Are black chicks easy for whiteys in USA? Always been an achievement of mine to date one

Are black chicks easy for whiteys in USA? Always been an achievement of mine to date one

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No, black chicks actually have values and class unlike white girls who are all huge sluts.

if you can find one decently attractive and into white guys. yes.

the problem is, most do not look like the one in pic.

vote leave you slags

>dubs of truth
This. Finding a hot one is far more difficult than getting one to date you. 99.9% of them look like hideous sheboons.

Black women, in the US, will want to sleep with you to try and become pregnant by you. In this way, they will produce offspring that have a better chance of success and beauty.

You will not be expected to stick around and raise the child.

Found on my tinder, one of many.


the colour difference turns me on

Why does she look so human? Creepy

not bad

What a qt (talking about the guy btw)

Black chicks tend to be very easier. The difficulty is that most black chicks are obese and look like apes. Many are pregnant before they are even 18 and fair amount have STDs.

Finding a cute, non-degenerate black girl is like finding a needle in a hay stack. As bad as white women are, black women manage to be even worse.

>nose piercing
>that space between the eyes
>that wide ape nose
>those disgusting nails
>the obvious cancerous chemicals needed to make the hair non-afro
Shit tier. Pic related is an attractive black girl.

no. go to UK or Jamaica if you want friendly attractive black qts. burger girls suck

The ones raised in suburban areas and not ghetto shit holes are the good ones I guess?

More Brianna pls

>the flag

white enough lad
visiting US soon that's why I'm pondering

On tinder I only ever have white/latino women swipe right on me. Nog women apparently aren't a fan of whitey in my area.

Good luck with your stds

maybe if you live in a flyover state where everyone is ugly. black girls in major cities are often qts
that girl is like a 6/10 if seen tons of cuter black girls

Wtf I hate Jews now

Black chicks that act like the regular white person, that is.

>handsome white men

How can black men compete?

Steady now Merkel, you don't want to reveal your agenda!


I've met a number of superficially bro tier black girls.

The problem is finding out how they act under stress.

Do you really want her whooping your kids with an extension chord?

You need one from an intact family without psycho parents.

Good luck with that.

Fucked 3 black chicks within hours of meeting them. So, yes.
Best head, worst pussy smell.

least she doesn't have a nose ring. absolute turn off.

(in Jim Carey voice) HA CHA CHA CHA CHA

half of blacks in the usa have herpes. dont risk it just for your fetish.

Is this one of those transniggers

>Always been an achievement of mine to date one

eh kids is too far I just want to date one for a few months for the experience is all

Here is one

M8... black girls are huge sluts and fairly open about it. At least white girls try to hide it


No, she starred in game of thrones.

>oн нeјќe дa eбe цpнќињa

for real? half of them?

>Are black chicks easy for whiteys in USA?
yes and i'm not even white.
most black chick will suck your cock in the next minute if you're not black and give them some attention.

I was with one on my work and travel trip :D

They are almost the same as white girls, don't make it a fetish.

figgures you're a degenerate skopianec
odi vo Shutka i ponudi i cigara i ke ebish

> blue on the outside, brown around the pupil
> white

>be a decent-looking white guy who dresses nice and takes care of himself
>find a black girl either from a middle-class background or a lower-middle class background

You're in with a bare minimum of effort.

>typically very chilled out, not clingy or likely to become quickly emotionally dependent
>will put up with a great deal in their desire to get away from black men
>total demons in the sack, this can't be stressed enough, they have moves you've never dared to dream

>often large vaginas (genetic, not necessarily due to 24/7 cock)
>high risk of STDs
>black men will chimpout when they see you cucking them
>the occasional crazy one will make every crazy white girl look like little bo beep

What's the downside, aids?

цигaни ce гpoзни дби

>kids never get out of line
>this is somehow a bad thing

>Pic shows Zoe Kravitz

haha, this cuck...

Yeah. I'm a 36 year old security guard. White women don't even acknowledge me, but black girls flirt hardcore

Guess it's better than nothing

ciganite se kralevi vo sporedba so crncite

>rampant single motherhood
oh fuck its Germany act cool

The only good black girls are the ones who were adopted by white couples because:

>understand their black mother abandoned them and therefore understand black culture.
>raised with white values and have a predisposition to enjoy white people instead of "testing the water"
>don't speak black English

>black girls in major cities are often qts

That's sort of true. The kids are little soldiers til they are 8. Then they go super nigger on you.

You can only beat and ignore for so long.

Кeк нe
black men get upset when they see white guys with black women?

Statistically, white male/black female is the most stable relationship.

Probably because they're so fucking rare she's elated to have one.

Swap the genders and it's the least stable, imagine that.

They have a pretty piss poor success rate for raising kids that don't get out of line.

"What's a fine ass sister doing with a white boi? Sheeeit"

I get upset when I share my country's resources with you
I hope you are joking with this

Absolutely easy. Like they hunt white boys down to be honest. Its always embarassing becausr they will just sit there staring at you smiling in a creepy way. It honestly is a kinda creepy thing too because you can tell they definately "long" for you and are always super nice to u. They know they are ugly so they work on their personalities alot.

But then u got the othrr black girls who dont like whitey and have horrible personalities

>are women of a less-well-off group attracted to the thought of marrying up into an upper class?

Oh wait, you're a... fuck, I don't know what Macedonians are, olive niggers mixed with Slavs? Anyway, you're poor, you probably don't have anything to offer to a American negress. Or at least pretend you're Greek or some shit, Americunts are taught Ancient Greece is the cradle of Western civilization so you might look better than you are.

Fun fact: Black chicks actually hate it when niggers date white girls. They feel very similar to how white men feel when they see it.

aбe 24 гoдини глeдaм иcти дeвoјки ми ce cмaчи caкaм дa пpoбaм цpнкињa :(

yet another not-so-discreet racemixing tread.
fuck off already, that shit is disgusting and makes the merchants happy.

in a libertarian society i could tie her up in my basement and rape her all the time

whos to stop me?

Yes. Though they won't do anything about it unless they have overwhelming numbers.

Would fugg that no regrets.

She sounds nice.

>See flag

but you are not white mate. Maybe according to Merica Mutt standards?

But if we don't talk about cuckholdry and degeneracy, who will?

France knows a thing or two about niggers. Trust him.

His knowledge rivals that of America.

All chicks are easy for whitey.
Whitey got pussy privilege.

I mean kinda half blue eyes and brown hair
don't b prejudice :(

maybe just to foul occasionally
never get involved no matter what she looks like
i dont care if shes the most white presenting
the offspring will be little niglets

If you are white black girls are the easiest to get. You don't even have to try, they will come up to you

Yes, that, kind of. AIDS is a huge problem in black communities because they fuck like it isn't a thing. Like, hey bitch, ey gurl, and then they're fucking. STDs run wild in their communities, and with their lax health-concerns (they die of old-age at 35) many do not even realize it. When there are free clinics in "the community" many blacks discover they have herpes and chlamydia and other such things. How did they not know? I can't understand it.

But, because they're incredibly loose with their bodies, the sex is basically free. I mean, you have to show face and try a little, but if this guy live in another country, even if it's some place they've never heard of, he will be exotic and valuable to a TYPICAL black woman. His DNA will be DNA she will want to cultivate within herself.

In America.

I don't know about the rest of the world.

>in black communities because they fuck like it isn't a thing. Like, hey bitch, ey gurl, and then they're fucking

How young are we talking about?

How young you want? If they got tits, it's pretty much open season. You will find no trouble from protective, overbearing fathers here.

this is true
one black chick i used to slam in the united states who was a 7/10 from barbados or some irrelevant shithole island country like that was the best lay i would ever get, was sassyfrass and animal in bed, told me that she hated black guys with a passion (daddy issues of course)

moved to amsterdam, found herself a long term white blond hair blue eyed boyfriend, congrats for him, as long as he doesn't reproduce with her

Americans who get the most pussy there look like US-army-marine type or slav bydlos, no joke. If you look like the guy in this video you can pick up every girl in america

show me a picture of your head. I need to see the cranium as I cant determent your ethnicity from your eye colour alone.

All I can see is; you are not a 100% negro.

t. ahmed

sorry Adolf don't wanna do that desu too many of us here and small ass cities :DD
pretty much look typical slav tho if u consider that white or not I dunno



If you make your way to the US you can bang a black chick. They like exotic things with accents.

Don't over think this.

Found the Turkroach

By the ghost of Slavic Alexander! How is FYROM going to ever recover?

Holy fuck I miss Tribes so much

More fuggable black women nao!

Practical tips.

Blacks hang out in groups. You have to fearlessly engage them like that. However, black girls are good with the it's nothing to be scared of. They won't politely dismiss you like white girls.

>How young you want? If they got tits, it's pretty much open season.

Age of consent is 16 in most states, that's 12yo.

I had to get with a white girl cause all the other races rejected me.

he also insulted you фam
HiRez should be shut down

Age of Consent... in a community that fears and loathes the police. The people who would enforce this age-law.

14 is the age of consent in some states (I've lived in a few of those), and these people literally live like feral animals, at times. Nobody is going to come around and check the rings on her tree, with your dick in her. Does she look old enough? She'll pass this hypothetical test.

Some black people don't even know their own names; Do these people care how old their mates are?

very nice

>liberty or death

It's amazing how in just a single year after a speech in the states that slogan was adapted in Bulgaria as well for the april uprising..

I'm a 'murican, slavbro. I'm honestly pretty used to the constant insult бpaт

speak bulgarian you faggot