Guys I'm literally crying right now they actually thought having hip hop loving criminal Gorillas was acceptable in...

Guys I'm literally crying right now they actually thought having hip hop loving criminal Gorillas was acceptable in 2017!

I thought we finally got past this kind of pathetic institutionalized racism with Zootopia and such but I guess I was wrong. :__:

I say we boycott this evil Reddit racist piece of shit movie and show the studios we won't stand for this anymore!

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Are they saying black people are gorillas? Sounds racist to me.

Why would gorillas being in jail be racist?

The gorilla is a protagonist.

The irony is that if gorillas wouldn't have been in the movie they would have lamented over no "black animal" equivalent. There is nothing worse than the spoiled black American.

Spoiled by decades of hand-outs and pandering. Time to stop that.


To be honest, when I first saw the trailer I expected this kind of reaction.

Me too.

Also the bunnies are sluts.

will we forever have to tip toe around the fact that black people look like apes?

1. I'm pretty sure most people don't think about there being "black-equivalent" animals. That's you projecting. Animals are "blackish" in movies because of how they talk and behave. Killer croc was definitely black in suicide squad but I don't look at all Crocs and think black guy.

2. You are very close to directly quoting Mein Kampf. Think of this exchange the next time you are baffled when someone calls you a fascist.

Except in the trailer you can clearly tell a white guy voices the gorilla.

The gorillas in the movie are cockney. The whole idea of their character is they act like big brutes because of their physical appearance, but personality-wise are total softies. If you had to find an animal that fits that description, an ape is a solid fit. But of course clickbait faggots need something to get "outraged" even when there's nothing there.

This is disgusting. Gorillas are peaceful, noble creatures that are in no way comparable to blacks

The movie's shit anyway

How was Killer Crocs behavior blackish? What the FUCK does that mean?

Why EXACTLY would gorillas who like hiphop music and are in jail be racist? Gorillas aren't a race. I simply cannot understand how anyone could interpret this in a way that would make it racist. What would you have to see literal gorillas as a symbol for for that to work?

>trailer shows apes
>deadbeat shitty father
>in jail

>fits into every stereotype about blacks

Im surprised Jesse Jackson isnt getting uppity about it

>1. I'm pretty sure most people don't think about there being "black-equivalent" animals. That's you projecting
That's entirely false when these people automatically linked gorillas to black people.

>Animals are "blackish" in movies because of how they talk and behave
And these "Black" animals have a British accent.

>2. You are very close to directly quoting Mein Kampf. Think of this exchange the next time you are baffled when someone calls you a fascist.
You were very close to Godwin's law. Think of that next time someone says "Not an argument".

The point is very clear: Had there been no gorillas, they would have complained about black representation in the animals or found some other animal to interject themselves into.

Is heatstreet a more respectable Breitbart?

Real racists see race in everything but these leftwing virtue signalers call other people racist for not jumping to that connection right away.

>le hitler argument
that shit don't work here whyt boi

I love how Godwin's law is somehow considered a rational argument all the way down to the point where people are actually borrowing rhetoric from Hitler.

You can "not an argument" all the way to 1942, but you better get used to being called what you are, which is a fascist.

makes me laugh how blacks get so mad at the mention of monkey or ape and automatically think it's about them

just ignore king kong, curious george, saying GWB looks like a monkey. But all other monkeys clearly are supposed to be black people

How did you guys feel about the race war scene?
My kid started screaming and we had to leave I thought this was gonna be a kids movie about singing.

You can't label me as a fascist because I disagree with you retard. Not an argument.

>this movie is racist because gorillas are in jail and black people are gorillas
>no im not racist you cis male, its them thats racist!

>ay yo the fuck u been lil nigga. U wuz suppose to be our getaway n sheit
>dad I want to be apart of your gang, I want to sing
holy fuck, they went a little bit over board with it

Is this the most blatant cash grab of the year?
> Let's rip off American Idol, but this time, it's with animated animals!
> They're voiced by big celebrities, singing popular songs that already exist

There's zero fucking originality here, and that's saying a lot when animated movies are just ripping eachother off nowadays

>is a movie aimed at children a cash grab?
Gee made me think.

Bruh this is 'minions' level of cashgrab

killer Croc was a black thug and wanted BET at the end. Seemed like one of the nicer guys behind the fire dude though.


Daily reminder Bee movie was incredibly original, clever and unpredictable.

I bet not a single one of you knew where the plot was going.

Unfortunately plebs hated it so we're stuck with shit like this flick.

>implying I watch cartoon kid movies
Only the classics

>black people are now oficially gorillas
>t. Black people and liberals

Love it. I always thought that comparison was racist but okay.

>I'm pretty sure most people don't think about there being "black-equivalent" animals
Then what's the problem?

>Only the classics

Ah so you've seen Bee movie then.

If there's outrage over this, I can't wait to see what happens when this comes out...


Its a shitty libertarian blog that pretends to be edgy.

>How was Killer Crocs behavior blackish?
Obviously a black actor, doing a stereotypical Louisiana accent and vocal tics, whose only non-supervillain interest appears to be BET.

With sirens blaring as Johnny reluctantly helps his family commit a robbery, my daughter, seemingly confused and disappointed, asked why the gorilla is bad. Why is he?

My 6-year-old isn’t yet privy to the term “gangster” and how often and quickly that term, used interchangeably with “thug,” is commonly used to describe brown and Black people. Nor is she aware of the history of Black people being compared to monkeys. But imagery doesn’t need a manual or dictionary to teach and reinforce stereotypes, as evident by my 6-year-old’s visible and almost immediate process she undergoes using images, voice inflections and language as cues to help her distinguish the “bad guys” from the “good guys.”

Scarlett Johansson plays an angsty porcupine teenager girl the dude tries to get to sing pop songs like call me maybe and shit, but she ends up writing her own song. Pretty good. Actually a pretty decent movie compared to all the other quick cash grabs and unnecessary sequels as of late. Seth McFarlane plays a Sinatra style mouse and steals the show though. Reese Witherspoon as a pig made me feel incredibly humiliated with myself because of how attracted I was to her.

So you people are gonna sit here and straight up lie by pretending you didn't immediately think black people when you saw the gorillas in jail in the trailer?

>put gorillas in jail
>they think gorillas look like black people
>you are the racist

What do you mean look like?
They are apes. Just as all humans are.

I remember thinking this before the movie came out....and laughed at how their was a lack of foresight. That said I was more upset the trailer pretty much resolves his arc.

They're white cockneys though. Hell, the young singing one is the lad from Kingsmen for fucks sake.

You need to be 18+ to be on this board

Hmmm I wonder where those darn lefties are getting this gorilla thing from hmmmm hmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmm

>gets quads
>wastes them on being excited he finally turned 18 and gets to play big kid

Hmmm I wonder where people are finding this parallels hmmmm they must of just popped up from nowhere!

> Getting upset over some random numbers on an Asian image posting website

We've already had two "jewish insect fucks everything up then makes it right" movies. We don't need one with Jerry fucking Seinfeld

Antz and????

Stop spamming this retarded shit please

right? animals cant go to jail. no racism i can see

Exactly , I'm black and I hate shit like this.
It's ironically insulting to yourself. You think black people are gorillas? Sometimes, I hate my stupid fucking people.

There's little I hate more than a Cockney black "brit". So fucking obnoxious.

>oh no they go to jail
>Dey mast be da niggas!

Do you hear yourself?