Explain this image to me

Explain this image to me.

JPEG is the most popular image format used on the internet.


Baphomet's got great tits.



Did anyone catch the blood moon last night?



Fat Americans

Yeah, it looked cool on my nightly run. Didn't see anything spoopy tho.

All the same.

Gravity fks with everyone except astronauts.

Ah well slave labours still a thing over in uae

Western Esotericism


Why? It ignores the scientific relevance of memes - the natural selection.

Why were abrahamic religions, etc naturally selected?
Because they developed the world the best.

And we've been delving into memes that clearly destroyed civilisations in the past.

We ignored the past and assumed "same as below" was the same.

It isn't.

Those were the "anti patterns" to the "memes above"

As above, so below.

The founding father's are the most god tier trolls on Earth, they knew us millennial cucks would go crazy over this shit.


basically freemasons think god/satan are a duality that can't exist without each other

I think you're right.

They planned to reveal this to us knowing that something wasn't quite right with the doctrine.

And then we discovered "meme magic" and found how memes are naturally selected and why chaos happened all around us.

All said - today's system has problems that this whole thing started.

There's little bit more to it than that, it signifies the relationship between macrocosm and microcosm

this image is of the times earth was sold. it is the image of the buyer and or concur.

>draw spooky bad guy with horns
>associate him with people you dont like
basically modern media



regardless of whether Bin Laden was a false flag (almost a certainty), Jihad has proven why it isn't simply "above as below"
It's literally:
"the right path" vs "the wrong path"

And we're at a point where we need to find the right path and any right paths we've missed.

We need to assume past paths have covered ground based on past tech and that new tech and new environmental situations may infact need for us to travel down a new path.

We must be careful, some paths are signed towards goals but end with nothing but a trap.

gj on the coughlin image


But washington most definitely believed in Western Esotericism. That image is correct.

This is why they had the 2nd amendment.

They knew they might be walking into a trap.

Before their time desu.


so masons think they can influence god?

that would explain a lot

>microcosm v macrocosm


But in this universe everything comes from the big bang.

THATS the microcosm.

Which probably is within it's own microcosm.

Meaning one thing.

Influencing god doesn't come into it.

It's fucking natural selection again and again.

It's the UNIFORM good. The gravitational pull.

It's fucking science and "below" is psuedo-scientific.

That being said - always keep an eye out for "influences" on us. While I hope influences will do what they too see is good, there's always the possibility.

It's literally:


>gets dubs

kek you knew this along!


sometimes things look a bit like other things

probably because of jews

>sometimes things look a bit like other things

Interesting. I'm thinking now.

Wow i became overly horny last night and shoved some fingers up ma butt, i rly felt as if i betrayed myself must have been the blood moon

>sometimes things look a bit like other things
>probably because of jews

Ah dammit.

Been jewed again.


>Why were abrahamic religions, etc naturally selected? Because they developed the world the best.

I always thought about this too. Religion changes the nature of humanity and allows for larger cohesion. Like any organism going through natural selection, the most successful ones bubble up and take over

up is common

Framed Pseudo-Bayesian Priority

The founders were masons

>George Washington statue from 1700s
>Metal album cover from 1970s



Shit was dank

So fkin high right now.

Law abiding citizen.

>am I doing it right

>don't tell me what to do

>dindu nuffin


Nice guys finish last?

King of kings in technicolour..

Are you fucking retarded? It wasn't a lunar eclipse, it was just a full moon, that landed on the solstice

"As above, so below."

I don't really know what it means, it's some kind of hermetic magick thing. I lost interest in the occult years ago.

Dude the city Washington DC has all sorts of strange Masonic and Esoteric symbols. Washington himself was a Mason.

We have a very strange history as a nation.


What we need to find out is this:

>are the memes created from the natural environment and our interaction with it
>are the memes manipulated by intelligent or influential life and our interaction with it

Then we have to take into account the possibility of life in the universe.

I think we may not have made contact in this universe - it's far bigger than we perceive it and life would be spread extremely apart from each other (someone said 1 intelligent life form per galaxy)
Outside this universe? Not sure. Just hope the """creator""" follows similar memes.

Willful possession

>Nice guys finish last?
Bad guys die.

Don't jew-wood movies teach you anything?

They clearly do not watch their own movies. Because they are correct in those movies.

To fight nature is to destroy it.
And you as nature with it.

Fuck the creational shit, I want to know if supernatural occurances are scientific or actual magic.
Is the propaganda seen in movies like The Conjuring real? When people claim they feel someone watching them or in their house? Is that scientific base or is it related to magic, something that's now seen as a myth but had relevancy in history long ago?

Freemasonry = Lucifer.


Because one side might be a conclusion of the forces of the universe.
The other is definitely the destroyer.

That "good" side might have bad memes in it though that need to be pruned.

You don't prune a tree by cutting it completely down.
Prune it too much, it fails to be a tree and withers to the "ground"

Complete moral reversal is a trap I think.

The occultists were the fedora of the past millennium

debate me

Baphomet has nothing to do with Satan or christianity.
Christianity needed a image for their nemesis, and at one point they opposed pagans, who had deities like Baphomet and other horned deities.
Also the right hand path clearly points to the light.

ok OP.

So the figure on the left points both up and down
"as above as below"

But george seems to only "point" up. The other hand is a "sword".
Basically, fight with below FOR above.


What's wrong in the world right now is too many are fighting with the sword.
We need something "from above" to fight with.

Firm Truth.

Willful possession. They talk about it, you only have to listen.
"As above" does not mean the highest point of above, it is the indicator.
"So below" concludes the truth of the above. In this case, Washington was possessed.

The arm as washington is has his means, "perserverance." Its basically metaphysical propaganda, as the perserverance is in regard to the fight AGAINST God.

Satanists (read: 16 yo teenagers) being edgelords, what else ?

Government, financial, and social leaders as well as but certainly not limited to military/intelligence and every other walk of life isnt exactly edgy 16 year olds medpack. Movie stars and musicians.
They believe this shit so deeply.

That's kind of hot.

enlighten me please

Is that what that was? It was pretty cool. I noticed the color was off but I'm partially colorblind.

I hate to recommend something on youtube but Communism by backdoor is a good series, I also have some other knowledge and I draw from personal experiences.

Hermes would be proud

>"As above" does not mean the highest point of above, it is the indicator.
Yeah I know, but it's a direction that causes chaos to "gravitate" so to speak, or order.
I see it more as above as "order", below as "chaos" and the figure meeting between the two.

Are you saying Washington believed different here? He rejected past memes to fight chaos?

Because that was silly washington.

And yet fail to see that they've been tricked.

Memes are naturally selected for a reason.
Straying may bring short term gain.
But not for long.

Im saying Washington was a luciferian.
Perserverance in the fight against, as they believe, " a cruel and ruthless God." Thats why he is holding the sword, thats why he is mimicking the abomination demon. As above, so below.

So I just checked it out and... You're telling me satan is jewish ? That would explain a lot though

Lots are tricked, the rest are not.

Jews are the adopted children of lucifer. Hence why they have the current reputation.

>Perserverance in the fight against, as they believe, " a cruel and ruthless God." Thats why he is holding the sword, thats why he is mimicking the abomination demon.
So they really were silly ex-Christians that did not understand the world around them?
That's a bit anti-climatic.

This aint exactly permanent hell. It's wearisome but it's also bittersweet.

What's the big deal? Just archaic thinking?


Funny you should mention that. We caught a bunch of kids in an abandoned hospital last night. They had a chair in the middle of a pentagram with candles all over the place. I was told to investigate the area and make sure there were no fires.

Literally every kid who was there jumped out of the second story window into bushes on the opposite end and got away. I am kind of glad they did because I was shit out of energy and was already late for home

>Lots are tricked, the rest are not.
Trust me.

They are.

Babylon already tried this shit and collapsed with utter destruction. They followed similar monetary practices and systems to now as well.

They are ALL tricked. Part of the reason Babylon fell is that they desperately held on to the same memes as well.

People need to be malleable, pragmatic, yet restrained to naturally selected memes.

Try something, doesn't work? nix it.
Still working? proceed with caution.

I mean for fuck sake, THINK.

The ultimate battle, the war of wars is raging.
This is it: Get souls to God or away from him. The goal of evil is not to defeat God. They cant and they know it. They are trying to steal as many souls from God to give to lucifer as they can.
Because lucifer is an extremely, extremely ass blasted figure he wants all the souls of humans to burn in terrible damnation forever. Kind of an asshole, huh?

Perhaps, but someone who follows Satan willingly no matter what is fooled.
Someone who knows and purposefully joins the revolution against is tricked, but just barely. So much so, ill just consider them evil. Are the rabbis that trick their jewish flocks tricked? Yes. But hardly at the same time.
With your fucking babble maybe you should think. Or go find someone else to troll for hasbara

>This is it: Get souls to God or away from him. The goal of evil is not to defeat God. They cant and they know it. They are trying to steal as many souls from God to give to Lucifer as they can.
To be honest. If we cannot know this at this point why follow this god damn thing so easily?

Observe both sides. Make a decision, observe results, backtrack if necessary.

It is archaic thinking user.

First we discover god,
then we can decide to fight which is which.

And now we know the natural selection of memes, we might be seeing the true path.

3rd Position. Doing it with the aim of being for god, but pleading forgiveness for not knowing who or what they are in this world.

Revelation will come when we are ready to discover him, not when we don't know shit all.

But I guess that explains why everything has gone wrong the past 250 years in comparison to prior.

Stupid meme magic.

>Someone who knows and purposefully joins the revolution against is tricked, but just barely. So much so, ill just consider them evil. Are the rabbis that trick their Jewish flocks tricked? Yes. But hardly at the same time.
I see this situation like the situation in LOTR where the king is sick/cursed by someone trying to revolutionise that fortress. Gandalf simply "cured" him with light.
Truth and morality.

It's simple to cure a sick king when god simply does the work for you.
And nature upholds it.

That is what we are up against user.

>past 250 years go wrong
Exactly. The reason for that is because this country was supposed to for Lucifer, as the revolution was a sacrifice. War is a racket, an evil racket.
Fuck. I might be close to OD on redpills...

From Manly P. Hall's "The Secret Teachings of All Ages"

>Baphomet has nothing to do with Satan or christianity.
>Christianity needed a image for their nemesis, and at one point they opposed pagans, who had deities like Baphomet and other horned deities.
>Also the right hand path clearly points to the light.


also checked

Not all are going to be able to be cured by the light. There are going to be so many that will utterly reject the messiah, and do it knowingly. You cant convince that. Were they tricked into this thought process? Yes. Will they fight to the death for this? Yes. Can you help someone who doesnt want your help?
No. Verdammt.

He's crossdressing

It's a guy under that

I've never seem Baphomet in a lodge. I've never heard the name mentioned, either.

>Not all are going to be able to be cured by the light. There are going to be so many that will utterly reject the messiah, and do it knowingly. You cant convince that. Were they tricked into this thought process? Yes. Will they fight to the death for this? Yes. Can you help someone who doesnt want your help?
>No. Verdammt.

I think you forget just how many people still follow Christ and ect.

Remember, the east doesn't even know about this bullshit (I think).
We are not living in times of revelation.. but we are damn sure heading that way if some miracle doesn't happen.
Or if we don't put effort into it.

The bible never ever mentions memes user.

This is the sword we carry.

And I believe logic, truth and liberty will always prevail.
Liberty being not what washington thought it was.

>Will they fight to the death for this?
Either way is death for me- doing nothing or doing something. I have nothing but good intentions left.

Another thing.

Look up "Stand alone complex"

Maybe washington never believed in what masons and like do now.
Maybe the masons have been manipulated later on and portrayed as such for stand alone complex purposes.

Or maybe Washington never followed what he portrayed in the first place.
Maybe he properly understood memes.

One is a statue of Washington offering a sword to the people and pointing to Heaven. The other is a later drawing by Levi of perfect equilibrium.

No we don't.

A few were.

>trying to give it a cool name

It was a strawberry moon, faggot.

The scroll should be in Georges right hand, this image has been tampered.

A rolled scroll is an image to represent being part of a mystery school/possessing esoteric knowledge.

My moon was never red guys....

It's a sword, you pillock.

No, it's a scroll mate.

Curious that a scroll would have hilt, blade, and pommel.
Weak b8/10

its not supposed to be spoopy

typically the sumnmer solstice is when ancient man used to literally beg the earth for constant 24/7 sunlight because night was fucking retarded
they were also begging for constant summer weather

so the summer solstice is typically associated with harvest and fertility or whatever nonsensical random "good" bullshit pegans have applied to it

nothing spoopy

They just want you to think it's a sword my man.

Ones a statue of a real person and the other is a drawing of something not real.
Do you require people explaining a lot of things throughout the day?

They, meaning the sculptor who made it a sword?

>a drawing of something not real.
Well, it's a concept.