Thoughts on based Sargon?
Anyone see him destroy thundercuck yesterday?
Thoughts on based Sargon?
Anyone see him destroy thundercuck yesterday?
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It seems like he just repeats dumb internet shit and has never read a book in his life.
For some reason I have difficulty grasping, the old generation of Atheist Youtube faggots have all gone full cuck recently, and been destroyed by a new generation. Realistically speaking Sargon isn't much different from them, he'll probably fall the same way in ten years.
>Making threads about yourself
Sargon is a special case. He is one of the old generation but he tries to come around. He is not fully there yet but he makes progress and doesn´t stay in full cuck mode like the others.
He argues semantic points and ignores greater nuance and theories behind the things he tackles. He did not 'destroy' Thundercuck at all, you dip. I don't even like Thunderf00t and the difference between the two of them is that Thunderf00t is an actual well-read nuclear physicist and Sargon is a monotone twat with a youtube channel made popular by going after those gosh darn golly SJWs.
>Destroy thunderf00t
Nah m9, you must've watched something completely different.
He wrecked him hard, thundercuck literally had no arguments.
Felt bad for thunderfoot, 2 hours of him pretty much moaning "muh funding". I like the guy so it was pretty tough to watch.
He literally got rekt by Thunderfoot desu, and I'm Brexit
Something something based Bill Whittle?
Thunderfoot preaches against religion but is cool about getting Britain raped by muslims in the not too distant future. I mean id take an economic collapse over one caused by Islam if i were you guys.
Watching Sargon chatting with Gad Saad right this very fuckn minute.
Will check out Clubfoot next
His videos aren't particularly insightful. He either opines on his fairly standard opinions regarding relevant but already well-discussed subjects, or he poorly refutes random feminists on Youtube with 20 subscribers.
He might be a cuck, but he isn't a stupid cuck. I'd rather people watch his videos than others.
Where is Jim?
they just went around in circles for fucking 2 hours.
there might have been some interesting points in there but for the life of me i can't remember any of it
None of the people involved, including anyone in this thread, understand enough about Brexit to make educated judgments on the matter
Like most of these channels they go after the low hanging fruit to destroy. I didn't see the video with Thunderf00t but the guy is a scientist and not well versed in politics at all so even if he did destroy him that's hardly a big achievement.
Not an argument
Sarcuck of KEKAD didn't destroy anything.
Did he beat Thunderf00t? I would have thought TF would smoke Sargon in a debate.
>falling for youtube personalities manufactured drama
>basically rap feuds
>could say "my wife son" unironicly
He did
Thundercuck's argument was:
1. The EU is retarded so it isn't a threat, therefore we should stay in the EU.
2. Remember Henry VIII? Remember the nazi's? Well check mate brexiteers. Nigel Farage caused Jo Cox.
This is a legit screencap from his "remain" video lel.
Sargon of Israel > Thundercuck
pretty much, the guy barely knew much about the subject and didn't have any figures but just an argument that modern democracy isn't representative in any case so the EU is not so abhorrent and that the current politicians are too incompetent to run Britain well or sign favourable trade deals.
Jim is gone for now maybe forever
So on a scale from one to ten, one being "ehh a little sad", and ten being "REEEEEEEE RULE BRITANNIA, BRITANNIA RULES THE WAVES, SOMETHING SOMETHING, BRITTONS NEVER WILL BE SLAVES."
How pissed are you going to be when a brexit fails to pass?
>He managed to beat someone who had no tangible argument beyond "But Muh funding" and even that wasn't backed by statistics or evidence of any sort
AlternativeHypothesis / FringeElements did a better video
He'll come back under a new guise.
He has said he hates being popular, because then there's some expectation for him to do political commentary and videos instead of just doing it when he feels like it, and feels pressured as well.
It's a shame he's missing out on all this great stuff like brexit and orlando. I'd love some stuff on those.
He's very well read imho, he knows his history.
One of the high points yesterday was when he pointed out that Thunderf00t's arguments against EU were the same that had been used against Democracy in an ancient civilization, don't remember which.
This is literally him
A nice, old-fashioned liberal and thoroughly English. He's a rare example of someone who I disagree with, but still respect.
H'es part black