George Soros demands we stay in EU guys.
We best not upset him
George Soros demands we stay in EU guys.
We best not upset him
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>threat to pound
>threat to jobs
Literally how? How many Britons are working outside of Britain? I'm sure they're outsourcing construction jobs at least.
I love it how the only people against Brexit are retarded multicultists and rich EU federalist kikes who want to keep their wealth to themselves.
This is a good sign. If the dark lord himself has to take to the field it means his forces are failing and he himself must join battle in a last ditch attempt to sway the result.
It's true though, the place is gonna smell like india once all the polish are deported.
If George Soros says something isn't it best to do the opposite? I don't know much about him but he seems like a globalist shill.
That's it, I'm now #BremainDamaged
Don't listen to that shit.
If we learned anything from last year with Greece is that whenever the EU finds itself in a fuck up the Pound skyrockets and the Euro plummets.
that's not what happened....the pound dropped with the euro.
Isn't he the guy that played the pound for billion of easy shekel some years ago? Clearly you should listen to him, he care about the british so much.
George Soros, Barbara Specter, and Jacob Rothschild only have our best interests in mind, goys.
>man who singlehandedly crashed the British pound warns that something is harmful to the pound
The only thing harmful to the pound is fucks like Soros
This. The sheer fucking audacity of this prick.
This man tried to get it to the public and was shot down like a dog, that flashdrives contents will never see the light of day.
>oy vey goyim let me blackmail your entire country with the threat of currency-speculation-induced economic collapse caused by the very principles you want to escape, i know what's best and have never tried to deliberately fuck your country in the past, now have I?
Well fuck now it needs to happen.
He's the devil incarnate
I was on the fence. I was worried about trade deals with the US and China since if we remain we keep the veto that keep the EU a trade organisation, not a superstars. If we leave then the EU will become more closely amalgamated. I feared the backlash of the unintended creation of a new rival would upset the big boys in the playground.
But now Soros has said I should vote remain I'm definitely voting out. Blokes a cunt.
*Superstate. Fucking autocorrect.
I'm still voting out but what do you think Sup Forums?
Do you think he'll actually crash the countries currency just because we leave the EU or is he just talking bullshit to scare us in
>man that singlehandedly crashed the pound lecturing about economic consequences
How is it possible that he has not been declared an enemy of Britain? What he did was very simply an attack on the British nation.
I wouldn't be surprised if he try's. That should be reason enough to vote leave. Do you want people in power you can't vote out of power if they fuck up? You already have a queen and now are faced with the same idea in Brussels. Appointed leaders should scare the shit out of you
>its an endboss shows up to an early game stage level
Now it is time for you to leave and piss in george soros face while you do it. Fuck the dark lord.
If Soros is the endboss, are the Rotschilds the extra boss?
>You already have a queen and now are faced with the same idea in Brussels.
Zhang, fuck off and go give Pajeet a blowjob.
Wew, I don't have enough parentheses for this one.
Rothschilds are the final boss in the series not in the first game, I doubt we'll ever beat the series anyways.
more like infamous
Rothchild is the secret boss
>Listening to a professional speculating leech for advice
>Still pretending he's an investor
No sorrow for Soros
Soros is like the first boss who is really fucking hard but you learn from the fight the skill and moves you need to beat other bosses.
The fact that he is the only one so far that has truly stepped out of the shadows means that he is likely lower on the totem pole and his exposure is not an imminent threat to the cabal as a whole, along with the fact that we are rapidly approaching the endgame and he is no longer required to act in secret.
I wonder who they will kill this time?
Look at this Jew
>The value of Soros Fund Management’s publicly disclosed holdings dropped by 37 percent to $3.5 billion as of the end of the last quarter, according to a government filing Monday. Soros acquired 1.7 percent of Barrick, making it the firm’s biggest U.S.-listed holding. Soros also disclosed owning call options on 1.05 million shares in the SPDR Gold Trust, an exchange-traded fund that tracks the price of gold.
>Soros, who built a $24 billion fortune through savvy wagers on markets, has warned of risks stemming from China’s economy, arguing its debt-fueled economy resembles the U.S. in 2007-08, before credit markets seized up and spurred a global recession. In January, the former hedge fund manager turned philanthropist said a hard landing in China was “practically unavoidable,” adding that such a slump would worsen global deflationary pressures, drag down stocks and boost U.S. government bonds.
The Jews are leveraging for a global collapse, you fuckers better be investing accordingly, I know I am
That's true. Soros is essentially the mouthpiece and sacrificial pawn of the greater international bankers, kikes and globalists.
They're the bigger bad. The shadowy presence behind the boss. Think shao khan in the first mortal combat, or thanos in the MCU.
>"I've learned we've just raised interest rates by two hundred basis points," he said softly--a full two percentage points. Then he rose and shook Smick's hand and left the room running."
- Dzjchdzhe "go for the jugular" Shorash
>turned philantropist
I like how subverting white nations, pushing globalism, the destruction of the middle class and the replacement of native populations by third world Muslims is now philantropy.
kikes must go
He would. Denmark and the Netherlands want out too. I'm pretty sure Eastern Europe is getting fed up with the EU's bullshit, and if Turkey joins, Greece and all the balkans are going to throw a fit.
I wish my own country wanted to leave, but I seem to be pretty fringe in being EU skeptic.
And nobody ever asked what's his message?
good post Nigel.
This morning
Soros is Boba Fett
Rotschilds are the emperor
Not really goy. It just means you're angering the redshields and gonna get it later. Mark their words.
t. Russia.
Am i the only one who thinks the Jo Cox killing was a false flag to favour the "stay" vote?
Nice to see that even the Lügenpresse is turning to the right side, or has the British media always had more integrity than its continental counterparts?
Not usually, but on this issue a lot of the papers are being pretty based.
The Metro in particular is a big one because although it's not one of the most prestigious names, it is the free paper given to commuters on their journeys to work all across the UK.
>the Pound skyrockets
That's not a good thing you moron. Domestic products become expensive and imports cheap ...
Of course it was, no one would've gave a shit if it was a leaver, it was to try and make the leavers look like bloody psychopaths
Man, if only the Stuarts hadn't fucked up.
Why wont this guy die already?
>Jacob Rothschild
Oh how benevolent of the most evil man in the world to be looking out for us, the common folk.
Dont laugh at him Hans, Jacob Rothschild is an (((expert))) on the subject and wants nothing more than the good of the common Brit
It's a paid for advert.