Why did this movie bomb when it first came out?
Why did this movie bomb when it first came out?
weird, dark, no muppets or bickering robot duo
not diverse enough.
It's boring as fuck.
People weren't intelligent enough for the 2deep4u shit back then.
never seen this, can someone convince me to? do I need to watch it in my living room on a big tv or can I watch it on my shitty laptop
It's a sci-fi noir when people were expecting Ford to do another Star Wars
it was so low-key and felt out of place at the time as almost everything else was fun and exuberant.
1982 was a good year. It had competition.
Luke, did I ever tell you about the actor who played Han Solo in the Star Wars movies? In 1982 he played a Blade Runner and he was robbed of his voice-over by an overrated hack. The film didn't win over the audiences. 1982 was a good friend.
it wasn't very good
It's a visual movie, watch it on a big screen
If you like crime noir, cyberpunk, the 1980s, and slow moving art films, watch it
If you don't, you won't like it
It wasn't Star Wars
>art films
>Blade Runner
Now come on. I'm as much of a fan of BR as the next guy but this is a stretch.
for a mainstream movie it pretty much is
watch the movie or your mother will reply to this in her sleep tonight
Fuck off.
it was lit in noirish manner, that's all.
marketed to the wrong audience i guess.
Should have gone for the 2001 arthouse/stoner crowd instead of attempting to make it look like an action-flick.
Blade Runner is GOAT. Everything about it is amazing. Visuals. Stories, Characters. Acting. mind blowing soundtrack. can't believe we are getting a sequel this year. PINCH MY DICK TIP!
Neo-noir isn't exactly a killer genre, and the posters and such do an awkward job of explaining what you're in for. Is this for arthouse pseuds? Action fans? Nerds?