The power to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force

>The power to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force
Is it really?

>he doesn't know that the force can destroy planets too

If you can use the force to avoid being on exploded planets, yes.

Yes, did you not see the rest of the movie?

>the force blew up planet destroyer twice


I didn't see the force destroying a planet in the 8 movies
I saw it in the EU but that's suposed to be bad

In the original, where the power of the force is able to destroy the Death Star? Yes.

In current Disney cancer canon, where the Death Star can only be destroyed due to a deliberate design sabotage? No.

It still was only possible because of the force, no other than Luke could make that shot

the force guiding a proton torpedo and destroying a space station is not the same as the force doing what the death star does wich is to destroy a planet

Would a giant mirror deflect a Death Star shot?

No, of course not
Lasers in star wars aren't like our lasers
they aren't just light

The force didn't guide the torpedo though.

Luke just used the force to time the shot.

Then why not train a Sith Lord army instead of killing every Force user in the galaxy?

well in the EU, Luke was able to achieve Force Jesus status so yeah.

really wish I could at least see this in film form where Luke would be moving mountains and shit by pure force alone

How come nobody respected Vader in OT? He was always cucked around by Tarkin and had to go down and do everything personally like a fucking bitch

he's saying something like "god is more powerful than any man-made weapon." it's just vader being 'religious,' which motti ridicules

during that time The Force is basically a myth and Vader was just some big bodyguard following the Emperor - fucking prequels ruined this shit by having The Force widely known and act as space police

He's just a dumb murderous henchman

He was the "Emperor's fist"

He didn't really have any ranking or authority in the empire itself except for the personal missions he got from Sidious. Palpatine gave him the Executor and the 501st later on.

maybe he was just in charge of storm troopers/grunts.

how do you know that?

>The force didn't guide the torpedo though.
>Luke just used the force to time the shot.
how did it change course?

The force lets you come back as a ghost, so I'd say so.

They were homing torpedoes. The targeting system was for lining the shot up and getting the timing perfect. Once it was lined up it would go in and fuck shit up.

The Death Star destroyed a planet.
The force conquered the galaxy, and then saved it.

Think before you post.

Vader, while always high-ranking, didn't have much official military merit by the time of episode IV since no one knew he was Anakin Skywalker. He was just some nobody who showed up out of nowhere to do clean-up after the war was already over.

By the time of episode V he's clearly been promoted though and answers only to the emperor.

I said how do you know that?

>The force conquered the galaxy, and then saved it.

>the power to destroy planets is insignificant next to two or three people in the entire universe that can move shit with their mind

Truly poetry, Brava Lucas, Brava!

In Dark Empire the emperor can create black holes though

>In this fanfiction the emperor can shoot deathstars out of his ass
Fuck off, faggot.

Years of military discipline and hard work to make it to the high command.

Palpitine's butt buddy prances around the place being a catty bitch.

>>In this fanfiction the emperor can shoot deathstars out of his ass
>Fuck off, faggot.
it was a canon comic before Disney and it makes sense with the Vader statement
Also it's kind of stupid than the dark side only means making bolts with the hand

It is in a spiritual way, like how "giving is better than receiving"

Here's what's gonna happen in one of the newer movies. There's gonna be a moment where a bunch of Jedi or Sith group together and somehow combine force strengths to move or blow some shit up on a massive scale. I think Vader knows this, that's why he wanted Luke to join up. He wants someone to combine power with. Nobody else matches him, not even the emperor. Quote me on that.

>Also it's kind of stupid than the dark side only means making bolts with the hand
It's kind of stupid to be able to make fucking blackholes.

The comics were never canon. Only the films, and tv shows.

>invent FTL travel and the technology to destroy planets
>can't make an off-boresight targetting missile

> The Allies are predominantly Christian
> 16 years after WW2
> Christianity is now an Ancient Religion

>It's kind of stupid to be able to make fucking blackholes.
that makes destruction of a planet insignificant and that's what vader says
Also are nukes stupid?
They are just atoms too you know?

It's DBZ tier shit.

>it's children's entertainment
What exactly do you think Star Wars is, mate?

>DBZ tier shit

what do you think Star wars is faggot?

Geez, if the Force is so authorial, why didn't it just get some Stromtrooper to backstab Sheev?

Only the jedis follow that religion wich is ancient
It would be like zoroastrianism in Iran now


Kill yourself numale faggot.

It's not a black hole but a force strom, like a worm whole

If the Jedi was the enemy of the Empire. Why is Vader identifying as one 20 years later? They sure aren't referring to Sith as his religion..

he doesn't? officer says "sad religion" which basically just means belief in the force and the traditions associated with it. no one calls vader a jedi and he never calls himself one

So it's just a fedora tip. Ha, you like religion, kek.

pretty much. but vader has the abilities to back it up

Force(shown by luke blowing it up)>Deathstar>Planet

it's bravo retard

because sheev is strong in the force

I'm pretty sure he meant it as The Force as a whole, not Vader's ability to wield it.

It's like someone showing off their new shotgun and you tell them "the power to blast someone's head off is insignificant to the power of the sun!"

>It's childrens entertainment therefore it has to be retareded le epic power level shit
Fuck off you cuck.

Because Sheev too has the force

>it's children's entertainment
What about this didn't you understand?

>It's childrens entertainment therefore it has to be retareded le epic power level shit
What about this didn't you understand?

The Force guides history, in a cosmic sense that's more powerful than one weapon

The Force controls destiny, so yeah.


Vader and tarkin respected each other. Darth vader had a reputation of being a crazy brutal mofo but many of the elite officers saw him as barbaric

Nukes are stupid. The ability to destroy a city is insignificant next to the power of the IMF and sanctioning nations

Sheev did literally nothing wrong. The Republic was a bloated and ineffective piece of shit, and he was right to restructure it as an empire. Sheev even downsized the central government and gave direct control of systems to the regional governors. He was a major advocate for states' rights and was far more toward the libertarian side of the spectrum than those corrupt globalist Galactic Republic shitstains

>b-but the Galactic Empire was evil!

They only ever attacked those who rebelled against the government. Blowing up Alderaan was literally no different than nuking Japan.

The Imperials always did things by the book, as they respected the rule of law. It's subtle, but you'll note that Vader never just went around killing and oppressing people for no reason. For example, let's take a look at Lando and Bespin in ESB. Note that Vader points out how Lando's operation is illegal, and that he's actually being fairly merciful.

Look instead at the precedent set by the Galactic Republic. The republic was so poorly structured that they didn't even have a goddamn standing army, and when they needed one, they had to use brainwashed slave clones. That's right, senpai. The "benevolent democratic republic" used SLAVE LABOR to fight its wars for it.

On the other hand, people actually voluntarily enlisted with the Empire's military. Hell, even Luke wanted to enroll in the Imperial Academy, along with his friends. So apparently the Empire really isn't that bad when you're just a regular galactic citizen. It's only "bad" according to the propaganda give to people by the Jedi and by the Rebels. And there are clear conflicts of interest. The Jedi are just butthurt that the Sith won in their little religious power struggle. The rebellion is headed by a bunch of butthurt globalist senators who are mad that their power was diminished when power was given to regional governors instead. They're just mad that the PEOPLE chose Sheev over them.

Also, Sheev BTFO the (((commerce guilds)))

the Force is blasphemy though

Ok, so you're admitting to getting upset over "retareded le epic power level shit" in children's entertainment, but you can't even spell the word "retarded"?

Fucking yikes.

You can manipulate politicians, avoid conviction predict stock marjets and shit with the force. Of course that's much more fruitful than mass murdering a whole planet

You're thinking in retarded physical terms like a caveman. Force is spiritual, its space magic. Using the force someone could forsee the death star and be off whatever planet its coming for, a person could use the force to target an incredibly tiny weak point and blow the whole thing up. A person could use the force to take over the galaxy and be the one to create the planet killing superweapon.


>One spelling mistake invalidates your whole argument xD
Yep, confirmed for retarded

That's the best part, you posted it twice and didn't notice it either time. I realize I can't really expect more from someone getting upset over "retareded le epic power level shit" in children's entertainment, but damn.

Stupid is stupid, I guess.

I copy and pasted the second time you dumbfuck.

I don't know what I expect from someone autistic enough to think that le epic force blackholes xD!!! is cool and actually good writing.


>I copy and pasted the second time
>posted it twice and didn't notice it either time
Once again, what didn't you understand about this?

the sith control the galaxy so yeah

I bet that each time you copy and paste something you re-read it. Typical autist thing to do.

The power to destroy a planet with the death star was secured by the takeover of the senate which was caused by the power of the force.

>My philosophical belief in which i have complete fait is stronger than anything in this universe.

It's really not that hard to understand what Vader is saying here dudes.

>getting upset over children's entertainment
>misspelling a word in the first place
I would say "typical idiot thing to do" but we've already firmly established that you're an idiot at this point. You done now, stupid?

Was there any material based before the OT that was created before the Prequels, that got decanonised once the Prequels were released?

Like post OT expanded universe, but the other way around.

For example, it was always known that Vader got burnt up on Mustafar, but I don't know if that was from like a DK Encyclopedia or something.

A battle station vs a force that envelops the entire galaxy.


The ability to read the future, took Sheev to the very top.