But at least guns are still illegal

But at least guns are still illegal

>'Pure evil' Ben Butler is jailed for 23 years for murdering daughter Ellie, 6, in one of the 'worst ever cases of domestic violence' that left the girl with such catastrophic injuries her head was a 'boggy mass'
>36-year-old beat Ellie to death in fit of rage at their home in south London
>Little girl was found dead in her bedroom with catastrophic head injuries
>Her death came eleven months after she was returned to her father's care
>Butler was jailed for life today and will serve a minimum 23 years in prison


>jailed for life
damn that ain't fair.

>Minimum 23 years.
Western countries really need aggravated versions of manslaughter and murder now that the death penalty is done. Someone who can hit their own daughter so many times in the head that her skull caves in should never be allowed back into society.

If guns weren't illegal he would have gone on a shooting spree after killing his daughter.

> 23 years for a 36-year-old is a life sentence

Oh how I wished we had the death penalty for murder here in Austria, or Europa overall. (preferably for all violent crimes, such as robbery and rape too)

Naw, he probably would've just shot himself.

It's a good thing you can't have a gun because you'd probably turn it on yourself.

>But at least guns are still illegal
who ever said that banning guns is going to stop domestic violence? or put an end to all murder?

>who ever said that banning guns is going to stop domestic violence? or put an end to all murder?

>kills 10/10 qt daughteru

Hanging's too good for him. Burning's too good for him! He should be torn into little bitsy pieces and buried alive!


>doesn't put up with lip from the missus
'You were a self-absorbed, ill-tempered, domineering man who regarded your children and partner as trophies, having no role other than to fit in with your infantile and sentimentalised view of family life, with you as the patriarch, whose every whim was to be catered for.'

Poltards are just jealous of his life

organ donor, alive.

>South London

So he's Russian/Romani?

>Butler was jailed for life today and will serve a minimum 23 years in prison
dailymail at it best

yes, that's what a 6yo daughter is supposed to look like you skeeve

Hanged. Hang him high.

>crazy dude like this can easily find a gf, wife her make a kid and have a nice family
>just throws it away in the worst way imaginable
>meanwhile I can't even get a gf and will probably never have a cute daughter


The kid was ugly

Watch how this is twisted against men in custody battles, instead of quite rightly attacking British social services as the utter disgrace that they are.

Gas yourselves

nuf said

in Europe life time jail sentences are topped at 23 years
that's sad but it is true

Dead before being raped by a Muslim gang.

Every cloud has a silver lining.

True I'm a #MerkelMercenary now

haha britcucks

>People like this aren't executed on the spot
>Because of the killing murderers makes you as bad as them!
It's like people can't understand the difference between a controlled burn and a forest fire

White people

He would have only targeted negros as well. #blacklivesmatter

Pretty much. In Britain, much worse goes on every day.


The guy had down syndrome look at the eyes and tell me he wasn't a retard

Is the puppy OK?