Name one thing that Mexico is the best at.
Name one thing that Mexico is the best at.
Other urls found in this thread:
combining tortillas and meat to make like 50 different dishes
losing 7-0
I do that too. I use tortillas for a lot of stuff.
Take some sliced steak, fry it up, throw it on a tortilla with lettuce, ketchup, and grated cheese.
God tier cheesesteak tortilla
being dirty, smelly, lazy, venereal diseas-carrying rapists
>4 posts by 5 IDs
You're not one of them, are you?
Keeping their women in check and not becoming sluts.
Too soon...
Fuck no. My Mexican "friends" get buttmad when I tell them what I do with their precious tortillas.
Hey OP,
I use flour tortillas and use chop meat, lettuce, tomato, ketchup, and grated cheese to make tacos, I actually just made them like an hour ago.
Tortillas are Spanish (European) food, which derive from pita (Arab food). I'm not a spic
abusing guatemalans.
This is the beginning of a song
>not spics
pick one and only one
I pick none of them, goy.
I'm .032222% Irish and I identify as an Irish-American
Asians are the niggers of the East and still not white. Stop posting, degenerate.
what makes me laugh is how big of a deal soccer is to them. Mexicans live and dream soccer yet they're absolute trash at it.
If you've ever been into soccer and watch mexicans play vs other countries play, mexican teams just kick the ball around and hope for an opening, other countries actually make coordinated plays and shit.
You'd imagine they'd be good at soccer.
Rape! No wait that's Pajeet's specialty. Fuck it I can't think of anything except that Mexicans are 2nd best at rape.
Sex. Some of the Mexican guys I've been with were good at sex.
Fucking up Spanish grammar and spelling.
Getting walled off.
Half of those dishes are American, so no, they aren't even better than us at combining tortillas and meat into different foods.
>begging to get called a faggot
>gonna try to pull a "lol no, I'ma grill"
Oppressing indigenous populations
Not sure if its a NYC/NJ thing, but I, as well as my family, smother everything in ketchup pretty much.
Except steak, that takes A1, and chicken takes BBQ sauce. Eggs, tacos, hot dogs, burgers, almost everything else gets ketchup
I don't know what mexico is best at, but mexicans are best at leaving mexico.
^Mexican guy.
Making cheap, delicious food in restaurants that are clearly just low effort fronts for drug activity.
>steak takes a1
if and only if
>you are shit at grilling
>you bought shit quality meat
>you're a cock sucking faggot
>Tortillas are Spanish (European) food, which derive from pita (Arab food).
Tortillas (known in Nahua language as tlaxkalli) are Mayan in origin. The fact that they look like Mesopotamian flat bread is pure coincidence.
Picking weather girls
illegally crossing borders
Making murricans buttmad furious
I'll post a time stamp right now. Let me wake him up.
Please. Africans and Middle Eastern people are better at this. Just look at the cool videos with the nice cultural enrichment.
>hot dogs
Do you also put ketchup on apple slices? Because I knew a mutant like you in 2rd grade.
We don't doubt that you let Mexican men stick it in your butt, just that don't also like to put it in their's too on occasion too.
>mfw he's just going to take a picture of himself and pretend he's a white girl posting her boyfriend.
Making cartels
Is that why every latina is pregnant at 14? Kek.
Working really hard in the USA at shit-tier jobs i'm ashamed of at 23.
Jailbait/ 15 year old wives.
Having 6 kids.
Getting fat and annoying.
(((Pure Coincidence)))
Getting jobs that require communication with bellow average english skills.
Seriously, why the hell do fast food places put people with shitty english on drive through?
Even with citizenship im still doing the jobs youre ashamed of doing, kek.
>Implying having Jailbait/ 15 year old wives is bad
Its like you enjoy being a cuck beta provider user
Literally what the fuck is the difference? A burger has lettuce, tomato, beef, cheese. The tacos I make have lettuce, tomato, beef, cheese, but on a tortilla. How is that bad?
>the wheat flour tortilla was an innovation by exiled Spanish Jews who did not consider corn meal to be kosher
torillas and bread have completely different flavors
also the meat you use it different
>wheat flour tortilla
How is that a corn tortilla?
Are you retarted?
>Name one thing that Mexico is the best at.
Here's two things Mexico is best at:
1.) crossing USA border
2.) patrolling USA border
definitely not an NJ thing
wheat is the master race, cuck
Carne Asada.
Yes its better from a real mexican
entering other countries illegally
I would say they're best at being mexican, but California had them beat at that.
Hot sauces.
Forgot to add Brujeria.