has taken place in the Jews’ activity in this century and at approximately the time of the “Protocols.” Before this, the aliens seem to have been content to exploit the Aryans and, in biological terms, feed on them; the present objective is obviously extermination of our species through mongrelization and massacres, so that it would seem that the organization and domination of the Jewish colonies by the Zionists produced a change in purpose that must, to a large extent at least, have been consciously determined and planned.''

''This implies some measure of rule by some kind of directorate that has the ability and power to set objectives for the race. The alternative is to explain the change as a natural result of the progressive weakening of our race by less direct attacks during the past thousand years or more, comparable to the change in the activity of a wolf pack when it senses that the harried caribou are nearing exhaustion.''

''Whatever the explanation, the Jews’ determination to exterminate the Aryans is not unreasonable.''

''One may see a good analogy in the cattle that are raised in the southwestern part of the United States. For a long time, the favorite breed was the ‘Texas Long-horn,’ which was hardy, able to fight off coyotes and other predators, and to survive in the wilds until it was rounded up by the cowboys for a long drive to the market, but it was also a dangerous animal that would attack its owners when provoked. It is now virtually extinct, having been replaced on the ranches by more docile breeds, such as the ‘Black Angus,’ since the predators have been exterminated and the cattle now graze within fences or are simply fattened on corn provided for them, and the vigor of the potentially dangerous ‘Longhorn’ is no longer needed, while the more docile and sluggish animals yield more tender meat.''

This is all very fascinating. I have no arguments against any of this.

''Early in the Twentieth Century, Aryans had, for all practical purposes, subjugated the entire world and made it everywhere both safe and convenient for the Jews, whereas events in Germany in the 1930s proved that Aryans could be dangerous to the Master Race, if they got out of control. Elimination of the species seems therefore a logical step for the self-styled ‘God-people.’''

Can I convert to Judaism and plant my seed in a Jewish woman to join them?

Albert Pike openly says this shit.

Islam and Christianity (white west) will destroy one another (orchestrated by the Jew Zionists)

It literally is a simple google search.

Leader of the EU

>join them
>wanting to be a parasite

Thats telling. I remember reading Merkel also won the award? 2010

It blows my mind that these subversive fucks are allowed anywhere close to leadership positions. We have collectively gone insane handing our well-being over to these parasites.

Thread is getting slid fast. Keep it up bros educate each other.

just simply all according to the plan.this "idea" is not 10 or 20 years old it goes back to the early 30s.

I think it's this.
They want to fully adopt 1984.
The proles - making the majority non white will make them easy proles to control.

While the remaining white goys will be in the lower part of gov (i.e. the protagonist of 1984)
The remaining jews will be at the head of the ministeries.

The dots connect. The end is near?

In nature the scum rises to the top of the pond.

Kek sits on Lilli pads. Above the filth/scum on the pond.

It's still a long long ways off. Even if they manage to pull this shit off there will be another crusade or some kind of race war that will bring everything back to where it should be.

>early 30's

Possibly even earlier, I'd posit that the beginning of the end was the proliferation of banks during the 18th century and possibly with the adoption of double entry book keeping.

More money.

I hope.
We can't let it happen,

Escalating any further and we will see it come at 2084



Love of money is the root of all evil

I'm not one of (((them))).

I think you should take in some "refugee" sand niggers. You aren't a racist kike.


how many here are are taking the necessary preparations for the inevitable war between the globalists and collectivists?

>That picture.

It will back fire on them, the more and more the Mexican gains power in the U.S. the less powerful Israel and the Jew in the states become. Mexicans have no guilt or brainwashed love of Israel. They will look at aid going to Israel as aid that should go to the Mexican.

This plan is going to blow up in their face. Whites are their guardians and they try to destroy us.

Say god then.
