What does he mean by this?
What does he mean by this?
Gee, I dunno...
It means he's gone senile and can no longer be trusted as (((they))) have warped his mind.
really makes me think
>unrestrained capitalism
Capitalism and Communism is both pushed by (((them)))
National Socialism is the answer.
10/ 10.
>"""unrestrained capitalism"""
Hmmm... makes... think...
>making the same thread for a third time in 2 days
they must have threatened him
Yet Bernie was the bad guy? Get your narrative straight bud
Communism and National Socialism are both branches of socialism which is a Jewish invention
The man has to play it safe, not even legends like Brando could stand against the Jew.
That's actually brilliant, and possibly accurate. Why would he bring up Jews out of nowhere?
>(((unrestrained capitalism)))
I'm picking up what your putting down Mr. Carpenter. I'm picking it up big time
>Why would he bring up Jews out of nowhere?
Because those are literally the only replies he gets on Twitter
He means They Live is about yuppies and unrestrained capitalism. It has nothing to do with Jewish control of the world, which is slander and a lie.
I never go on twitter but this makes me want to
>its a Sup Forums gets carpenter assassinated because of meme magic episode
This doesn't match up at all with the idea that they're aliens, outsiders who have subverted the general public to their own design and exploit nations to benefit "their people"
As someone who doesn't like Reddit OR Sup Forums, this pleases me immensely
Will Sup Forums ever recover?
>Reddit's /pol
would journalist ever understand internet?
Sup Forums confirmed reddit
why do they allow blatant anti-semites like Carpenter to make movies? his angry denials prove he meant it to be about the jews all along
Of course Carpenter wouldn't come out and say, "Yep, They Live is about Jewish control."
Not even the dumbest celeb in Hollywood would come out and say that -- not because it's not true, just because it would cause them a lot of damage.
With the influx of redditfugees into nu-Sup Forums, he's not wrong
Fuck off it is, when the socialist system inevitably collapses the nationalist side forces the country to go on the warpath to secure resources to stave off the collapse for a few more years.
Based as fuck.
>rëddit's Sup Forums
Kek they knew what they were doing
>jewish control of the world is a lie
>everyone who controls the world is actually jewish
Really makes you think...
>unrestrained capitalism
>nothing to do with jews
((((they)))) got to him bros
why is there a nigger in that gif?
actually, fascism is a zionist invention
It's a commercial for a Canadian whiskey - gotta force the multikult diversity down your throat.
now there's a nigga who's woke
right... and this makes it okay for you to use it why?
Sorry? I'm not the user who posted it, I was only explaining why there was a nigger in the gif.
it's true though, the originator of fascism, Mussolini was an ardent zionist. In fact, nazi germany initially wanted to kick out all the jews and ship them out as well. It's why the "final solution" is the "final" because they were initially zionists as well.
Fascism was created explicitly for jews to justify the creation of the nation state of israel. The rothchilds pushed fascism in britain and elsewhere explicitly for this purpose.
>Fascism was created explicitly for jews to justify the creation of the nation state of israel.
Literally this. Holocaust was a jewish false flag.
aye, cool. just saying... we shouldn't use impure memes.
yeah, i know. i wasn't being ironic. i'm
If he's heard of Sup Forums he knows where it is. Dollars to donuts he's lurked a fair amount and did this deliberately.
>Carpenter wrote, directed and scored the film and he didn't intend it to be an anti-Semitic allegory.
Wake up. Didn't he forget that authorial intention is worthless in the ultimate assessment of a work?
Even if Carpenter wrote it about Yuppies and Unrestrained Capitalism in the 80's, people are going to see whatever they want to see in it.
Alt Right are going to see Jewish Conspiracy, Socialist are going to see 1% Vs.99% conspiracy. Alex Jones see "The Illuminati".
People who hate Trump, Hilary, The Pope, Jews, Rich, New Yorkers, Californians, Muslims, Left Leaners, whatever are going to see them as the aliens in "They Live".
>which is a slander and a lie
This deserves far more (You)s
>Hillary, Jews, Rich, New Yorkers, Californians, Left Leaners
Why did you say the same thing six times
Good show old top!
>bringing up French structuralism to ''debunk'' anything
the ''''liberal'' ''education'''' is strong with this one
Eh. They were zionist in the sense that they wanted the jews out of Europe, I guess. Look up the Haavara Agreement. It's literally retarded to call fascism as a whole a "jewish invention". Idiot.
What's the name of that heavily militarized ethno-nationalist state that exists today? I forget.
Bernie is a Communist Jew of course he's part of the problem.
Didn't actually address my argument. Nice logical fallacy by the way.
Just call me a Cuck and you win the debate.
>logical fallacy
nice atheist gobbledygook, cuck
An ethno-nationalist state does not equal a fascist one, even if it's "militarized". You're probably a pleb that thinks authoritarianism = fascism. But there are comparisons to be made between judaism and National Socialism as a worldview, they kinda of mirror each other. Which was the whole point of NS, in a sense.
take my (You)
i like it
10/10 FPBP yet again.
China's very multi-ethinic, but all asians looks the same to westerners, so we just think they're homogenous.
is this a passive aggressive way of saying 'educate yourself'?
No they aren't. National "socialism" isn't socialism in anyway shape or form. They just called it that to appeal to working class men. Nazi Germany protected private property , destroyed workers rights won during the previous republic and launched a relentless campaign to defeat "Jewish" communism. It's about is far from socialism or any left wing ideology is you can realistically get.
>if he's heard of Sup Forums he knows where it is
such naivete user
He means that his movie is about Jewish control of the world. They remark about (((unrestrained capitalism))) is just dogwhistling since he can't broach the subject directly.
>socialism which is a Jewish invention
Anti-Jews have to be the most deluded shills in history. You'll literally claim anything and insist it's true, holy fuck. You make SJWs look like astrophysicists.
>Reddit's /pol and baitchan
What did they mean by this?
Why are neckbeards always so butt hurt about jews
Han are the only ones that matter anyway.
Yeah that's exactly why the movie was pulled from theaters. He knew exactly who he was targeting.
Jews produce capeshit and have more money than them.
litteral IDF arrived
i think the movie makes it pretty explicit that the 'yuppies' are the few that get to intermingle with the Others, unbeknownst to themselves
so who are the Others?
>i have faggot opinions
cool bruh, keep puffing on that devil's cabbage
>Not an argument
Any system that defends the existence of private property and any form of hierarchy or inheritance cannot is not a left wing ideology. Let alone socialism. You'd know that if you weren't an politically ignorant retard. Stop getting all your information from pol and brainwashed "libertarians".
>dude i read chomsky lmao
It's not an opinion, the entire history of socialism and the people who influenced it is freely available on the internet or in textbooks. You're a pathological liar and you obviously want the world to be in some dystopian state where everyone believes a bunch of malicious bullshit peddled by angry sociopathic lunatics. Hopefully someone beats you to death and it makes it extraordinarily painful.
Carpenter is a well-meaning empathetic person who grew up in the post-war era, that's why he refuses to address the Jewish question.
As always the big problem with the Jewish question is, blue-pilled people refuse to make over-generalizations and see them as victims (a lot of them are), while red-pilled people see every Jew as inherently evil, while there should be a middle ground between the two. It's a semantic question. It's not "the Jews", but a minority of the top% of Jews that belong to a more complex network of banking elites or media moguls who got there through centuries of nepotism and usury and share the worst traits from the Talmud (contempt for goyim, incredibly arrogance, chosen one beliefs) and Zionists (create conflict amongst hosting communities to divide and conquer while making profit, spreading lies and propaganda through media and education, claim to be defends of oppressed minorities and champions against inequalities all while supporting a far-right, racialist, tribalist, theocratic, apartheid state, etc). And as was proven in WW2, the common, ordinary Jews who just wanna live a simple life are the victims of the behavior of these elites who create the confusion of antisemitism.
Even if he refuses to address the Jewish question, I'm still convinced that as a person, he has very obvious "goy" qualities, that are very much the opposite of typically Jewish traits. His refusal to be seen as an auteur and seeing himself as a simple storyteller/craftsman reminds me of goyim like Hawks or Ford, it's a quiet modesty and lack of vulgarity that you don't find in Jewish filmmakers. Also his attachment to working-class heroes, etc. This anecdote from the MoH dinners exemplifies this. He points out these three filmmakers are vain, disloyal, disingenuous... they just happen to be Jewish. That's why he doesn't really belong in Hollywood and was ostracized, even he refuses to admit it to himself because of his good nature.
>Any system that defends the existence of private property and any form of hierarchy or inheritance cannot is not a left wing ideology.
Still don't have an argument. Explain to me how nazi Germany was in anyway a socialist country. Oh and I can't stand Noam Chomsky. He's liberal reformist pretending to be a leftist like most modern "left-wing" activists.
>Still just memes and no arguments
You Sup Forumstards are absolutely pathetic.
the fact that you used that pic as an example of a paradox just proves you're a retard
>i want you to make an effort arguing on a meme board 'cause this might change someone's opinion
nigga, stop being delusional. no one gives a shit what you got to say.
>Still no argument
Yeah I'm the one that's delusional. Not the guy who can't back up anything he has to say.
>referring to yourself as the horror master
the fucking ego on this guy
>unless it fits my impossible criteria it's not a TRUE left-wing ideology!
National Socialists may have tolerated the existence of private property and eagerly embraced hierarchy, but it certainly had elements of government focus on social welfare and the subservience of private enterprise to the state that would be considered "leftist" by many standards that aren't your autistic ones. I wouldn't call them leftist or "rightist" (if your definition of right-wing solely revolves solely around how friendly it is to capitalism) but certainly by American standards they had quite a few "leftist" traits.
>Sup Forums SJWs
>CTR shills still trying to coin new ''hip'' and ''fresh'' terms since ''fake news'' was such a smash
I actually remember the internet before the jew meme. They were just called the elites, people didn't think they were jewish. It turns out, it was a really strong meme, and now everybody thinks it's jews, I also think it has something to do with the internet being available for people from the middle east.
Have another (you)
No it's not, that's like saying there's no such thing as a leftist victory if capitalists control the world.
Idle hands are the devil’s workshop; idle lips are his mouthpiece.