Immigrants heading to britain

'F*** the UK': Hundreds of stone-throwing migrants force Calais to close as they try to BOARD ferries to Britain in violent rampage as police fire tear gas

Disturbances happened near the port of Calais yesterday afternoon
Hundreds of migrants threw stones and attempted to board lorries
Authorities were forced to seal off the port as police erected barriers

Someone explain to me how its not more humane to just go in there and shoot the lot of them?

Would also give a good message to anyone else thinking of following in their footsteps.

We should go all clockwork orange on our politicians.
Force them to watch it, then turn them around and let them explain to an audience why we need to accept or even offer amnesty to these fuckers

It would send a clear message and needs to be done.


rip europe

Because diversity, goyim.

Waste of ammunition

It's like a zombie movie, where zombies are even more retarded, but people actually let them come in.

this must be a false flag op

Remove nig

I'll pay for it if necessary

nuke calais

Illegal immigrants became 'migrants' under newspeak.
I'm surprised some of these drivers haven't banded together and driven these 'migrants' away?

Sounds like they need some american cops to handle a few hundred mooslims

Yeah, you've got a proven track record of stopping the muslims before they commit mass killings

>and two militants from the No Borders anarchist group were reportedly arrested.

and there it fucking is

death penalty for these traitorous vermin

>american cops come over and blast a couple muslims
>couple days later another airliner hits another building

Germany once again responsible for the attempted destruction of Europe... Some things never change.

IMO it's an acceptable word, at least they're not calling them refugees.

How would you drive them away? There are hundreds of them, and even if you did manage to drive them away, they'd probably return later. Besides, the truck drivers just want to deliver their cargo instead of shepherding a bunch of cunts. The police should be the one handling the migrants, except they're already busy with everything else that's been happening (football, labor reform protests, continuing state of emergency, fear that police may be targeted by terrorists again).

How awful! Look what you've done, Nigel Farage and UKIP! Clearly you'll have to vote Remain, stay #strongerIN, and give up your flats to house these victims. It's what Jo would have wanted!

You tell em tough guy

shoot them

death penalty for you too, cunt

i'll take your fucking quads come at me

Refrigerated trucks?

I'm all in favor of launching missiles on their boats instead of pray based Poseidon every time.
Would be the best taxpayers money spent since the beginning of this "refugees" crisis..

Not acceptable, many are there illegally having passed through safe countries to get there.

They can fuck off we don't want them.
don't mind a few Spains and Poles coming here for work, but Africans? lazy shiftless cunts on the benefit scrounge. get fucked.

>we die by having our sympathy manipulated

To think western moral superiority would be our downfall.

So far, more than you
I'd like to see that, measure how cucked Europe is by their collective reactions

Hoe long before you just start machine gunning these invaders down?

Aren't the #BremainDamaged in favor of NO NATION NO BORDER?

Please vote leave :(

Europe downfall was unfettered compassion and nobility


Don't confuse compassion and nobility with cucked and stupidity.

Lmao. The reason these drivers get mobbed is because they are cheap ass losers.

My friend works for a company and 2 YEARS ago they fitted their trucks with state of the art stuff. Bulletproof and smash proof windows. Puncture proof tyres, super heavy security doors that can't be cut open with tools. Electronic locks and sensors to alert you if anyone is at the back

Migrants get so pissed and he just laughs at them. He has one of the most flawless records out of any EU route driver. Saved the company thousands in avoided fines

If you still get boarded by migrants. You are simply a cheapass at this point. And deserve it.

This could work. Leave it unlocked, let the migrants climb in.

