>this is a 7/10 in Brazil
Also, do you like soap operas?
>this is a 7/10 in Brazil
Also, do you like soap operas?
what about the monkeys?
can barely see her neck
Her face isn't that good
That's a 6/10 in LA, 6/10 in europe and a 15/10 in britain.
Why do Brazilians have such huge butts? Is it the from race mixing with negros?
she looks cold with the goosebumps on her skin
Why do Brazilians love anal so much?
they use horse steroids
You meant a 0/10 in Britain
>13 million followers on Instagram
ah yes
1. It's a largely Catholic country, and Catholic girls believe in the "virgin in the front, martyr in the rear" nonsense.
2. Brazilian women have enormous asses. It's difficult not to focus on them and develop a fetish.
Why don't all girls realize how much they love anal?
Every girl I know that was adamant about never doing butt stuff ended up loving it if you ease them into it.
Also, I like eating ass, baby girl. Lemme show you *eats ass tenderly and respectfully*
>mfw have a friend who's an English teacher who moved there to teach English, then fucked and married a qt 10/10 Brazilian
Is it really nice there?
lol ''''teach English'''''' is just code for fuck foreign girls and get paid to do it
>1. It's a largely Catholic country, and Catholic girls believe in the "virgin in the front, martyr in the rear" nonsense.
That hasn't been the case for a while.
It's pretty nice.
what went wrong?
THIS so much. I usually tease a finger or two near the butthole, not touching it directly but sliding around while I grab her ass. Eventually she will say she wants or ass fingered or to straight up stick it in.
This. That guy wanted an excuse to attend an all-you-can-eat-ass-buffet and went with the classic. "Teaching English" to those horny foreign girls mmmmh?
Shit waifu
Best grill alessandra negrini coming through
post her neck and clavicle
Órgão excretor não reproduz
what a dog face
u dont want to know my thoughts on this hiney
can sort of see her neck, post more neck
this is an REQUIREMENT
do your own research
*taps scepter*
How dare you filthy peasant ! Bring me more neck photos at once or I'll meme you
>chicken skin
>too tanned
>fake redhead
>about to turn her head like in the exorcist
>swims in filthy green water
2/10 would not bang
What a tranny face, 5/10 in Russia
My waifu is Alessandra Negrini, pegging my butthole with a strapon
>pegging boipucci
>not pegging throatpucci
fkn amateur
I'm a brazilian and this "yours 10/10 is our 6/10" just bullshit to bait turists. Like every place in the world there's lots of non pretty women to few pretty one. But comparing to ours neighboors, a brazilian average women is far prettier than a mexican, bolivian, colombian or whatever, their american indian traces are too strong. Brazil is really a mixed culture country so our genes got a lot of everything, the biggest japanese colony is here, italians and lots of black people. Now we're best know for our black/brown soccer players, but Kaya Scodelario is half brazilian and she isn't brown for instance.
Who do you think hates themselves more - ugly men or ugly women?
0/10 in Warner
Does she like it in her butt though? That's really the most important thing to know about a cute girl, especially a cute Brazilian girl.
But some of those full blooded Colombian girls are 10/10 junk in the trunk, untapped beauties. Are you saying Brazil is some cucked quadroon land?
Only if I could be her captain barbosa
Because they're fags.
wow you're so smart
I watched an entire dubbed brazilian soap opera because of her.
Ugly men. Ugly women don't beta orbit 7/10 men while showering then with gifts and attention. Most ugly white women still manage to still bag a decent looking non-white guy easy.
Huh what is going on in Chile?
>tfw Mexican and teen
My Bf did that. Works well. I'm debating doing it back to him since I'm 99% certain guys should like it more what with the prostate and all.
pic unrelated.