spurdo thread
ive lost my empty spurdo folder, please post more of these.
These crack me up
these are awesome as well
Fuck off
how can swedes even compete?
they cant
>tfw we have the world's biggest meme reserves
Requesting the Geert version of this
Independence ain't free. Saint Mary's land has to be littered with the blood of the red dogs. Vladimir Lenin aka "Penis" is not my chairman. He is a Commie rat and probably Jewish as well. ISAMAA and Republic not motherland and soviet ok. praise Asutav Kogu
Imperium Cleopatrae, user.
10/10 ebin
>a.k.a. "Baphomet"
i love this so much
baphomet was just a corruption of the word mohammad, and was used in one of the trials of templars.
whats this supposed to be?
i like a bit of tolkien
Winged hussar
I always find this one extremely funny, because something almost exactly like that happened during my military service.
thats some badass looking shit, whats their story?
i should read up on history more often
>private drank 2 liters of hand sanitizer and poured kerosine in the stove