is there any proof that he was a trump supporter like some of these retards are claiming? I thought the police said it probably wasn't political
Justin Anderson
no he was just some legit tard they fucked up
Dylan Harris
no reason this should be in Sup Forums News stories and discussion of the news stations makes perfect sense on Sup Forums. If we can have live news incidents such as car chases on Sup Forums, we should have this.
Julian Brown
I'm really surprised white people let this happen. Black people in LA used to do this to Mexicans but mexicans at least fought back.
White gangs when?
Nathan Brooks
He was a retard, so obviously he was a Trump supporter.
No, I don't get why people are trying to turn bullying into a HATE CRIME.
Oh wait, i do, it's Sup Forums being aspies
Noah Johnson
fuck off cunt it is a hate crime in every respect
Jacob Miller
Muh dick
Mexican gangs almost wiped out most black gangs if it wasn't for peace treaties.
White people surely have the numbers like mexicans do. They need to stop being pussies and fight back.
Tyler Moore
>bullying they fucking kidnapped him
Juan Hall
No it was a bunch of niggers being niggers
Levi Murphy
Cry more
Josiah Wood
why kill yourself when you can kill others
Jason Diaz
ill make you drink toilet water bitch. fuck trump FUCK WHITE PEOPLE
Samuel Sanchez
Someone tell me why the Aryan Nation, the Brotherhood, and all the other white supremacist groups are arming themselves and heading to that place and lynching these fucking coons right now.
Robert Mitchell
>streaming it on facebook Seriously the level of retardation is immense in their entire community.
Samuel Scott
>nigger force white boy to drink toilet water and say all white people suck before kidnapping and beating him >the diddu nuffin
Weak bate weak false flag
Camden Phillips
stop pretending like you didn't cry like a defeated little bitch when Hilary didn't win. you cant save face now by pretending to be a jaded internet guy
Chase Hughes
>television and film >news belongs on here really made me think
Connor Flores
White people are beta cucks. I remember in high school blacks exclusively picked on whites, since they would get jumped and beaten otherwise. Even Asians stood up to blacks more.
Lucas Carter
>le false flag it's a meme you dip
Kevin Evans
>he actually thinks I voted for Hilary >he actually thinks I am American and care about America
What did the aspie mean by this
Andrew Mitchell
All WP groups that you'd expect to retaliate to this are 100% infiltrated with undercover FBI agents.