Imagine to be her pusy slave where she hold your face and grinds her soaking wet pusy on your face until you cant breathe but still beg her for more while she squeals and laughs in delight
Imagine to be her pusy slave where she hold your face and grinds her soaking wet pusy on your face until you cant breathe but still beg her for more while she squeals and laughs in delight
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is that the kaleesi she lost a bit of weight man
So, how did you do on that test?
>this is fat on Sup Forums
yes I know what a corset is
Foot game evaluation?
Good, wow you remember?
She's not fat by any means, just THICC.
>hairy arm
Too hairy; her crotch is a jungle. She cant even shave correctly.
Yep, I do.
And I'm curious: are you non American or are you in high school?
Based pusy poster
this is the dream I live for
also, how do you not instantly come when she winks & smile in this video...
I mean....HOLY SHIT
> :20- :44
man your not even doing it right you got it all wrong an your just a weak fake leech
shes a fucking midget
it isn't polite to talk about a woman's weight
Someone post her getting raped on Game of Thrones by Genghis Khan
she's hairier than a temple monkey.
Television and film
pusypost general?
Just kill yourself already.
NO WOMAN wants a little BITCH boy like you to grovel at their feet.
Quit being such a beta faggot.
nice fatceps, arched back, and rounded shoulders
Fat girls must wake up every morning giving praise to the inventor of spanks, heels, pushups, etc.
>hey user, forget that Anglo fattie and come over here and lick my pure All-American pusy
What do?
Best I can do
Good enough for me. Ironically her best acting is when she's getting raped.
360 and walk away
This reads like an Indian posting on a porn video's comment section.
>360 and punch that ugly bitch str8 in his face m8y
fat kahleesi is best kahleesi
You low test beta faggots who have nothing better to do with your pathetic existence but post your shitty cuck fantasies online disgust me. Christ, at least go to a porn board.
You are probably getting off to this verbal abuse.
wow mods sure must love game of thrones and starshit
I'd rather just fuck her in the ass and be done with it toobeehonest.
I'll take it to Sup Forums next time.
How can someone become as buff as ghenghis khan here?
Is it just a matter f working out like a madman?
no such thing
Fucking degenerate deviant freak, get the fuck out of my board.
Don't watch got, is this shopped? Hard to imagine HBO primetime starring a landwhale.
as long as she bites me afterwards
>is this shopped?
That's what a normal man looks like with adequate testosterone. Not even trolling. Height is sheer luck, though.