Can I get a refund?

can I get a refund?

honestly i could see this being considered Sup Forumscore in the future
it's been awhile since an album was so universally memed on here

You didn’t even open it yet you retard

honestly i could see this being considered Sup Forumscore in the future
it's been awhile since an album was so universally memed on here

why would you buy an MGMT vinyl record?
honestly with all the acclaimed artists out there, why the fuck would you purchase a relatively expensive and large physical copy of some crowd pleasing manchildren whose greatest contribution to music to date are decade old radio hits that everyone quickly forgot about except their record label?

>parental advisory
oh boy my sides

Because they like them?

honestly i could see this being considered Sup Forumscore in the future
it's been awhile since an album was so universally memed on here

>white people music


but you can never get your pride back

well i hope you learned your lesson
there's your refund

You are retarded

>honestly with all the acclaimed artists out there

there's only been a handful of exciting releases the past 5 years or so. get off the fucking sinking ship of pitchfork and stop being an elitist. it's embarrassing.

>there's only been a handful of exciting releases the past 5 years or so
>stop being an elitist. it's embarrassing.
think about what you wrote.
then think about how it relates to the words "all the critically acclaimed musicians"


come on nigger.
if you are trying to be racist at least be logical.
more like corporate product music.


i think i am considered by many to be half yellow

half white, might as well not even mention the yellow part

oh, like majority of the mixed race types that call themselves black.

could it be that race doesn't actually matter just appearances?!

nope this is Sup Forums. race and sjw's is all they ever talk about here

oh yes, the coon and the cracker must hate each other so that the saint class, government, can save em.

we only talk about how women and minorities are ruining our lives here on Sup Forums

so no big picture thinking

got it

Listening to it now

I don't get it

It's just kind of boring

>It's just kind of boring
so you do get it!

>honestly i could see this being considered Sup Forumscore in the future
>it's been awhile since an album was so universally memed on here

Great thread everyone!

They say fuck once. That's enough I guess.