Trump General - Giant edition

Text TRUMP to 88022 for important crisis updates


>Trump signing autographs in Phoenix 6/18/16
>Phoenix, Arizona 6/18/16
>Las Vegas, Nevada 6/18/16/

>Sessions on Fox
>Trump on Meet the Press 6/19/16
>Trump on CBS 6/19/16
>Trump on ABC 6/19/16

>Trump: Consistent for 30 Years
>Trump calls Orlando Terrorist “S.O.B.”




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Make anime great again, folks!

i am greek!

hmmm....rly makes u think


where did this meme come from?


How reliable are the Monmouth and CNN polls? I read the Gravis poll is slightly skewed towards Democrats.

Fuck I'm off Sup Forums for one day and I am behind on the memes

So what's up with this guy?, who is him?
Why didn't the crowd lynch him

Well, at least they're looking better, even if they're still over-representing democrats

No poll is reliable. It's all a massive joke.
The idea that you can ask random people something and judge the entire country on that is insane.

If shills think the obsession that ran 10 months of Frozen General can be driven off this board, they are wrong.


Brit in US on expired visa (illegal alien) that plotted to kill Trump for a year, according to him. His genius plan: take a police officer's gun from their holster and shoot him.

>I read the Gravis poll is slightly skewed towards Democrats.

With all the lies and censorship the media is pulling in favor of the left, I wouldn't trust any poll.

the actual joke is polls are national based, the GE is state FPTP
i think

> who is him?
beautiful prison wife

reminder about Stephen Miller

Yeah I always try to pay more attention to state polls. The good news is that we're tied in Ohio and Pennsylvania, but we're going down in Florida for some unholy reason(probably just jewing).

The past few weeks have been so slow. So boring. Nothing is happening. We aren't discussing anything. Shitposters are just shitposting.
I've never been this bored in my entire life.

Can I get some goyim here? I spam this almost every day and I get only 1 person to join every time



what is it?

Doesn't load? Just a black screen.

anyone knows the source for this poll? I can't read the url near 52.

A site where you just take turns playing music or videos.
You can watch Trump rallies with other people, or listen to music, or anything.

Martial law will be imposed as the election campaign turns violent, Obama will continue as leader, but not as a president but as a dictator. Which, sadly, makes no Trump for 2016.

Press F.

Man, Trump is a hardass.

Why did he get fired? I didn't see anyone list the reasons trough all that shill shitposting.

That Quinnipiac poll isn't worth dick. They sampled less than 1000 people. While that may bring accuracy in Ohio or Pennsylvania this state has almost 20 million people in it.

He was being a dick to Manafort's people and keeping them from making the campaign staff big enough to fight the general election.

Did these libcucks really think they could just take a gun from an officer like in the movies? Cops and people that own guns with gun training have big amounts of disciple so once again these libtards are retards and think gun owners are irresponsible.

Trump said he that while Corey did a good job, he wants a new direction for the general. Corey was also gracious and held no hard feelings.

There's a metric fuckton of behind the scenes rumors though.


All jokes aside, out of all Trump supporters, suppose even 250,000 have the balls to raid and take down the government (white house, senate building, etc) -- that's all that's needed to catapult Trump into his rightful seat as ruler of the U.S. IMHO, it's what we could only hope for. Then he won't be done in 8 years, but instead 20+

What is going on with the Trump Campaign?

Also will Trump change up his tactics and VP

Corey ran out of ideas apparently. His only recommendation to lift Trump out of this mini slump was to announce a VP.

Nothing right now. They're in a holding pattern until something changes.

where are the web links?

we're waiting for his speech on Clinton, but we're mostly in limbo until the conventions. with the full weight of the RNC behind him, his campaign should shift nicely for the general. Manafort has an extremely impressive track record of running them

big thing right now is the Brexit vote tho, which is what a lot of user's are focusing on

Also why are Trump Generals slowing down?

Is Sup Forums shifting their focus on Brexit now ?

That sounds like the most plausible explanation.
If Corey had done something bad Trump would be talking shit about the guy. It would be on twitter.

If there's no drama then it's just Trump trying new things against Hillary.

It's pretty difficult to snatch a gun out of a retention holster regardless of training, that's why the cops use them,

The First Lady had a different sort of liveliness,” Byrne writes in an excerpt obtained exclusively by Breitbart News. “She once threw a Bible at an agent on her detail, hitting him in the back of the head. He bluntly let her know it wasn’t acceptable. He told me that story himself.”

Byrne goes on to report that for Secret Service agents, being assigned to Hillary Clinton’s detail “was a form of punishment handed down by passive-aggressive middle management.”

This pattern of rage from Clinton was exhibited, Byrne wrote in another part of the book, on a regular basis the more “at home she felt in the White House,” as Hillary “vented on everyone” and “it got worse” as time went on.

“Most of us knew to brace for her inevitable eruptions,” Byrne wrote. “They didn’t happen every day, but behind closed doors we learned about them fast. In public, she was everyone’s best friend. Privately, she was her normal self.”

At one point, Hillary Clinton—Byrne wrote—even told a Secret Service agent to “Go f— yourself” after telling another to “Go to hell!”

>‘They f—ed us, Bill!’ Hillary screamed. I stifled a laugh. The president tried his best to calm her down. He couldn’t. Hillary Clinton possessed no perspective. ‘We need to get rid of these assholes, Bill!’ She thought she was being tough—in command—but the issue commanded her. She fumed that the Secret Service’s Uniformed Division, my branch, disloyal leftovers from Papa Bush, conspired against the administration. ‘They’ve had it out for us from the beginning!’ she kept yelling.

Byrne detailed how Hillary Clinton would introduce him to VIPs as “one of my favorite officers, Gary Byrne” while putting “her hand on my shoulder for good measure,” even though she really didn’t care about the Secret Service agents. “But we were like furniture to them,” he wrote of how the Clintons treated the Secret Service.

“Hillary’s antics made my job interesting,” Byrne wrote. “She’d explode in my face without reservation or decorum…”

Thanks fellow user.

I hope the UK leaves from EU ~ John Oliver trying to convince Brits to stay in while not mentioning the negative aspects.

I hope Trump will run a smooth campaign and be more moderate this isn't the primary anymore its the General Election. Time to wreck Hillary and MAGA

I think so.

Is that the SS Agent that is going to be interviewed on Hannity?

It's a really big deal so I'd imagine thats the case for now. Don't worry though. We'll all be needing seatbelts soon enough.

This is the sort of shit you'd expect the RNC to put into commercials against Hillary if they were actually against her

thank you

He got in the way of Trump's policy advisors being able to do their job, according to Ivanka, who pushed for his termination. All the times we saw Trump doubling down on stupid shit, like the judge, instead of staying on message was evidently Corey's influence.

what's with her hairline? looks like a mans hairline

Thank you for posting baits and collecting (You)s.

Thank you for keeping Trump General bumped.

>Daily reminder that the black demographic isn't going to vote this election, whereas republican votes in the primaries are at an all time high.

Let's make this post end in 80 too.

False. Part of Trump's strategy is saying that he will hire "the best people" to advise him as president. If he talked shit on Corey and revealed the dirt, it would undermine his pitch about hiring people. Corey has to be depicted as "the best people," even after fucking up the campaign repeatedly.

It's a tough spot for Trump to be in, but he's handling it well so far (with Corey's help, courtesy of a non-disparagement agreement).

The science is sound if you have an actual random sample. Nobody gets unbiased random samples.

This is the last election where a republican candidate has a chance of winning it.

In 4 or maybe 8 years you'll have a 1 party system thanks to the demographics.

Cuckservatives will never get the hispanic/black vote no matter how much they pander to minorities. Gibs will always be more important for them than 2nd amendment/religious freedom etc.




They're not going to have Republicans if Trump doesn't win. A new two party system will form. Something like Democratic Socialists vs Socialist Democrats. Two far left extremist parties.

Make Britain Great Again

did this guy's book come out yet?

Wow I just heard Trump has no money because nobody wants to donate to a bigot. This is a game changer folks.

He's not a bigot, you are.

Shut their globalist mouths!

Why are you such a racist, user?

I fucking love Steve I've even used the "did they weep any tears when X happened" whenever a lefty cries about some injustice to migrants

That's right. The relevance of Republicans or conservative parties in the West rely on the country being white. Conservatism has been a white thing from the very start when Burke invented it. It has never attracted minorities Shame that cuckservatives never realised this.

That britcuck is doomed. Imagine a lefty pol faggot ending up in prison same thing

why they so mad?

So apparently now Trump doesnt believe in concealed carry, he said clubgoers shouldnt have guns only security, wow does this guy ever stop flip flopping? He flip flopped on HB1, the Muslim ban and now on guns?

Congrats Donald, you just made me flipflop my vote, ImWithHer

-FORMER Trumpkin.

>1 post by this ID

0/10, fuck off you faggot shit head.

What's this?

>We'll all be needing seatbelts soon enough.
all the dirt on trump is out there. trump has been sandbagging his dirt on hillary. scott adams thinks that they are saving all their ammo until it's too late for the dems to run a candidate besides hillary.


Whites will put Trump in the white house

he probably had contract for 1 year. 2 days ago the 1 year contract ended so he just decided to hire someone else

>this one pump chump shill

holy shit i hate the 8am-12 team

can't wait for the 9-11pm'ers, sick of this JV shit

>Hillary is great at wasting money

All negative ads against Trump, it's not like the bitch can say anything good about herself.

I'm glad Trump introduced us to Stephen Miller

And yet they are only mere points a way in the polls, hmm really makes you think

She can say a lot of good things about herself. It's just that they're all lies.

Bitch claims to have supported gay marriage all her life.

Those are some well fed prisoners.

Anyone else notice how slow these threads are? Is it time to end the Trump General? This place is sputtering worse than Trumps campaign

Well, at least we know which side the globalist traitors are on.

>does this guy ever stop flip flopping?
>He flip flopped on HB1
>you just made me flipflop my vote, ImWithHer

what was the flip count yesterday around this time?

I think it was around 90+ mentions

When will Trump vs Hillary start?
When will they debate and shit on each other?

>im spending 160 times as much as this person and its still a close race

>this is a good thing

looks like we need to get big money out of politics!



What the fuck is this? Are Bernouts THAT asshurt?


Any good biographies on this dude?

It's bullshit is what it is. Whoever made this is fucking with us by not making the text clear.

Youre confusing me with someone else man, honest mistake no hard feelings