holy shit the future is here
YIFY would be proud
holy shit the future is here
YIFY would be proud
all they did was lower the bitrate.
the eye only sees 100 bitrate
Looks like shit you lose the entire background and overall contrast is reduced. Fuck you and your low bit rate standards.
fuck off, x265 is GOAT at 1gb+ though
I mean. You can easily see the difference.
nice, now will be better to look at all that bbc
Do Netflix shows even get bluray releases?
the rate is 24 bits per second.
>3k bitrate
so this is in 360p?
>You can easily see the difference.
Seriously though, where?
My TV probably doesn't support this shit which sucks.
Also I can finally download 1080p rips that aren't 10+GB in size.
Looks almost exactly the same. The color is a bit off but you can't beat that filesize.
I know this is a troll thread but don't download from encoders who cap their max file size... x265 TV shows should at least be 500MB.
In the image?
Especially the faces.
The left looks slightly better?
Literally end your life.
>anything less than 31GB
Are you poor?
>pirating costs by the gb
>lowered to 100
How do you even spot the difference between a 12GB rip and a 30GB rip? Isn't most of the in-between just uncompressed audio that you most likely won't hear the difference in anyways?
they do some like oragne is the new black but not the marvel shows i think they only just released season 1 daredevil on blu ray
>downloads the largest file size
>watches it on his monitor
right looks like shit.
what are you trying to prove?
There is a visible difference between a 3GB rip and 10GB rip on a 24' monitor user. But over that is probably negligible.
Monitors offer the best quality image.
Don't be so dramatic. It's looks fine and great for that file size.
Yes. You can see more retails.
For example you can't even see the mole in the right one.
This desu. Really kills my experience. Unwatchable.
>How do you even spot the difference between a 12GB rip and a 30GB rip?
Depends on the length, aspect ratio and picture quality of the movie. For example, a 12GB 1080p encode of The Godfather Part 2 would look pretty bad.
Never said it's bad. I'll take the one with the shitty bitrate most of the time.
Just that it's noticeably worse and it's not really a wonder that it has a lower filesize.
x265 for anything under 4k is retarded
nice meme, I can just lower the bitrate on x264 too and get a smaller filesize.
Spotted the retard.
is this a shill thread?
Yes. Shilling for an encode that is offered freely to pirates.
I knew it
who /irfanview/ here?
who /700mb/ here?
>download 3/4GB 1080 rip
>watch on 720 screen
Physical pain.
>24 bits per second
Wut ? That's even not enough to describe a pixel bouncing between 2 segments.
(sry I'm from Sup Forums and my homework is to make a little "pong" game)
i'd rather have at least 8000 bitrate and files that are 10gb for that extra actual placebo and non-placebo effect.
No it doesn't and it looks like even bigger shit when you're watching it and not screen capping it.
Thanks TIFY!
>go on putlocker and record the screen
holy shit this is like 144p why the fuck would they even release this shit
Both rips look like ass, you fucking faggot.
(only use it for imgs tho)
lmao there's no difference you mong
OP doesn't get to have an opinion on file compression. Crash this thread.
t. braindead YIFY follower
The x264 looks better, a little less banding in dark regions and the blur in the background seems to be better defined. The difference is so small that once the screen starts moving you'd never notice. But we're talking a trash tier x264 encode with a very well done x265. There's no source to compare against. Basically muh cherrypicked screenshots.
I hate when they do HEVC for 180 videos. It makes my high end gaming PC go full blast and still stutters terribly
x265 is GOAT at ~1000kb/s
x264 is better in that one though. look at her arm hair for example. it becomes much more detailed in x264, becomes a bit too blurry in x265.
>high end gaming PC
>can't into 1080p HEVC
Pick one and only one.
>wasting bandwidth on a shit show
only download 30gb blu-ray rips of kino
180 degrees not 1080
this and only this
What's wrong with them?