If Wonder Woman flops, will it be the final nail in the coffin for the DCEU?
If Wonder Woman flops, will it be the final nail in the coffin for the DCEU?
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Justice League will come out either way. If that manages to flop, then they're done.
Even if both flop they will still make the batman movie but then they will cancel it. They wont miss out on the money the batman movie will make.
I hope so
By the time Justice League comes out, they will have likely already either finished filming Batman & Aquaman (or come very close)
Also, regardless of quality, Wonder Woman & Justice League will likely make WB solid money anyway.
Every Transformers movie gets shit reviews but makes money. You don't see Paramount feeling have to dump Bay and start over.
Essentially, yes. I mean people really want a good Justice League movie to begin with, and I dont see WB recovering if it fails to meet expectations, not to mention it will further alienate the already annoyed audience. Theyre expecting Wonder Woman to do poorly already, and its release date is practically box office suicide.
The Transformers movie make billions of dollars, each entry makes more than the last one. The DCEU is profitable but below expectations. Wonder Woman probably won't break $700 million, if Justice League can't beat BvS' disappointing gross than it's over.
Depends on how much money they are able to launder and taxes they will be able to save for taking the loss.
It's not going to flop. It will score at least a 70% on RT.
I mean if WB cant print money with fucking Justice League than what point is there to continue with solo spinoffs? Hell BvS in theory should have made bank but they dropped the ball on that. Id personally rather scrap this entire mess and reboot later
batman is essentially the last bullet in the chamber. but really its suicide squad 2.
so that's four straight films.
Didnt they scrap SS2 for Gotham City Sirens? Both Aquaman and Flash got delayed, and Flash needs a director before March. Not only that, its really disappointing that Batman material is hijacking this entire thing. Fuck they struggling to sell A listers, so fat chance of Dr Fate or Blue Beetle ever showing up
lol this movie is fucking dead if it sucks
BvS and SS got away with having no competition, WW is stuck in the middle of several huge films.
I'd rather see Captain Underpants than Wonder Woman.
>each entry makes more than the last one
Because of China. I think domestic keeps getting lower on each movie
That's a lot of shitty movies. I think ww will do well
DC literally cannot stop whorring out Batman. Fucking hell he's the focus of the Justice League Dark cartoon movie. People complain about Iron Man whoring, which is fine for the most part, but DC's constant falling back to Batman is even worse and has been going on for far longer.
The movie has three weeks to make decent money until The Last Knight is released. It'll be dead after that
All of those "shitty movies" have been making more bank than the DCEU.
The DCEU will change to become totally Batman focused, but I doubt they will abandon the DCEU. At this point, apart from the harry potter films, the DCEU is Warner's biggest money makers.
Pirates and Baywatch come out a week before it.
It'll be the first flop so no.
we'll see, if Kong proves popular the Goji-verse may take pre-eminence
>If Wonder Woman flops, will it be the final nail in the coffin for the DCEU?
Gadot won't be able to travel to promote the movie because shis pregnant and might not appear neither in the premiere
BVS didn't flop. I don't know how Suicide Squad did but I'm sure even if Wonder Woman fails to return a profit they'll at least wait to see what happens with Justice League which is the first one I'm actually excited to see.
The writer is a fag enabler. The white one grows up to be a fag
Wonder Womans only hope is a strong second weekend, which will only happen if its fantastic. Although if early signs are anything to go buy, it isnt in the slightest. And this certainly wont do it any favors.
Theyre driving away the audience little by little here. At some point WB will consider cutting their losses and sit on the IPs for a while
>Still no Green Lantern
I was watching some Episode III ROTS scenes the other day and holy shit would Hayden Christensen be an awesome clean-cut Aquaman. Khal Drogo should've been Namor.
It's going to be graded on a curve for being the female superhero movie SJW's have been clamoring for. It will perform poorly at the box office, but be shielded from criticism by articles accusing the entire moviegoing audience of being sexist for not seeing it. The Huffington Post will say that we "weren't ready" for it.
This won't kill DC. They're like the fucking terminator, they will keep going no matter what. They can just take hit after hit because their shitfests make enough money to justify themselves. People will knowingly see a bad movie if that bad movie is Justice League. If only because they've been waiting for a justice league movie for 20 years.
I hope it does flop. No one gives a shit about WW.
Just make a Harley, Joker and Batman movie please
>suicide squad 2.
Thats not coming out until after 2020
I hope the DCEU survives til then
Why doesnt WB literally just make it a Batman universe?
Think of all the villains we could get Batman fighting. Make it like a mini series but in movie form.
Would be great and then halfway thru each Batman movie it can cut to another Justice League character or something before coming back to what Batman is doing.
That way we get Batman movies but with lots of subplots to keep everyone entertained and every movie will be a box office hit.
I can see Hayden going bald and being some abusive aggressive DC villain
And when not a Batman movie, every character should be asking "where is Batman?"
No dont make Batman the center of the extra scenes. Have a good 40 mins with no Batman but then cut back to Batman's story line.
Each movie can be 2 hours and a half.
One of the subplots could be Joker's henchman Resevoir Dogs style. Would be cool
>Wonder Womans only hope is a strong second weekend
This. Rogue One passed 8 million by its second weekend.
I doubt WW will get anywhere near that
>BVS didn't flop.
Yes it did.
Can they just recast Gal?
No offence but she is not a good actress to continue to carry her own movies nor does she have any charisma.
I say make them replace her in Justice League 2 with another Amazon Women who is similar to her.
Suicide Squad didnt flop tho.
700 million without China was awesome but I agree, BvS should have surpassed 1 billion with it being a Batman and Superman movie.
I like Batman as much as the next guy, but Im personally fucking tired of seeing the pointy eared fuck. I want a good Aquaman or Flash movie, but Im not going to get them, because WB literally doesnt know what the fuck theyre doing. At nearly every turn they panic, and then decide to add Batman to whatever project because the casual audience loves him. They have a HUGE roster of heroes and villains to pull up and they miraculously fuck up when doing something different. I dont know why or how, but something clearly needs to change over there. I mean christ when Marvel Studios is turning Dr Strange, GotG, and Ant Man into household names non comic readers give a shit about, and you cant sell Batman meeting Superman, something is clearly wrong.
Who cares I just want a Joker Henchmen movie
It didnt flop, but I wouldnt call that a success either. You have to remember there was literally nothing out during the month of its release and it went unopposed.
As long as future DC movies are R Rated, they should be much better
How does that solve anything? Also R rated movies dont do as well as PG13 movies. I dont see WB taking that risk.
Reminder to everyone DCfags had a massive GET recently >78000000
They'll be fine.
WB knows so many normies love Harley Quinn and so many girls dressed up as her for Halloween.
Hell they are even advertising Gotham City Sirins as we speak by releasing a new photo of Margot as Harley.
They are trying to get this movie out as soon as possible due to Harley's success in Suicide Squad.
I am someone who was very fond of her (I liked her extended scene where she was bitchy to the Squad and I hope they show more of that side of her).
DC knows Wonder Woman will not do well. There isnt even much articles or promo pictures advertised with Gal anyway.
I still have no idea if Jared Leto is coming back. I would at least like to see a scene where Harley tells off Joker for abusing and using her if they decide to make Harley cut ties with Joker. That would be better than just making him not show up in the movie at all and all we get is her saying to Poison Ivy or someone "Yeah things didnt work out with Mr J".
You did it wrong
Suicide Squad was the final nail. It still keeps going. As long as Marvel keeps doing good movies people will stay curious about DC and watch their trash. The MCU is giving life support for the DCEU so neither will go away any time soon.
WB is literally making the same mistakes the film industry made with capeshit before the MCU: they're trying to force their vision into the big screen. Fans want the same stuff with the same qualities from the comics, which means that we should be getting wholesome, actually heroic, non-conflicted and 'classic' heroes instead of the angst-ridden, brooding nobodies we get served at the cinema nowadays.
Fucking make a live action New Frontier film and watch the money flow. MCU gave us mostly intact comic adaptations and it paid off.
>each entry makes more than the last one
AOE make less than DOTM.
yes, it's still a billion but less than what DOTM get.
>Also R rated movies dont do as well as PG13 movies.
What is Deadpool
Suicide Squad should have been R Rated anyway.
I disagreed with a lot what RLM said but they were right when they said that loner freaks (like me) were the ones most interested in going to see a bunch of serial killers take down enemies (as well as couples who went for Harley and Joker but we all know those couples got disappointed when most of the Harley and Joker romance and "mad love" was cut out).
No idea why they made it PG 13 when you have sexual scenes like Joker at the club with Harley when that scene would have worked so much better in an R Rated film so we could ACTUALLY understand what the hell was going on compared to how WB cut it so it doesnt make full sense.
Also if you are aware, the original script has Joker demand Monster T shoot himself in front of Harley after he calls her a bitch. But I guess WB thought that would be too graphic... I fucking hate how much violent scenes they cut of Jared's Joker as they just kept him being goofy and not that threatening (which is what Jared had method acted for months to be like).
Talk about an actor who got cucked by a studio.
Suicide Squad has had a lot of merchandise purchased and almost all love Harley.
DC's main goal is to now get Gotham City Sirins released.
This movie is like 10 years late
The problem with the DCEU is A: they built it off MoS, B: They gave Snyder too much power and the guy doesnt understand the material, and C: They're focusing on box office numbers/big names instead of a good narrative
Same with the Warcraft movie. Would have made way more money if it was released 8 years ago but then I guess the CGI would be shit
if it has nudity, it be all good
Snyder's Batman is one of the greatest things in cinema history. You know this to be true.
The DC movies being grimdark is part of the problem though
Not him but he's right.
Deadpool is a rare exception like Passion of the Christ was.
Doubtful DC will release flagship titles as R-rated films.
>They're focusing on box office numbers/big names
This. All this.
Its why the DCEU is capeshit and not capekino. Its a numbers game. Money. SNyder may have a vision. MoS had a vision.
But BvS was a numbers game. So too will be JL.
The R rating wouldnt have fixed the shit plot or the fact that the people making it clearly missed the entire point of the Suicide Squad concept. Also R rated movies still bring in less money than PG13 movies user, Deadpool was a miracle because FOX didnt fuck with it
not really. WW seems pretty inconsequential to the greater scheme of things. JL is the more important one. if it flops, then that will spell the end of the DCEU. I don't think Ben would want to stick around to make the Batman movie in that scenario.
HOWEVER, JL flopping seems absurd. it'll probably make a billion. yeah, yeah, we said the same thing about BVS, but idk I've got a good feeling that this will cross the barrier. that said, just making a billion isn't enough. execs have a threshold the movie must cross in order for them to call it a success. but still making a billion even if it's not "there yet" from the execs pov will give them a bit of optimism to move forward with the other movies, and Ben might stay.
Snyder's Batman is a wannabe Frank Miller Batman that drops the golden no kill rule in attempts to be more gritty.
Despicable Me 3 will beat it by itself.
Karen Fukuhara is dead...
Its because Snyder skimmed through The Dark Knight Returns, pulled a few pages he thought looked cool, and didnt bother to read nor understand the context of those pages.
Those people look so goddamn lame.
this to be honest
You dumb shits had better shut the fuck up, or else buying a ticket to Wonder Woman will become a political statement like Ghostbusters
It was only Sony falseflagging sexist comments on the GB Trailer that started that.
Warner Bros is too stupid for that, they can't even edit their movies coherently.
Are they fucking retarded? They're going to get slapped around foreign and domestic.
Won't ever be #1 domestic, calling it.
Its funny seeing a bright light hearted Henrey Cavill Superman.
I have gotten so used to him being dark and mean
I dont care what army she was in, she isnt a good actress.
They could have put it in March, but I guess they liked having Kong: Skull Island there instead. Putting it in August would make more money, but 1 full year between installments when Marvel would have had 3 in the same time frame would make them feel very wary.
They took Wonder Woman out of the UN thing so this wont be like Ghostbusters
>No one gives a shit about a heroic super hero woman who is a role model to the world
Give me more sexy violent Harley
Wait until Captain Marvel, people will start singing a different tune
At this point, we can only ride it out. Just let the nepotism thing fail and she'll be removed from leading roles.
>Villain not on poster
>Sidekick Chris Pine not on poster
Come on this movie comes out in a few months and the only posters we got are just of Gal?
How about a poster of that beach battle with Pine standing next to Gal? That would look good and actually make people intrigued rather than just seeing a poster of a woman holding a sword
Let's hope they recast her like the MCU recasted Hulk (even tho I prefer Nortan as Hulk).
Case it point, the final moment of the warehouse scene. Deadass, Snyder probably saw that whole sequence in the book and didn't realize that Batman doesn't actually kill the mutant, he just shoots the wall to scare him into dropping the baby.
Batman kills in all adaptations, it's just that in here it's so plainly in your face and poorly justified that it sticks out even more so than usual.
Green Lantern reboot when?
This looks like an ad for a shitty mobile game.
Wonder Woman plot
>Wonder Woman hits movie theaters around the world next summer when Gal Gadot returns as the title character in the epic action adventure from director Patty Jenkins. Before she was Wonder Woman, she was Diana, princess of the Amazons, trained to be an unconquerable warrior. Raised on a sheltered island paradise, when an American pilot crashes on their shores and tells of a massive conflict raging in the outside world, Diana leaves her home, convinced she can stop the threat. Fighting alongside man in a war to end all wars, Diana will discover her full powers…and her true destiny.
So instead of her finding out WHY WW1 started and the political reasons, she just decides to kill poor German soldiers who have no idea who the hell she is when she appears on the battlefield?
If Wonder Woman was smart like Batman, she'd actually investigate the war instead of listening to one American soldier.
But but user this movie has a womyn for a lead
>Has perhaps the least memorable rogues gallery out of the JL
>Decide to use 2 that even most comic readers go "fucking who?"
Making this a period piece was a mistake.
Not choosing Circe, Cheetah, Giganta, or Ares was a mistake
Not using crazy greek monsters was a mistake
I really do hope DCEU lasts long enough to see less famous characters. But if it does, I doubt WB would go about recasting unless the actor doesn't want to come back.
To be honest, I'd buy a Wonder Woman mobile or DS game instead of seeing the bad slow motion movie fights.
I thought something that too.
WW2 had the nazis, easy bad guys but WW1 was much more ambiguous.
>Batman kills in all adaptations, it's just that in here it's so plainly in your face and poorly justified that it sticks out even more so than usual.
I guess I should be more specific. He drops his no "murdering" rule. Miller's is the only "real" Batman adaptation (aside from the very early shit) that shows Batman murdering someone. Even then it was left to your imagination.
I want to know which idiot over at WB thought placing this in WW1 was a good idea. WW1 was such a political clusterfuck that its hard to tell this story with anyone involved looking good. At least in WW2 there was a clear face to the enemy, and its partly the reason why more movies are made around it.
>Not using crazy greek monsters was a mistake
Same thing happened with Dwayne Johnson's Hercules.
WHY not make the monsters the main villains? Did the director watch Hercules: The Legendary Journeys?
That was fucking amazing and so was Xena.
I wish Wonder Woman was like that instead of an "Amazon Goddess" fighting WW1 Soldiers.
>be superior comic universe
>have iconic and the most interesting characters
>have great stories
>WB decides that they want marlel money
>take the most lazy and untalanted cape shit script writer of all time
>take director who can't understand shit in comics
>Now movie about your greatest hero team is less anticipated and porpably will be less loved than literally who reddit team
No shit.
Most WW2 movie's goals for the main character is: stop Hitler's master plan.
...what the fuck is the master plan of WW1?
Yes I am serious. What was the end goal?
War to end all wars.
They didn't think it through.
Gadot doesnt have any other movies so damn WB will have to fire her to make her leave.
I hope they do no offence
I cant stand that accent
Well, german's puppets started the war by command of their masters who wanted world domination. It's pretty simple. Russia, France and Britain are the good guys.