Why did the Brits treat Irish people so badly?

Why did the Brits treat Irish people so badly?

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why do brits treat their own the worst?

irish meant catholic

Why are the Irish so based?

>tfw the only anti-Irish sentiment I got from a brit was from some smug paki cunt that wanted to charge me extra for salt & vinegar on my chips
dirty little shit I'd rather starve

weird to think that Australia used to be the same until the 50s or so
we have a lot of Irish here and no one really thinks anything about them

Because the Irish's culture is superior and every loves the Irish accent; plus the Irish were very integral and relevant in building the US.
The British are known throughout history as brutal imperialists that are ranked #1 in cultural deaths and exploitation. The Celtic peoples have been a thorn in their side for centuries in the British isles and rightfully so. It's 2017 and the Britcucks still have an ancient devotion to the commonwealth and pay homage to a figurehead all the while their homeland turns into the 3rd world. Look a what their mighty empire has become....Pathetic!

This, I think.

Then social darwinism came and English people thought to be genetically superior just because they ruined Ireland the previous decades while everyone knows that freckled redheads are hot and English people are fucking ugly.

>t. Bostonian

More realistically, the short answer is probably due to Catholicism (and all the issues that came with Catholic vs. Protestantism), their lack of loyalty to the crown, the countless rebellions, and that they just really didn't want to be British.

Because the British are the most loathesome of all the whits. Churchill was a fucking prick who did not deserve to win the war.

they were poor, stupid and diseased, it was an expression of disgust and revulsion before the era of caring about outgroup fee-fees

jealous of how gorgeous irish women are.


Paddyboo, have you ever met an Irish woman?


What's that Computer?

Irish girls -> British girls

Its strange, english should respect the great irish people.

>Irish girls
What fucking planet is this board living on

delet this

America had the same"no Irish need apply" signs

We learned how to infiltrate the societies of our enemies.

Your time is nigh, Angloscum.

brits were (and are) outraged that the Irish refused to be brits

>Because the Irish's culture is superior and every loves the Irish accent; plus the Irish were very integral and relevant in building the US.
The rest is bait, but this seems like something I could imagine someone believing.