SaigaMarine and BlackPowderRanger

Who remember? Forums-white-supremacists-bringing-gun-to-mi-1744412287

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Based /k/omrades

omg a gun


>gawker is trying to come back at us


>Recording a video where you talking about wanting to shoot niggers while you drive to a place where you very likely might have to shoot niggers
>Put it on the internet
>End up having to shoot niggers
>Looks premeditated because of your stupid video

These cunts deserve a Darwin Award. How fucking dumb do you gotta be?

>They memed in real life.

archive clickbait plox

What a time to be alive

Have they finished their trial yet? Did they go free or did they go to prison?
Afaik listening to the niggers on location it was self defense as the herd swarmed them.

Probably. I haven't really heard more about them since the shooting.

They were attacked by a pack of wild niggers. Verdict was Self Defense - Not Guilty

They also listened danced to notorious kkk afaik. Anyone have that video?


i want to believeveveve

>All these folks here, should get the justice and peace they deserve
>Melanin enriched community

Oh Lord


These fucks pretty much associated everything /k/ with white supremacy, and racism.

They had to cancel the nearby nuggetfest because BLM threatened to show up. And one of the fuckers went to the news and tried to rat everybody out for a plea deal.

Fug them.

>They had to cancel the nearby nuggetfest because BLM threatened to show up.

>BLM Shows up at nuggetfest to attack peaceful campers.

I can only fucking laugh. /k/ is scared of /BLM/
OK bro.

>pretty much associated everything /k/ with white supremacy, and racism.

Let me tell you something about people outside /k/. They already looked at it like that. Who gives a fuck?

The /k/ patch has now been reported by mainstream media as a white supremacy thing so sucks having to explai that if you get called out on it.

As for Nuggetfest they threatened to show up and do their famous "occupation" tactic were they just get in everyones way, yelling and refusing to leave.

>go to niggerville
>go to niggerville chimp party
>expecting anything else to happen

I don't think they fully believed the "niggers are violent and want to fuck you up for being anything but a nigger" warnings. Darwin indeed.

Someone check the court website for an update please

>linking to gawker
>current year

>They attempted to retreat before being cornered.
>video of the nogs saying they were going to assault them
>no one actually died
Of course they got off

Please be true

He has not been to trial yet.

Was going to be on private property?

Badge of honor