
Chad edition

just texted a bloke about a room going in his house


the lads



>its to do with being that far away from home too
guess that's a hard thing to overcome too
you should take short flights to the UK and France first then work your way up to longer and longer flights

Any blue pints man in?

oh girls just wanna have fun

Huh...Fuck capitalism


Is this the chad edition aye?

talk about flash-in-the-pan career


I was thinking of going to farnborough or riat and flying over

/brit/: the virgin general


but john mccain voted against the bill...

This needs to stop now


is being a virgin in yankland social suicide

I'd say 55% of regular posters are non-virgins


Just got this opinions??

went to RIAT in 2015(?)
dad did something with the pictures so don't have anything to post
it was very good but I like planes and so does my dad so we're sort of biased

how can a child be in the ruling class
what does he rule over

>tfw too smart to fly


yes. imagine its worse in australia: literally normie the country

Far right rorkes probably won't understand this one

1. I have private property
2. You don't want me to have private property
3. I won't give up my private property and will shoot trespassers
Your move.

Hope it's full of cyanide.


>purchased for £10 from some chink who bought it for $0.50 from another chink who made it for $0.10

very cool
would boast

Fucking hideous lmao

someone is playing work by rihanna very loud outside and is disturbing the jazz

Ah yes a sudden huge influx in Communist teenagers all in the space of 3 minutes

Wonder where this could be from

Hmm...maybe liberals need to move aside, it's the lefts time now

id wrap it around your head

fucking hate him. he hates trump more than he loves the republican party. he has no ideology, just hate for trump

ooh you're hard

>i can square up to you without being smashed in the face because of all the civil rights this evil system affords me

That looks like absolute shit

>visiting England
>go on England tour bus with family
>random Chad joins our tour with 3 Stacies
>2 Stacies on his lap the whole tour cuddling
>annoying Chad keeps interrupting our guide with retarded humor
>everyone keeps laughing at Chads jokes
>Chad keeps annoyingly pointing out obvious landmarks
>Chad and tour guide end up chatting and I don't get learn any history
>Chad stops the bus every time to pose and have his Stacies take pic of him in front of a landmark
>camera is filled with Chad pics because he kept getting in front of me

Ongoing /leftypol/ raid

Estimate: 4-5 teenagers

I'll probably go farnborough since I like the commercial side

I have a model of that 747 actully

the american could sell his arse for big daddy trump

yeah I can't believe he didn't vote to take health insurance away and let loads of people die lol

Communists get The UK is clinging to the last of our pride and freedom, don't take it away.

>doing the virgin tour and not the chad solo adventure

perhaps you should jog on back to yankland mate


You cucked yourself by going on a 'tourt', make your own path my dude.

>too slow

M8 the Tsar's industrial reforms were huge

>went from about 2% industrialisation to 40% in the space of 20 years (1880-1900)

>build Russia's railways from scratch across the entire huge country allowing for mines to be built in Siberia

>funded state primary school education

>created technical schools to create a lower middle class of skilled workers

>ended redemption payments

>set up a land bank to help peasants buy their own land

>eastern europe was not plundered

Well when you take huge tracts of land ,rig half a continent with puppet governments who work for your country rather than theirs is that not plunder? And when you loot Germany of its factories is that not plunder?

eg. Poland was forced to mine and sell coal to the USSR at prices barely above extraction costs

Not to mention that half of Poland was taken and a third of slovakia was taken , and the puppet governments would give the USSR whatever it demanded in resources, which it did.

Bit much shitposting going on the reg boards I used, not a fan

Looks very saurony

>Communists get >
>The UK is clinging to the last of our pride and freedom, don't take it away.


literally all me you paranoid mongs

praise kek!
a tourt, hmm? what's that?

Close your tab then.

>cheating on your gf


t-t-t-the leftypol t-t-they're taking o-o-over!!!!!

the day of the rope will come for single linkers

never been to Farnborough but would also like to go there
my dad actually worked there before it shut down before they moved his project up north

Its too much autism for one person

why are rorkes so scared of opposing opinions?

Good ole' Rosa, another Jew supporting communism

post a photo of him

>leftypol raid

controversial opinion: no lives matter

the internet kills the soul

business idea: take pictures of ugly people on the street posing with props of the ideology I disagree with and use them to do Internet battle on a Laotian rune-carving agora

keep a single runner band and a stick of chewing gum in my back pocket at all times in the case I find myself in a McGyver-esque situation even though I literally never leave my house

Love freedom.
Love food.
Love private property.
Hate commies.
Hate SJWs.
Simple as.

Red wine
And sleeping pills
Help me get back to your arms

to all those saying we're teens etc-look at this.

rorkes could not even repeat in public 1/10th of what they write on their little keyboard
living with a mask on these little runts

Tsarist Russia would've been so beautiful today

*invests a tenner*

hmmm yes amersham hill

The gf


yeh because of lefty censorship

>why are rorkes so scared of opposing opinions?

because lefties would ruin them

it's all copy pasted from r/socialism

Business idea:

weird to think theresa may is still our prime minister I haven't seen her in months

looks like you have a bit of a slapper there mate


If North Korea is so bad? Why do they want to come back?

Mysterious banging has resumed next door.

stand up for your ideals and opinions instead of crawling in the corner of the room just writing 'huuhuuhhuuhh lefties.. jews... lefties..huuhuhuhuh"

Alright lads, we're going to play a game called 'Idea Ball'.

I'm going to through a ball to someone and whoever catches it has to come up with an idea to improve /brit/.

*throws ball at *

Which 1 are u :p

we're not going to tolerate the same tired talking points we've heard about with regards to increasing the minimum wage. No, it's not going to increase prices higher than the wage increase can keep up with. No, it's not going to destroy businesses.
What it will do is finally give people a sense of dignity knowing that they don't have to worry about going homeless because they make $7.25/hr and can't keep up with the increasing cost of rent, food, and bills. INCREASE THE BLOODY MINIMUM WAGE

yeah she hasn't done anything controversial recently

Me and your mum will be done soon