So, a question to all fellow Pan-Slavic nationalists. If our glorious Slavia ever came to being, what regime would serve her the best? Not only that, but do you guys have any thoughts on education, languages, etc.
Pan-Slavic nationalism
A jolly fine answer that is my lad, a medal for you.
why would we ever want to be in the same country as inferior nations?
Facism probably, people from balkan hate eachother so much they have to be kept together by millitary force.
bumping it to page1
i am not a slave myself, but I suppose that washing bathrooms in germany and UK would be a Slavia dream. So my best guess that the regime that would help to migrate to west europe would be the most suitable one
Polish regime as the most advanced civilizationally. But that would require a union with Moscow and them becoming polish, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen
I can agree at some point, but what we see in the Balkans is more than just relentless hate, it is much more complicated than what we take it for, therefore i think that they could be put to ease with a bit less brutal force.
You are a traitor to our kind, go kill yourself.
>i think that they could be put to ease with a bit less brutal force.
Yes, it went well with Yugoslavia, surely just doing it on a larger scale will solve everything!
Woah what? Ok you get that we are all Slavs, we're the same kin and all that stuff, we understand each other and etc. What the fuck is your retarded mind talking about Russians becoming Polish, Russians are Polish, so are Polish Russians, u slimy traitor.
As if you know what really happened there, educate yourself, some of us lived through it, and still do.
Not all Slavs are pro-communist these days, but National-Communism or as it was called Titoism would be a bloody fine regime, just without all the liberals shit.
Treba. Pity it won't happen because retarded Slav infighting...
>its a yugoslav thinks other slavs want a slavic union episode
Fuck off
>without all the liberals shit
Could not agree more.
No hope for Slavs m8, too many religions, too much bad blood between our tribes.
Language? The one you're speaking now.
There should be three branches of a Slavic Confederation
- West Slavia: Czech rep, Slovakia, Poland
- South Slavia: ex Yu + Bulgaria
- East Slavia: Great Russians & Malorussians
Each branch represents a federation, all three are equal terms of voting.
>Medžuslovjanski jest język, ktory Slovjani iz råznyh narodov koristajųt, že by komunikovali medžu sobojų. To jest možno, ibo slovjanske języki sųt shodna i srodna grupa. Znanje jednogo języka obyčno jest dostatočno, že by imělo sę priblizno pojmanje, o čem jest tekst na kakom-nebųď drugom slovjanskom języku. Črěz věki, Slovjani sųt naučili dogovarjati sę s svojimi sųsědami posrědstvom prostyh, improvizovanyh narěčij. Jednočasno, medžusobna shodnosť vsěh slovjanskih językov jest nadyhala językoznavcev i drugih k tvorjenju generičnogo slovjanskogo języka, råzumlivogo vsěm Slovjanam. Srěd nih nahodęt sę slavny starocŕkovnoslovjanski język iz 9. stolětja, kako i mnoge ine projekty, publikovane od 16. stolětja do dneś pod imenami kako «vseslovjanski», «medžuslovjanski», «novoslovjanski», «obćeslovjanski» ili prosto «slovjanski», vse osnovane na těhže prědpoloženjah, čto čini ih blizko identičnymi.
One day brate. We are all of same blood, one day we might follow the path of our ancestors and unite as a single greatest nation of the world.
Look pal, there's literally no point in becoming one country, mostly if it's to end up being dominated by Russians again.
Some countries are better than others, Poland is probably the greatest, and Russia is pretty shitty what with its crime, AIDS and murderous mountain Muslims.
I get that you're from Serbia and that you'd want to be joined to more successful countries, but it's just not a good idea at all.
The one I'm speaking right now or the one I'm writing?
And should i let religion divide me and my brothers? Religion that my enemies made do divide us, bad blood fabricated by our enemies, all these things were done to us just so we couldn't unite, but not anymore, we have to be optimistic, it is our kind that we are talking about.
Keep dreaming, the reality is that we passed the point of no return in the last century.
>Poland is probably the greatest
kek it's most probably not
>mostly if it's to end up being dominated by Russians again
there should be a mechanism of putting other countries in check in case of such tendencies
>I get that you're from Serbia and that you'd want to be joined to more successful countries
Slavic countries are not known for their "success" and that's a good thing. We haven't bought the materialist post-capitalist dream (just yet) and as long as we don't we have a chance
I think we should represent a healthy opposition to the EU and NATO/Israel/Soros band
Your fear of Russia will leave us all in ruins! I love your logic, divided we are stronger, right? And USA, they are weak like this, they should be divided into 50 states or how many are there, that way they will be stronger, and independent.
We, you, all Slavs, we are all just slaves of the West at the moment.
Ignore all Serbian posts! High risk of infectious post-communist Russophile autism.
Finally a mind that speaks all the words i can't think of, i salute you brother.
>Pan-Slavic nationalism
it is just like ukraine - there is no such thing
>what regime would serve her the best?
Nation-Socialism obviously.
It would fit us also,cause since the last war,we dethroned Germanics as the masterrace.
Still understand every word of it, bloody brilliant!
I was thinking of something like that, and i like that idea, but separatism should be brutally punished.
So much anti-Slav shills ITT, apparently the NWO is afraid of our unity
Proud to be a Slav!
Oy fuck you bastard, i'm ethnically Russian you fuck, and i love my motherland.
We all need to remember that blood isn't water. And all the rest matters not.
>mfw I can read polish.
Can't wait for it to happen! I would love to be dirt poor!
Slovenes never used Cyrillic. So you're just a Russian Empire balllicker?
Pathetic. Russia doesn't give a shit about Slavs. Russia is becoming less and less Slavic by the day.
That's why we still aren't united. The West was always afraid of us, they know that we are greater, stronger, and when given the opportunity, we would crush them like bugs. Just look how every time they see as grow stronger, they all unite against us.
>We all need to remember that blood isn't water.
>Slovenes never used Cyrillic
We used glagolitic in some areas and this was the basis of later cyrillic. I have no problem with cyrillic for sure.
>Pathetic. Russia doesn't give a shit about Slavs. Russia is becoming less and less Slavic by the day.
nobody cares what you have to say, burger
It's Intersalvic, it was made for all Slavs to understand it.
I am not a Slav, but I fully support you. I think you should adopt the Russian model, because it is the best.
But will Slavia be centralist state or federation?
>Russia shits all over other Slav nations for time imemotial
>only historically recently got out from Russian rule
>guys we just need to unite again with me in charge! Promise not to be a cunt like every other time
>you're very wealthy and independent at the moment
Stop spreading shit traitor, go live somewhere in the West, be their bitch and live like shit for a lot of money, you materialist scum.
Their current goal is to balkanize Russia. Every fucking cry from the murrican side is basically "russia ebul, we muzd stop it whaaaa"
That's exactly why we MUST support Russia!
Based Magyar.
>the last to settle in Central Europe
>bastion of European civilization
I salute you!
Federation, has to be.
>You know what Russians are like, and what Russia thinks
Meh, i guess anything would be better than keep trying to be more westish, like our lovely leftist politicians want to.
Don't want to end up being full cuck living hard life for 'refugees' to leech off.
But than again, we already got the gypsy problem.
Same shit, different name.
Are you trying to make my capital be Belgrade again? Trying to live from Slovenian GIBS ME DAT again?
My parents have good stories about life in Yugoslavia. If it wasn't for someone telling them Australia was the land of milk and honey in the 70s I would be living there instead.
>south Slavs can't maintain union without iron fist dictator
>Thinks all Slavs can
Je li to zaistinu Poljski, ili nekakav medžuslovjanski?
>ili nekakav medžuslovjanski?
>Medžuslovjanski jest język, ktory Slovjani iz råznyh narodov koristajųt...
stvarno si nepismen bre
Are you afraid little Murica, we know who's first to take a bullet if we ever unite :^)
We should just nuke entire eastern europe, fucking vodka niggers
We should strive for a peaceful solution, for a mutual cooperation and the dismantle of NWO, muricans want it two they're just too brainwashed to realize it.
Trump would be great for Slavo-murican relations
>fucking vodka niggers
yea I know vodka is haram for you Ahmed, kill yourself
This times ten.
> Russia is becoming less Slav by the day
> Meanwhile the average Russian is the epitome of Slavness
> And they wear that bag quite proudly
I wish USA was banned.
Also when Slavs unite we need to wipe out the jews. That's the first step to conquering earth.
fuck a Russia dominated super state. Trade and defence federation with polen, the keks, the slovaks and the serbs would do just fine.
Make sure you purge the commie scum that naturally rises in slavland to ensure the prosperity of our peoples
Lahko dobit ena potica?
Socialism, of course. But without refugees or any shitskins.
This guy speaks wisdom.
>> Meanwhile the average Russian is the epitome of Slavness
>> And they wear that bag quite proudly
WTF does Slavness mean
So Serbs are less Slavic than Russian?
Slavic racism is so fucking dumb.
Slavs aren't a real race, even. You're just a language group.
Poles are more like Lithuanians than Serbs or Russians anyway. Fucking idiot.
We'd support you if you weren't such dumbfucks.
>> Meanwhile the average Russian is the epitome of Slavness
Average Russian is the reason slavic people are portrait as tracksuit wearing, squatting drunks.
>Medžuslovjanski jest język
Ne, to je izmišljeni jezik konju.
Da imamo vođu poput Tite koji bih mogao biti živ do 100 godina i politicki aktivan, nacionalni komunizam bih bio daleko naj prihavtljivija socijalna opcija.
Why do you insist on lumping Russia with us? They're asiatic savages that happen to speak a slavic language due to historical reasons, we have nothing in common with them.
You should thank your parents and that someone that told them to leave this desolate land.
Also those "good old times in Yugoslavia" are nothing more than nostalgia/rose tinted glasses. memes.
And fuck this pan slavism utopian nonsense. The only slavic country that I have any respect for is Checz Republic. The rest of you are fucking niggers.
Pan slavic but without Russians desu senpai
>Poles are more like Lithuanians
It's the other way around, since Poland was the dominating party.
Either this or Intermarum with Visegrad as it's capitol.
fucking idiots
The only slavic country you respect is the only country that's pretending to be germanic like you?
>yugo 2.0
no thanks
same difference
Intermarium would be good. A Slavic Empire would just be Russia ruling everyone again. Duh. Russia doesn't give a shit about Slavs surviving. Russia is allowing Moscow to turn Asian/Muslim.
Look it up guys, this is so fucking retarded.
Russia and the EU are both evil and anti-sanity.
Interslavic (Medžuslovjanski, in Cyrillic Meджycлoвјaнcки) is a zonal constructed language based on the Slavic languages.
Interslavic can be classified as a semi-artificial language. It is essentially a moderncontinuation of Old Church Slavonic, but also draws on the various improvised language forms Slavs have been using for centuries to communicate with Slavs of other nationalities, for example in multi-Slavic environments and on the Internet, providing them with a scientific base.
Dakle nije pravi jezik.
Bigger but poorer czekia and it has got this much ego.
Do it
I have an idea. Form a club without Russia.
Fucking hell, whoever thought of this is a fucking genius.
because 5th column, lord of trips (fucking checked)
this desu senpai
yea that works, as long as we keep national sovereingty. We can easily maintain EU and NATO basis when they fall apart to build something for our peoples and not shit on the work of the last generation.
>tfw american living in Belgrade with qt gf
>tfw I get to watch my home country crumble while living /comfy/ on precious USD in Serbia
Holy Orthodox Theocracy
>Intermarium would be good. A Slavic Empire would just be Russia ruling everyone again. Duh. Russia doesn't give a shit about Slavs surviving. Russia is allowing Moscow to turn Asian/Muslim.
>Look it up guys, this is so fucking retarded.
>Russia and the EU are both evil and anti-sanity.
I am glad that somebody noticed
Terrible idea. I don't want my country to have anything to do with other countries, especially other Slavic shit holes.
>includes Romania
>excludes Bulgaria
>doesn't annex Kalininkek
>1 post by this ID
rly nigger?
but not all slavs are Orthodoxal barbarians.
...Said an unemployed, but proud citizen of the british "empire", who just finished reading about "toothbrush" on wikipedia, and is now ready to go to his national museum.
>Ukraine exists
The clostest thing we can get to pan-slavism is create Intermarium and keep close trade relations with Russia.
>but not all slavs are Orthodoxal barbarians.
Yeah, some like to kiss the feet of refugees.
Shit, First time i see this, but i got most of it. Impressive.
This will be official anthem of panslavic unions, without russian and with domination of POLAND XD