>"Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space."
Really gets the neurons firing.
>"Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space."
Really gets the neurons firing.
all people can talk shit about this movie is
fuck off and get something new you cuck
gayest shit I have ever heard in my life.
It's true, dumbass.
Truly the thinking-man's film
I don't know what's more offensive, the concept of love being cosmic bullshit, the dumb expository dialogue, or the bullshit concept transmitted through dumb expository dialogue.
>you aren't allowed to criticize anything that's been criticized
what about the ridiculously-complicated equation for gravity that gets sent back in time and embedded in binary through a broken wrist-watch?
>love isn't something we invented
it is though
Jesus, you're dumb.
I will not stand mcconaughey redneck accent again just to watch this, this movie sucks
who is this cute boy
The love theme was done right. Neither of the astronauts agreed with Brand's apparently shallow interpretation of the situation, but Cooper too understood love when he saw things from another angle
Why are people critical of this line? Are you all feminists who think making a female character talk bullshit is demeaning?
TARS, set LOVE to 100%
>cooper that amount of love is impossible!
no... it's necessary
>hey ya'll, we need to consider time a resource whens considerin our most efficient cerse 'o actions
>nawhs we needs ta spends 7 years scoutin a planet that's can'ts be habitable cuz of da green light we got
Love literally never transcended space and time.
Coop sends himself into the black hole to reduce weight and gave Anne Hathaway the best chance for survival.
The black hole contains a tessaract, which Coop assumes was made by futuristic multidimensional humans. The ascended humans needed a method to read the gravity data from inside the black hole so they could exist in the first place, and the method of this transferal would be the love between Coop and Murph.
The tesseract is basically a 3-dimensional representation of the entire timeline of the library. Coop is able to manipulate things in the library such as the orientation of objects, etc, and the whole plan hinges on him using the room to send himself into the future so he can deliver the data to Murph, which requires Murph figuring out that the 'ghost' is her dad through the connection established in things like "STAY" and tugging on the watch's hands.
He completed his task of transmitting the data before being shunted through the wormhole in time to see he daughter die.
Congrats on being too stupid to understand a fucking Nolan movie Sup Forums.
it's just an eye-rolling line, nothing more complicated than that
>implying I ever watched it
I don't bother with Nolan trash, I'm just going by OP's pic
I thought she did a good job of portraying a woman who was cracking under pressure and getting hysterical. They probably should've sedated her right then and there and kept her in stasis for the rest of the mission.
what hokey bull shit lmao
>blindly following the hivemind
Hola reddit.
>reading comprehension
lol i was defending the movie you dumb fuck
How did Rust go to space in the first time?
>sucking Nolan's cock
You've actually just validated one of the main criticisms against this movie, that the plot could've gone without love ever factoring into the story or even being mentioned.
Everything could've gone exactly as you said without Brand ever saying love transcended time and space or Coop yelling "LOVE, TARS, LOVE!" in the tesseract.
>implying love is even real
What the fuck is her problem?
>Hugh Mann
Bravo Nolan
>redditor being outed
>implying i ever defended Nolan
I only stated literal facts.
Love never transcended time and space.
That is not a defense of the film, it is a literal fact.
it's not Nolan's fault you're too stupid to understand that a trailer bait line is taken literally.
Love was just cooper's motivation to transcend time and space using gravity.
Learn to kino.
Why do autists get all pissed off at metaphorical and spiritual elements in sci fi? The fact is that every space movie is actually about some facet of human existence, whether it's loneliness, our relationship to God or whatever. The reason for this is that actual literal space is just a big nothing that means nothing. Matter colliding in perfect mathematical meaninglessness.
Women utter "eye-rolling lines" multiple times a day in real life.
Only retards watch films anymore
>"Baneposting is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space."
Really gets the neurons firing.
The ending of this movie is four hours long. Trying so hard to force an emotional connection, and then stretch it way pass the breaking point. So annoying.
>implying your dubs are real
look real to me
check these while we're at it
How did they leave the water planet with much stronger gravity since the lander couldn't reach escape velocity even on earth?
How did the guy wait 20 years alone in space and remain the exact same?
How did Cooper survive being pulled into a singularity?
Why didn't Cooper ask about his son after returning?
Why did lady with daddy issues send him away at first sight?
Such a smart flick.
>watch this whole terrible movie because Sup Forums told me anne hathaway shits in her space suit
thanks for nothing tv. Anyone know a good movie where a girl shits herself?
The "bulk beings" themselves were unable to navigate the four dimensional past on their own in order to communicate meaningfully with the people in it. The movie establishes their attempts to communicate with the past as being failures. They needed someone with a love connection to the past to navigate the tesseract to the positions that would allow for meaningful communication.
Love literally guides coop to the correct positions on the bookshelf to send a meaningful sequential message via the watch.
Love literally transcends time and space. Love is a literal fundamental force of the universe in interstellar.
The problem with trying to say "shes just hysterical!" is shes proven right by the fact edmund dies as a result of a rockslide that had yet to occur when she made her speech.
Is this a multi-million dollar Hollywood sci-fi movie, or an episode of My Little Pony?
>trailer bait line
>include it in the movie
It's not my fault you're too stupid. Full stop.
>Love never transcended time and space.
That's exactly what it did, because it's the strongest force in the universe you stupid cow.
You just don't understand science...
No it didn't.
You can always tell when preteens post because of their liberal use of "literal."
>Sup Forums is too stupid for a film by Nolan
It was correctly used in that instance.
Nice ad-hominem btw.
Broken clock, etc.
Except she was always right.
>Nolan is too dumb for Sup Forums
Her dancing is a communication gesture. Obviously, she wants you to impregnate her while playing with her breasts.
>who needs love when they have memes
you will all die alone and you know it