ITT: films where the twist was disappointing
ITT: films where the twist was disappointing
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around bears
never relax
What was the twist?
what a fucking retard
Agreed. Fuck bears, they're assholes. At least something like a tiger will have the decency to kill you before it eats you, bears give zero fucks about eating you while you lie there screaming. When I think of bears, I'll always think of that sloth bear eating that guy's face while it has him pinned down, and that 19-year-old Russian girl on the phone with her mom, while a bear eats her alive over the course of an hour. If bears went extinct tomorrow, I'd be fine with that.
His neck and her back.
He deserved it. Bears are still pieces of shit.
He gets et
You're told that at the start of the movie though
Timothy bust have been the biggest conservationalist there was. Even worse than the Into the Wild hipster faggot.
They deserved their death.
But his gf didn't.
Fuck off. You can go a life time without a wolf, shark or snake bite. Idiotic tourists and hunters break that barrier.
You fuck off
I wish Steve Irwin would have met him
She was an adult not a child. She made her own decision to go.
Yeah, fuck the environment
I know what you are but what am i?
Yeah and she hated bears too, what a retard.
Nice goalpost shifting reddit
Nice shitpost here is your (you)
No audio of the attack
shouldn't have poked the Russian bear
The subject of the documentary and his girlfriend get mauled to death by a bear. Werner contemplates letting the audience hear the audio if their deaths, but after hearing the audio himself, he's so horrified that he refuses to do so.
The Machinist
that scene of him listening on the headphones with the woman reacting is intense
what a pussy, he should have spent more time on the internet and he would be desensitized to that kind of thing.
More documentaries like this?