well that was shit
Well that was shit
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don't talk shit about my movie
the second half was pretty good
it was a good movie.
get over it
>good points
Felicity Jones a qt
Cool Vader scene
Force Monk Guy and his gunner bro
>bad points
Pretty much everything else
Cardboard as fuck characters, too much jumping around pointless areas that mean nothing, muh references. But it's better than TFA. At least it tries telling an original story and not completely rehashing another shamelessly.
literally the only good part of the movie and it still looks dumb with slow moving laser shots
>Force Monk Guy and his gunner bro
are you chinaman?
>ITT; white bois getting triggered
It was a good Star Wars movie, quit being a sperg.
Way better than TFA
They seemed like they had good chemistry and probably had fun adventures surviving purges and shit
Kind of glad China forced these characters to exist
Is that a Cracked article?
>brings to mind allahu ackbar
Why didn't they just do that every time?
Force monk guy was gay as shit
>are you kidding me I am blind
I cringed in the theater
that line was funny, he was the only memorable new character from the movie, already forgotten the rest and what they did
Line was funny if you are 5 also the best character was the main antagonist
woah woah woah careful
you don't want to cut yourself with that edge
He didn't really do anything bad but ok
>terrorists that are trying to undermine the government are extremist foreigners.
Just like real life.
While it looks cool, there's so much wrong with that scene.
1. How does that small ship push the destroyer that much/that fast?
2. How does the emp'd destroyer cut open the other one (with presumably working shields) instead of just ramming into it like the smaller hammerhead ship, and why doesn't the hammerhead cut into the disabled destroyer?
3. Shouldn't the working destroyer have the ability to reverse thrust?
4. Why didn't any Tie Fighters notice that and go and destroy the hammerhead?
>t. liberal on Sup Forums to "spy on the enemy"
I don't wear hats and I'm clean shaved, cuck
>RO shitters calling anybody a cuck
There's nothing wrong except you're stupid.
1 - powerful engines vs. no engines
2 - yer eyes suk, hammerhead DID cut into hull
3 - no. Do u see engines on its front????
4 - space is big. really big.
That's some good quality. Any streams/torrents of the movie that aren't cams yet?
1. Still shouldn't be able to accelerate that fast.
2. It didn't cut it in half like the fucking other one.
3. Ships in Star Wars use magic sci fi engines, so it shouldn't need them in the front. X wings can take off vertically but they don't have engines on the bottom.
>Officer over radio: Help, we're being pushed into the shield station.
>Tie Squadron: Oh shit, we're coming to help
Also they were all in the same place
>takes his sweet fucking time using the force on random people while the guy with the plans literally just runs away
anyone who likes this scene is a fucking moron
Wait what the fuck? Why didn't they just turn on their thrusters? Why did they just fucking sit there?
Also why does one spaceship cut through the other instead of them both falling apart?
1 - wrong
2 - what are you on about?
3 - magic? fuck off!
4 - ok, i know they divided that scene into 3 separate parts, but please show some intelligence: there was no time.
Chirruts buddy
Landing two lightyears from Galens house
Everyone a bit too competent in combat
CGI Tarkin
>Needlessly indulgent, but not bad
Vaders scene at the end
Pretty much everything else
which one was that?
Chirrut was the staff monk
did you really think it could be any good?
Even if it's just a dumb appeal to the Chinese, it's at least an interesting addition to the series what with him not being Force attuned but still trusts it 100%. His gunner buddy was completely superfluous, but I blame shitty writing rather than the concept.
I'd see more shit like that.
>He doesn't know about y-wing Ion Cannons
Stupid fanboy shit. ANH Vader has Stormtroopers do this shit for him.
It's literally the lead in to the scene in IV where he is there choking people in person
How do the ships even pick up enough speed to damage the shield generator? They're pretty far in orbit above the planet, meaning that there was little gravity to pull it towards the planet. Also, we see that X-wings and plasma blasts just bounce off of the shield. Why does this slow, lumbering piece of heavy falling debris even make a dent in the shields?
It made a dent in the control mechanism for the gate.
....Was that planned? Like, how well did they expect to control the fall of the ships? All they did was crash them into each other.
I hope disney makes more of these one shot star war stories and just forgets about 7, 8, 9 but I know it's going to be the opposite.
He's choking high-level officers who have information. He's not sweeping his way through the rebel defenders like a one-man army
My theater laughed and I chuckled
Whats wrong with a little harmless fun, you edgy suburban teen?
What if the new trilogy ends up being bad but the spinoff films are all good?
I thought it as pretty funny for showing how it's impossible for Vader to sneak up on people becuse of his silly breathing.
So was princess Leia just chilling in one of the ships in the middle of battle or I miss something?
I could see that happening. This movie was much better then TFA in my eyes. All they needed to do was add a few minutes to flesh out the new character a bit but otherwise I was very impressed how by the films pacing. It didn't feel like there was a single time it was dragging its feet explaining exposition or some other needless scene. It also neatly answers why the death star has it's fatal weakness.
Fuck you, now I'm gonna laugh the next time I see that scene.
They're not lasers, they're plasma bolts
If they were lasers you wouldn't see them, unless they were streams
>Why didn't they just do that every time?
You have to take down their shields first
1. Still shouldn't be able to accelerate that fast.
They're in a vaccuum
Have you never been to space, you cunt? Tap something and it'll fly away
>I read a wikipedia page so I know all about physics: the post
You're clearly not autistic enough to be here. Go be normal and stop messing with tards on a Mongolian crocheting forum
You only have to watch videos of astronauts in space to see this
Stay sheepish
>They're not lasers, they're plasma bolts
Sup Forums get out
Try changing the moon's orbit with a rocket and tell me how it goes.
>spherecuck calls another spherecuck a sheep.
>american education
The moon is travelling at high speed around the Earth, it'll take something with more energy than that to knock it away
>moon is travelling at light-speed.
>We landed a trash can on it, and stuck a flag that's still there.
Europoor education.
Literally how the fuck is the Empire even a threat? They are the single most incompetent entity you could ever dream up. It completely ruins any sort of suspense when you know that no matter what they do, it never works out.
It's like being the opposite of a Mary Sue. The plot sets them up with them already crushing shit, until the protagonists come in and then they literally can't do a single thing right. I'm convinced Jedi's and the rebellion aren't even needed in this franchise. A fucking ant could take down the entire empire, and do it by just doing ant shit all day.
Who the fuck said light speed? Dumb cunt
a true anty hero
The difference is that at the end of R1 the plans were RIGHT there in that hallway. At the beginning of ANH they were just boarding the ship.
i think the hammerhead went down with the star destroyer
if that's the case, not enough ships and eventually no one will want to serve on a hammerhead