Why are socialists bad, but national socialists are good? What's the difference?

Why are socialists bad, but national socialists are good? What's the difference?

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They are greek.

If we gave niggers free health and dental they would just turn us into their slaves.

A German should never, ever allow someone to use his tax dollars to provide advanced services to a non-German.

national socialists still have private property and freedoms

Because national socialists weren't actually socialists

Both of them are shit though

i am greek

Read Mein Kampf, Chapter 11, Vol. 1 for the detailed answer.

>“’Socialist’ I define from the word ‘social’ meaning in the main ‘social equity’. A Socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency.
>Our adopted term ‘Socialist has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true socialism is not. Marxism places no value on the individual, or individual effort, of efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community. All great inventions, discoveries, achievements were first the product of an individual brain. It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false.”
-- Adolf Hitler 1938

>Against the Mainstream: Nazi privatization in 1930's Germany (Germa Bel)

socialists murder their own citizens by letting them starve to death painfully, national socialists just put them in gas chambers and get it over with

keked at freedoms

Oh please do tell me how many were allowed to criticize Hitler and not be sent to the camps the next day or arrested and sentenced to death by firing squad

They both suck.
Nationalism alone is good, socialism is a virus.

National socialism is pro white socialism. Regular socialism has thrown in it's lot with the suicidal ideas of social liberalism.

Yeah but why would you want to criticise Hitler, he was a lad.

no society has complete freedoms, it would be chaos. national socialism has the freedoms that matter not the freedoms to be a flaming degenerate communist

One of the reasons I still come to Sup Forums

One is nation building, the other is a race to the bottom.

>believing in gas chamber murders
normie pls go
>believing Hitler didn't redefine socialism to combat socialism through name appropriation
normie, pls go
>not realizing they redefined socialism
normies pls go reeeeeeeeeee

I'm starting to realize this. Too much freedom lets the retards burn down everything.

>be sent to the camps the next day or arrested and sentenced to death by firing squad

what, no gas vans or mengele experiements?

Remember the (((15-20 million)))

Because socialism only works if you get rid of all of the parasites. Which is why you neet losers should be at work right now instead of posting. It's 7 AM for fucks sake.

Most people mean communism when they say socialism. Thanks American public education system.

They're both shit.


its the added dose of pure Nationalism

whats the alternative?

One of them kills jews. The other panders to them

National Socialism has nothing to do with socialism (aka marxism-judaism)

Marxist Socialism emphasizes an egalitarian society, like libertarianism.

Socialism works much better in smaller, more close-knit groups where people are united by common goals or beliefs (an extreme example of this would be the Amish; they live in small communities where everyone works together to survive, and they all share the same religious principles). The bottom line with socialism is that it takes sacrifice, and in a diverse, multicultural society nobody wants to stick their neck out for each other, everyone wants to pursue their own objectives and ignore the larger pool of society. National socialism unites everyone through national identity and gives them a common cause.

i think you mean the (((60 Gorilliion)))

they're both bad.
nationalism is good.
national socialism is bad
Hitler was the first feminist leader and he wanted to cuck the german men by forcing them to marry single mothers.

National Socialism is not socialism in the sense of handing out free shit to dysfunctional retards for votes; it was a commonly-owned country which did not allow capitalism to operate in ways that extracted wealth from the people; but kept it all within their own economy for the greater livelihood of everyone.

Socialism without nationalism is just white people paying for lazy niggers and other minorities. Nationalist socialism is every able-bodied person has to contribute and if you don't you go to the gas chamber


oyy, how unamerican a thing to say!

Citizens of nazi Germany were allowed to own firearms.

Ive read accounts that as long as you wernt jewish, life pretty much stayed the same under the Nazis.... except for the war, of course

Regular socialists want to share your stuff with niggers, national socialists wants to share your stuff with children in need and elderly on a national level

So socialism can only work if we annihilate the nogs?

this is why australia and usa need to be bros.
think of how much more fun they would be with guns