Who /HomePod/ here?

Who /HomePod/ here?

Apple really fucked up on this one if you ask me. They have been slipping for a while but I'm tied in

It sounds incredible desu.

Do you put your dick in it?

So what I'm not buying $$$ speakers I just want to be part of the new and future interface for computing, voice, which will only become more powerful in coming years.
I got both Alexa and Google home for christmas and they're both far better Than siri (I am a huge hey Siri user). You can do so much with them it's going to be huge I guarantee it.
Also Alexa plugs into the speakers I already own

You are owned by corporations, how desperately sad

literally a wireless speaker that doesn't use bluetooth and only supports apple music

Lmaooooo fuck nah. Enjoy you zero compatibility apple bitch

Why would you need Bluetooth at home

Why would you use anything else besides Apple Music. Also you can use any streaming app you want....

>why would you use anything but apple music
Apple dickrider detected


Apple Music is really good as far as the iPhone app is concerned, but iTunes is literally the single most awful piece of software to ever have been created.

I got a $30 Google home mini on black Friday. As a pleb non-audiophile ,I think it fills my apartment surprisingly well and that's the mini version. Plus it does other stuff. Making me think about switching to google for everything ... Just I don't want to miss out on texting from the laptop.
It sucks there's nowhere to talk about this, since R/apple is absolute shit and Sup Forums doesn't tolerate apple fagottry
These days I find myself mad at Apple for trailint so far behind google, it's like they're liquidating their reputation.

Haha typical no one wants to be confronted on the sad reality of their life, you've been conditioned to be a customer, to be nothing more than a dollar sign

Recently switched my iPhone for a Pixel 2 XL and I'm loving every second of it. I have an Alexa right now but I'm planning on changing out for a Google Home soon. I really like Google's services and their hardware has taken a major step up recently so I'm ready to make a full switch. Apple has been on the downhill for a looong time now.

Also if you're really that concerned about texting from your laptop, there's an Android app you can download that allows you to route your SMS messages through your laptop, just like iMessage works.

and you are purely ascetic i suppose? posting on Sup Forums at the public library before you go back to your shack in the woods?

I’ll stick to MP3 downloads, thank you very much. Data-collecting botnets are not welcome in my Christian household.

but the google max sounds worse and costs more

Don't you have to buy another Apple product for your fulfilment yet?

truly shit bait my friend, please practice before you post again

All reviews say that the sound difference between the two is EXTREMELY marginal, and you can do so much more with a Google Home than you can with a shitty ass HomePod. It's really no contest.

I also use a few iOS specific music apps on my iPad which have no Google counterparts. When I had an Android many years ago (2013?) The os was were inherently flawed with latency issues making it useless for a lot of music applications. Not sure if this has changed and it's a niche thing that not a lot of people are aware of
Similar issue keeping me from using airpods (there's a delay, even with garageband)
I'm kind of hoping the new OS that replaces Android will s a hit and get a big torrent of developer support, then maybe I can make music with google
If it weren't for that I'd probably have switched a long time ago

ive heard both. Theres no comparison. The Homepod is literally audiophile caliber.

Is that your coping mechanism just hope that what I'm saying is bait is that how much of a hug box this is?

google now/assistant/whatever is the only thing i really miss about my android

it was so fucking good
