The flaming lips

What went wrong?

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Wayne fried his brain with LSD

They started making music

Their first EP is pretty kick ass actually

nothing went wrong, they are still making great music

Transmissions and Clouds taste metallic are their best albums and i consider it the ideal Flaming Lips band, but for a band that's literally old men they are still maing great new content


And soft bulletin. Idk if it's a case of what went wrong, more of a : woops we accidentally made a masterpiece, and now we are trying really hard to make it again


i saw them last year, was a good show but you get the feeling that he's tired of shooting confetti at the crowd and walking on the crowd in a ball

i can't remember much about it except race for the prize and them brainwashing everyone with the word "love" on the giant screen flashing in different colors for like 2 minutes straight

I've tried early Flips and it doesn't really do it for me- feels much less interesting than their later stuff.

Embryonic > everything else

an average IQ

Same here, Embryonic and The Terror are my favorite albums of them by far

i cant really enjoy anything they made before Zaireeka, every album from then on is great and they are all unique from each other

Heady Fwends

He doesn't do drugs, thats the irony of it all. The drummer who's name I cant remember is a junkie and writes all their stuff, so it depends on his state.
Wayne is the definition of a poser.
Having said that, Flaming Lips where never good, pic related is FL done right


they began trying to make it with pop starlets to try and regain relevancy

it's so sad. i remember when they singlehandedly kicked the ass of the entire indie scene from late 90s/early 2000s. embryonic was great too but terror, 7Hz, and oczy mlody are trash. heady fwends is okay though. also the pre-hit to death albums are even worse than the stuff they're putting out now so i guess it could be worse

Going to see them in a couple months
Should I be expecting a shitshow?

>He doesn't do drugs
>"I sort of love all of it [drugs] as long as you don't have to lose too much control," he laughs.
>People have said that [ayahuasca is] not that intense, like acid. Whenever I would do acid, which was the late Seventies, it would just be too long for me. After a couple hours, I'd be like, "Ah, that was fun," and then the long, long … my mind just goes to too much worry. But [with ayahuasca] I thought, "Well, okay," I'd sort of let go some of fear of going insane or whatever. I thought, "Eh, I'm old, if I go insane, I'll probably get over it." This was two summers ago. We were doing stuff with Miley that ended up on her Dead Petz record.
>There’d be some acid here and there, we’d do some mushrooms once in a while.
>Everybody’s always doing a little bit of pot, or Adderalls or cocaine. It’s just a way for people not to be nervous, but to continue to have fun.

Thats current Wayne that doesn't give a fuck anymore.
In the late 90/early 00s he looked like he was running for governor in each interview. In "The fearless freaks" you can see how he's full of himself and constantly talks about how clean he is, and Gibby calls him out on his bullshit.
Shit doc, but worth it to see what an asshole he is

Gibby Haynes?

Who else?