Films women, betas, nu-males and plebs will never understand.
Ill start.
Films women, betas, nu-males and plebs will never understand.
Ill start.
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>hm looks interesting
>wait a minute
>why are the...
Oh god its about fags isnt it?
Plan 69 From Outer Space
No. You wouldn't understand.
i liked that as a kid but then i realized it was shit. still like it for the memes
How did you go from a based kid to a beta nu-male faggot?
This so much.
ITT straightforward movies with nothing to understand
I'm a beta, nu-male pleb, and I love Patton.
Please explain.
The trailer looks good, but the poster...
That doesnt mean you understand it kid.
Historically it's a pile of shit.
Someone donated a statue of Mel Gibson as William Wallace to the William Wallace monument and they had to fence it off because people kept vandalising it for being such shit.
love =/= understand
Brokeback Mountain
Did you really want them to only stick to historical facts? The movie would've been 10 minutes long. Hardly anything from that period is a verified fact.
>Someone donated a statue of Mel Gibson as William Wallace to the William Wallace monument and they had to fence it off because people kept vandalising it for being such shit.
I would expect nothing less from a Scottish scouse.
Scouse? That's Liverpool.
Deviating from historical facts is one thing. But it goes completely off the rails. There's tons we know. Leaving out Andrew de Moray is a cardinal sin when talking about the Battle of Stirling Bridge (Which is also verified there being a Bridge there, it's the main point of the battle).
Brokeback Mountain
If you've ever had a close relationship with a bro like that you need to fuck off back to r/numale
Great movie
Why does Peter Lorre always look like he just murdered a child?
>try watching it
>less than 5 minutes in it claims Edward Longshanks was a pagan
Couldn't watch much more. It's one thing to make him villain and another thing entirely to make him a cartoon.
What If I've never had a close relationship with anyone
i've only seen this guy in one movie but i think he might be my favorite actor
Problem Child 2
hes in shawshank redemption as well
oh shit you're right, that's why he looked so familiar in that film
Nu male cuck detected. End yourself
This film was fucking amazing.
>films that women will never understand
Literally every film ever made because women are fucking retarded.
My girlfriend and I love this so take it off the list.
They don't get the bulge
Name 10 (Ten) dumb women
LOL Pattons good but its not deep and hard to understand at all.
Prop your shitty personality up with something else kiddos
I don't have room here to name every women ever born.
One of my favorite films, too bad the jews destroyed John Milius' career.
>Master and Commander
>Das Boot
>Point Break
>There Will Be Blood
>Paths of Glory
Women can never understand it as they cannot ever be in the position the people in Patton are.
oh 'ratz you were Military Police shooting own troops in the back you now sure understand Pat-
oh nevermind lol
>Any Sergio Leone movie
>Any Scorsese movie
>The Godfather Part II
>The Conversation
>Apocalypse Now
>Paths Of Glory
>Dr. Strangelove
>Barry Lyndon
>Full Metal Jacket
>Lawrence Of Arabia
>Bridge Over The River Kwai
>12 Angry Men
>There Will Be Blood
>Citizen Kane
>No Country For Old Men
>The Hunt
>Battleship Potemkin
>Return Of The Jedi
>The Deer Hunter
>The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford
What Kamen Rider film is this? Ill check it out on KissAsian
Do you have any idea how many old women I know that say Dr. Strangelove is their favourite movie?
Of course I don't, what kind of question is that? I don't even know you.
it says MegaMax right there
Show this one to a sjw oh man it will be a big one
I'd recommend watching W, OOO, and Fourze before watching this one, my dude.
It's 'Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider Fourze & OOO: Movie War Mega Max'
Also, if you chose to ignore my advice at least watch it like a proper ningen.
It's in the Fourze folder.
Brokeback Mountain
Thank you, /m/ate!
He's a very prominent voice actor.
You should go and watch Carnivàle (TV Series 2003–2005)
>English poster for Das Boot
Anything less than the 4.5 hour version in the original German is pleb-tier.
It's a really good poster though
>The Wild Geese
I love the shit out of that movie.
The 'all women don't understand things' meme is an exceptional way to spot a Redditor. I would probably hate all women too if I was a lonely virgin.
i need more nigger killing movies
Anything less than a VCR tape of that version is pleb tier
Look up "Jewish blood libel".