Let's pretend it's 1776. Turns out there's a referendum on American independence. What's your opinion

Let's pretend it's 1776. Turns out there's a referendum on American independence. What's your opinion.

Please consider the economic drawbacks you would suffer.

Full steam ahead boys

burn down their white house

Leaving mother Britannia really was a mistake though fampai.

True. In an alternate universe the imperial federation became a reality and the Angloshpere reigns supreme over entire planet.

Fuck off Tory scum

t. Benedict Arnold

>defend myself against a monarch's tyranny in favor of democracy


>leave a democratic union in order to be a sovereign nation ruled by a monarch.

hey farm boys, better vote remain, or me and my hessian friends will teach you some manners

My ancestors are still cucking it up in Norway and Swedumb.

The EU is not really democratic though. It's not like there was an referendum about getting rid of all the borders and importing 2 million third worlders each.

How did that one turn out actually?

>american cuck pretending he knows anything about the EU while spewing out it being democratic

Good one.

Captured Germans thought we were going to skin them alive, which wasn't true, so they told their friends and some hessians defected for better treatment and land.

>monarch's tyranny
>he fell for the meme of rich businessmen

Guys come on, without the Royal Navy how are we supposed to protect our trade ships from Berber pirates

We'll build our own navy that is bigger and better.

>vote stay
>British will give us representation in a couple years anyways
>Gain self rule as well anyways
>slavery ends decades earlier
>possible blacks are returned to Africa

Washington killed them in their sleep on Christimas

Think I give a fuck?

Isn't the American constitution based on the Magna Carta?

You should send this to John Oliver. He might use the argument. Would like to see the backlash.

Well what are the arguments for and against?