>Tfw Hillary is literally starting to lose
Tfw Hillary is literally starting to lose
>Mfw Trumpshills are in complete denial
>Drumpflings clinging on to their meme candidate to the last second
Same as Berniebots
Sure, Trump is totally saved now. There is absolutely nothing that could hurt him anymore! Oh geez
>mfw euroshits are constantly sidelined by US politics
Trump is a winner!
Hillary, you are fired!
Shills out in full force tonight
carry on, im now a #shill4hill
>the last second
The election hasn't even started.
>muh shills
I honestly don't give a fuck, but I find the similarities between Drumpflings and Berniebots hilarious
I have been #running4theHill since Donald Trump has come out broke
holy fug they're aggressive tonight
They have to go back!
why won't you post the source?
I find past-eating wops caring this much about our election process pretty hilarious.
are you fucking blind? the link is on the image faggot
>light blue text on white background
>3pt font
Just post the link bro
Why won't you post the source?
Apparently I am blind, is it that blue area?
I bet you're one of those poor cucks who voted for Renzi because of the 80 euros. Just stop living in misery and off yourself already.
The light blue on white? It looks like a god damn barcode
I am so fucking tired of seeing these polls. They mean absolutely god damn nothing. These biased polling organizations will sit outside the welfare office in Chicago and poll people, then everyone is like WOW HILLARY IS WAY AHEAD OF TRUMP. Yeah ok.
Even if you believe their bullshit about how fair and neutral and non-partisan they are, polls this early mean nothing.
no, its the black text with the link to the source above the grid, the blue text is just a link to another poll graph site
>written by mexico
You gotta go back paco.
The reason OP's chart has no source is because it is fake.
you're the one typing all that out
>no source
Nice pic of Bernie, pretty dank.
>Will win
Squinting at the upper left, it looks like there's a "realclearpolitics" in there.
> italy
> written by mexico
Not sure if you're retarded or trolling. Here's your (You).