
EU edition

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opening a portal to ironforge lads if anybody wants to jump in

look at all those doctors and engineers

Poor Syrians.


jamie's doing beetroots now lads

me on the left

>tfw no british bf to fall asleep at a ludicrous hour w/

holy shit lads I think digit ratio might actually be the genetic determination of being a chad or not

>low digit ratio

Increased aggressive behavior in sports.[76]


Assertiveness in females[9]
Psychoticism in females[81]
Aggression in males[17][82][83][84][85]
aggression in girls[86]
hyperactivity and poor social cognitive function in girls[87]
Masculinized handwriting in females[88]
Perceived 'dominance' and masculinity of man's face[89][90]
In an orchestral context, rank and musical ability in males[91]
Right hand low digit ratio predicts academic performance[92]
Mathematical ability[93]
Decreased mathematical ability[94]
Decreased empathy in response to adult testosterone levels[67]
higher propensity to attack without being provoked[95]
increased risk-taking behavior in men[96]
preference for normative behavior[97]
mean 2D:4D ratio among artists is lower than among controls[98]
higher numeracy (compared to literacy) in children[99]
higher criminal offending rates after puberty[100][101]
attenuated socio-affective skills[102]

Lesbians have a lower digit ratio, on average, than heterosexual women[117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128]
Bisexual men have a lower digit ratio than exclusively homosexual men and community volunteers recruited regardless of sexual orientation.[129]
tendency toward polygamy[130]

Increased rate of ADHD in males[61][62][63][64]
Increased rate of Asperger syndrome and other autism spectrum disorders (when comparing digit ratio to general population)[65]
Increased risk in females for anorexia nervosa.[66]
Increased psychopathy in men with low digit ratio and high adult testosterone levels.[67]
Increased rate of alcohol dependency.[68]

Increased risk of prostate cancer and prostate diseases in males.[52][53]
Slower utero fetal development in both sexes.[52]
Increased reproductive success in males.[54]

posting again because i did it after new thread got announced

didnt realise syria had such a large african population

>ywn get to firebomb krauts
feels bad desu


best livery ngl

Just get a graduate program job where you only need a 2:2 degree, and they train you to be an assistant manager at some John !ewis or some shit and get £30k

feel like a financial failure at 23 lads

hate cunts who think they know what the fuck they're talking about


nah i'm gonna work at daddy's company

ah yes the virgin career path

Me and the gf have £8k saved up but we have to use most of it for a wedding

imagine typing out all that shit for a post only to post it in the old thread after someone's already linked the new


I have the Chad fingers yet I'm a mong who is awful at sports, feminine body and love skirts

Pseudoscience simple as

Carl of Swindon

Not gonna lie I do quite like a big strong man, also is there any info on how to get a gf for an index finger man like myself

wtf bolt lost

I work in a factory haha

yeah it's rather nice

there were lots of african guys n girls and like the guys danced with non black bints and black girls danced with non black blokes and shit with african music in the background and stuff the girls were dressed in folk african robes like with the color and the patterns n all

so called chad fingers, total failure in every way

the Irish Experience

ah yes, la belle france

sounds like notting hill carnival

it's a correlation with the general population, it doesn't mean literally every person is going to have all or any of those though

probably more than all chads have low digit ratio than all people with low digit ratio are chads

Pray for Jeremy Clarskon
He has got pneumonia

worked a month in an office and I hate it
think they put estrogen in the air supply or something can feel my spirit being broken down

guess he ran out

it was at 1am though i think notting hill is during the day

sou're guessing



looks 34

tinder date is not going well

The problem with the housing market is some boomer will put a new front door or some shit on the house and demand an extra £10k onto the price. People think just because they decided to spend their own money on their own property they have a right to earn it back and gain profit. Fuck off

le boomers le jews le brown people its disgusting

>Asylum seeker infects 20 Icelandic women with HIV


this but unironically

leftypol has arrived



>tfw no YKTD still

coalburning roasties btfo


>20 Icelandic women

that's a whole generation in Iceland, pozzed out of their minds

burn the coal
pay the toll

>preaching meritocracy

What are you some kind of hitler?!

I could laugh at this picture for an hour and still find it funny.

Messaged a girl on tinder for the first time yesterday and she unmatched me haha

local nutter is arguing with children on the park again lads

having a game of the good ol' warsong gulch lads

Amazing how women judge men for being pigs
However they don't try to correct the men'# behaviour, they would rather use it as an excuse to act like sows


rightypol discord is raiding

don't see any disadvantages to be honest

the racemixing scum are out of the gene pool and he's been sent back to the 3rd world.

you deserve better king


what happened?


you mean pol

doos san migels fank you pedro

Bet at least 8 of the 32 posters here are underage

not doing anything for me

read every word (actually did)


ah yes, e3

love black girls

To take a valium or to not take a valium

That is the question

quite mad when you put it in context


like some black girls

And all of them are from leftypol

going to unironically mix my vodka with my horrible 4% carling tonight to make it worth drinking

the wheels are in motion...

Southerners on suicide watch

yeah well stop them

R.i.p in piece Jezza Clarkson

may as well just get a flat lmao

in 1994 North Korea threw UN nuclear inspectors out of the country, which gave the US a legitimate justification for war.

The US mobilised and an invasion plan was drawn up, but the forecasted heavy casualties and mass civilian losses made Clinton change his mind and instead opt for a diplomatic solution.

Of course that was before North Korea developed nukes - nowadays such an invasion would be far, far more costly.

*pulls up next to you, steals your phone and wallet and splashes you with acid from a lucozade bottle*

>heh... nothin personnel white boi...

dumb small apu poster

>Jeremy Clarkson admitted to hospital with pneumonia while on holiday in Majorca

the Deano holiday


Had the pleasure of meeting Jeremy Clarkson at a charity do once. He was surprisingly down to earth, and VERY funny.


clarkson dead lads

how do you even get pneumonia in majorca

is it because he smokes?

I just turned 20 and I look nothing like that


Rip jerome clerksum

Ah yes, the vibrant city of london

want to be edgy and carry a knife around but it's illegal