Why could Yoda sense he was about to be shot in the back, while every other Jedi in the universe couldn't?

Why could Yoda sense he was about to be shot in the back, while every other Jedi in the universe couldn't?

Because Yoda is very good at precog.

He read the script.

Because he was in the originals, so they couldn't kill him off

Well i assume like the movie shows... that he feels all the jedi dying and he knows something is up.

your mom lol

Then why couldn't the other Jedi feel Jedi dying? I'm assuming their deaths took place over days and weeks, not literally seconds apart from each other.

Well sure they were spread out over weeks if not years with the inquisitors but the way i see it, it seems the movie implied all the shots of the jedi dying are all happening at the same time when order 66 is executed.


I mean they even show him dropping his cane with the emotional music and shit. He is the Grand Master of the jedi so out of everyone he would probably feel it the most.

He is the most intuned with the force. He felt it. Most of the other Jedi were also preoccupied with the fights they were leading

yoda was a horrible teacher.

He's a grand master, I bet Windu would have been able to react too.

Dindu was only good at fighting

>Good at fighting
>Loses to an old man

Yoda felt it while it was happening. He was also lucky to not be on the battlefield when the order was given.

plot armor

The jedi order has grown arrogant even their mightiest cant match the lord of the sith

He defeated and was about to kill Palpatine before Anakin interfered.

Yoda knew a lot of them personally. He has been teaching the younglings for a long time, meaning he's likely familiar with next to every Jedi in existence.

Its poor as shit writing, but the excuse (like anything in star wars plotholes) is that palpatine clauded the force. Only yoda was strong enough

He's 800 years old and the best jedi
He feels the others dying in the deleted scene
The others aren't as skilled in the force

Palpatine let Windu "defeat" him.

His plan was to play the feeble old man and get Anakin to step in and do something to Windu, furthering his fall to the darkside.

Notice how as soon as he got Anakin to attack Windu he got up and suddenly had "unlimited power"
He could have fucked Windu up from the start.

It isn't always space magic. The soldiers got a secret message obviously. Their demeanor and movement changed to a more tense and deliberate movement.

To the trained eye, an aggressive stance and a the air of sudden conspiracy, would alert you that the mood of the room changed.

>To the trained eye, an aggressive stance and a the air of sudden conspiracy, would alert you that the mood of the room changed
So Yoda has eyes in the back of his head?

is this a ps3 game?

He saw it from his point of view

He kicked the shit out of Palpatine. He was backstabbed by Anakin.

He has a tuned fighting instinct. The second part was just elaboration on how tension rises in a room. Sometimes total silence is a sign.

Luke, did I ever tell you about the time I served as a clone general on Kashyyk alongside your companion Chewbacaca? He carried me to safety on his shoulders after I killed the clones who turned on me. He was a good friend.

How did he know anakin was going to show up

Did he read the script

Because of the force. The future was only clouded for the Jedi.

Palpatine had everything planned out to push Anakin to the darkside. He knew Anakin would come, and he waited.

Which Jedi death did you feel the most
>tfw my nigg Plo Koon

Kit deserved better

>900 years of training vs ~50 years

Palpatine threw the fight. He knew Anakin was coming and had to make it look like the Jedi were in the wrong.
He fucked Windu up the moment he got Anakin to act.

>Oh no I don't have any power left save meeee
>Lol just kidding! UNLIMITED POWAHHHHH

Have you not noticed his giant fucking ears?

Little green nigga heard that shit before the trooper did. Little green nigga heard that shit before the old fucker in robes had started speaking

>Believing this
>not realizing that palpatine lost on purpose so that anakin would enter and see dindu about to murder him - gaining anakins sympathy and effectively testing his loyalty