A white male married to a white woman with 2+ kids has the same amount of voting power as a mentally ill white tranny

A white male married to a white woman with 2+ kids has the same amount of voting power as a mentally ill white tranny.

WTF are we doing?????

shitting children into the world should by no means entitle you to more voting power...

Whats going on here?

Destroying our civilizations and shitting on our ancestors grave basically.

A pioneer is paving the way for untold levels of degeneracy.

I will not click that shit again. Once in a lifetime is enough.

your ancestors destroyed france when they started colonizing afrika... guess what now all the slaves you once owned and teached your language think france is a nice place to leach off wellfare...

Why do i want to fuck it?

A white couple producing white offspring is the greatest thing that can happen to the world.

But I doubt you would realize that since you just emigrated from some ME shithole.

Why would someone do something like that to themselves

Why would someone do something like that to someone other?

I think they cut off her penis, but it was so disturbing I couldn't finish watching it.

Remember guys, these are normal people, totally not mentally ill faggots that should be shunned by society

How exactly does one go back to only giving males with money and family the right to vote?


no they aren't...
i have seen enaugh of you withe pride trailer park trash to know that the only think important is that they are educated and conservative...

i don't give a shit about their skin color as long as their IQ is well above average.

The 15% of whites on this planet has given your worthless muzzie ass more benefits than you deserve.

>pay doctor ching chong 20,000 to cut your junk off

what a world.


>"Strong wimon"

I just laugh that gays and women are no longer the most marginalised in society.

mfw when woman get told "YOU"RE A CIS WHITE FEMALE" lel

what happens in vid? Don't want to play it without knowing what happens

Cucked kraut detected. Verpissen Sie Schwein ficker, Fotze.

play it you pussy. it's just a male to female operation, the aftermath.

haha... i would import educated muslims anytime as long as i could send home some of your stupid white trash us army proletariasns in return... ;D

stationed here for decades and still too dumb to learn a single world of the language...worse than most of the turks desu.

You'll see that the only surgeons that accept to do things like that are either chinks or jews, god knows why

white trash detected...

Thanks Jews!!!!

White trailer trash is still a hundred times better than a ghetto hood nigga.

Saugen sie an meinen cock, sweinhund.

>mfw he was based on a real guy

>Ramen noodles start coming out
>The face of regret.

>educated muslims

You are on the same tier as Mexican intellectuals. The only reason your backwards ass society exists is because a percentage of whites live such a privileged lifestyle that they believe they can save you.

only if their iq is higher...
dumb and agressive people are the problem... maybe those traits are associated with certain other traits... but most of the time they are not.

i am conflicted about your efforts...
i appreciate them but on the other hand maybe you should find better ways to waste your time.

Go back to fighting for your country, instead of leeching off your betters.

jesus... just look inside a history book you might learn something.
islam truly is shittear right now... however that doesn't mean those people are lost forever. europe did advance even though the church went nuts for about 3 centuries and destroyed and supressed knowledge.

islam will reform itself soner or later too again...

He's making ramen noodles.

Only if he does not project his opinion and has no legal means to do it.

Community is the power. Nation is the power.
I bet you can easily startup and build profitable antikikebook.com in USA on this sole idea. Just make public ratings, based on the people status in community. And make these people "like" worth more, than the "likes" of degenerates.

Owning a car, owning a house, having children, not being divorced, having no abortions, having no STD history, having no arrests, having a gun and defending someone with it, having career, being legal, etc will contribute to the social status of the network members.

Then make people with high social status post their education and make unofficial common core of it.

>islam will reform itself soner or later too again...

Not if white christians take the bull by the horns and eliminate you backwards animals while they still can.

> hurr durr muh dark ages
> makes advices about reading books
What are you ukrainian migrant or something?

you don't even know two shits about the bible and the history of your church...
even worse you are most likely one of those heretics that goes to one of those shity evanglecan sects... just piss off and take your backwards mentality with you.

you are as stupid as those nationalist turks... searching for problems in their society without realizing that you are the problem.

t. Edgy Muslim teen

hahaha fuck of you dirty communist.
>hurrdurrr i found my soul in the orthodox church
>hurrdurr i don't know that german capital (RWE, Ruhrgas,...) proped up my shitty church with millions to ressurect the pest it is to it's former glory.

i like the fact that after sending you lenin we fucked up your state idiology once again...

never gets old mate..

Because its more attractive than the sheep you normally fuck.

> russians are communists
ukroturk scum confirmed.

jesus... now i have a feeling that this perfectly legit trolling attempt was wasted on you...

anyway i don't get the connection between trump and anything in this thread.

that said i guess everybody here hates hillary... me included.


jesus just read your bigotted comments you fucktard... i had a good laugh about you.

also not liking hillary doesn't make me your friend you idiot. i still think you're white trash.

Why is Mexico against Trump? Do they actually want that all the youth leave Mexico?

holy shit i actually just puked

The opposite should be in effect. The dumbest mongrels breed the most.

no only the rapitists and criminals... ;D

Fuck you, i was eating.
now i have to eat the semi digested pizza because i am poor and can't afford another pizza for a week

Current year German, ladies and gents.

Chill out Fritz, you can loosen the PC slipknot a liitle, we are not on Kikebook.

So OP's webm was absolutely fucking disgusting. I'm not going to judge the woman who was in it because I don't know if she had medical complications with the baby and it had to happen. Apart from that. I'm going to go bleach my eyes out now.

Ignorance is bliss

so by your cuck "logic" Germany must have colonized Syria in the past.
Or Sweden must have colonised Somalia at some point?

That's a man

This is the problem with democrary. The athenians were superior for restraining it (it's more than meme female

That's after a sex change operation

Well since you fuckers posted these replies, I rewatched the webm and saw what it was. I still need to go bleach my eyes.

So that's the secret to making 2 minute noodles, no wonder why they're cheaper than usual.


shut up poland... your whole country is a walefare case to us germans...

allways mindboogling to see wellfare leachers foulmotuthing other people living off on my taxes...

he always takes the way with the least effort...
so teaching them your language is a problem.

that's one of the biggest problems the brits have. their language is easy and thats why most of the polish leaches go there instead of germany or france.

you should have used your armies to conquer europe instead of wasting it oversees...

this is allowed to walk into the ladies room right after a little girl goes in

sitting in your mom's basement and making whiny threads on Sup Forums, apparently