The Gang Turns Black

thoughts on tonight's episode?

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Haven't watched it yet

they should have either done a Quantum leap tribute or Wizard of Oz tribute
not both
should have been edgier too


Ending was 10/10

I was really hoping Dean Stockwell was gonna show up as Al.

it was amazing how they took a premise as fun as
>The Gang Turns Black
and made it so terrible

>No blackface for Mac
>No Dennis blackvoice
>Frank fumbles over his words when he gets to be as stereotypically black as possible
>Black doubles are literally just underused reflections except for the final scene

Old Black Man deserved a better episode desu

While i like theyre experimental concepts episodes, i prefer normal comfy episodes centered around paddys pub. Still really funny and creative though

one of the worst episodes yet. like why were they singing.

They should have been in blackface.

Can this be a man seeking women thread because i unironically like it

fucking amazing lmfao

This episode won't have a ton of replay value but its a fantastic episode for sure

>Reddit: The It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Episode
fucking dropped fuck these cuckold libshit reddit writers

biggest disappointment of 2017 so far

kys, amigo.

when i heard they were going to do a musical i thought it was going to be something like the "dayman" musical which was god-tier, not this.

Instead we got a social commentary on the current social standing of black people

Just gonna say it: Being white is easier than being black.
Being a white woman is a piece of cake

ill agree to that if you tell me who the qt pie is

The most polarizing episode they have made by far.

watching Always Sunny and Man Seeking Woman back-to-back is really comfy

Frank should've spoken in jive


How can you make fun of an episode for what it could have had? Judge by the content not the potential.
In my opinion it was better than most of season 11

Because they watched The Wiz which was a musical. Also they go on a quest to "The Wiz" like in the movie.

Dude, its a fuckin show. Dont let youre autistic need to showcase your alr rightness rule your life

Dubs confirms autism.

season 11 gave us the suburbs episode (easily a top 5 episode) and the cruise 2 parter though

Worst episode easily!

Man my wife kids black. Being white is a breeze. All that shit about being treated better is true

The worst episode they've ever had, by far. I just cancelled my Direct TV Now subscription as this was one of the few shows I was holding out hope for. I'm done.


Lol wife and kid. My half white kid is going to be considered black

Lmao poor you. This show has churned out contant gold over the years. Theyre trying to switch it up every once and a while.

i mean i understand why they did it in the show. i mean like WHY did whoever write this episode think it would be a good idea? the songs themselves were cleaver but i still dont like it.

Funny as hell

It was pretty funny and I'm glad Sunny is back. I'm Sup Forums too. Someone said in the other thread this will be great pleb filter and I agree.

If they did ANY of what you claimed to have wanted, you literally would've bitched about how they recycle gags and can't come up with anything new, a la the last two seasons.

You fucking weenie.

>member old sunny
>nigger nigger cuck nigger
>Muh edge lost

What are the rules?

>sometimes it's hard to tell when you're being discriminated against
based Sunny putting it plainly

It felt too... clean. Everything was so organized there was none of the arguing/talking over eachother

Don't you need to get ready to run the whitehouse?

If you liked this episode you belong more on reddit. Go there and prosper, I wish the best for you.

If you vehemently hated this episode and at minimum most of the previous 2 seasons you may remain here.

This is the HARD CUTOFF. There are NO exemptions. This will show us who belongs here and who doesn't.

>it's bad
>hurr durr go back to Sup Forums
>it's good
>durr hurr you're a cuck

this is good

Nice cut and paste from Literally bro are you ok? Like you're getting mad about a tv show to strangers on a japanese cartoon discussion website

The Gang gets BLACKED

>The Wiz

Nobody knows what the fuck the Wiz is. I thought it was a reference to the store, which made sense when they went there but apparently there's some movie namde the wiz?

Horrible episode all around - I feel like they have one black writer who they tasked with putting this episode together, and all the whities just assumed his input represented all black people.


The only people that dont like it are scrawny insecure Sup Forums fags that get triggered every time a black person appears in a form of media they enjoy. It wasn't a great episode but it wasn't "LIBTARD JEW KEK PROPAGANDA ;("

Thicken your skin you Dylan Rooff worshiping pussies.

A u t i s m

Face the harsh reality. You don't belong here.


>Dylann Roof

they've already said nigger tho
literally in the pilot
the fact that they wouldn't this time just shows they've regressed

no it shows they've matured ;^)

>Only season 12
>Renewed up to season 14
This is only the beginning of how shitty this show will get.

kill yourseld

Idek if you're trolling or serious, because you sound like those guys who write themselves as fanfic characters that say shit like "Heh.... nothing personal, kid!"


How many times are you going to say this?

This website has rotted your brain, see you next week user.


I am that person, and this is my website. You sound like the person that goes to every midnight release of every Marvel and Star Wars movie, and has no filter at all for quality.

Go to reddit, seriously, you will enjoy yourself more and I won't have to look at so much shit taste.

I can easily judge it by potential when they take a great concept and completely squander it, then render everything a dream so the episode itself was irrelevant to the rest of the series

I like when they occasionally do throwbacks you sausageposter, hearing play as Dee's ringtone in Frank Falls Out the Window was great

I'd rather have a rehashed husk of shit like a CharDee MacDennis 3 than this entirely forgettable episode

Wow, this is cringe.


user, it's okay that you came to this website in the last two years for the memes. No one will shame you for that

Wrong wrong wrong

Privilege is some liberal bullshit

>I am that person, and this is my website.

>projecting instead of leaving

Don't waste your time.

Remember what Always Sunny was, and don't spoil that by watching this season. It had a good run.

I'll admit that Always Sunny has lost something from it's early days, but it's still funnier than anything else in tv. I'll keep watching it until that changes.

R u joking or a massive faggot

I hate to agree but the cheap trump potshots just make me scared, I don't wanna hate this show but I'm a big Sup Forums guy and liberal politics are disinformation

aw does the special snowflake need a safe space? :^)

Except when applying for jobs and applying for college, where blacks get preferential treatment and whites get shafted. You know, the two most important parts of living in a dogshit economy. But oh no, niggers have trouble socializing with white trash so they're oppressed.

>nobody knows what the fuck the Wiz is
I'm from the suburbs of Alexandria and even my white ass knows what that is.

Yeah i cringed hard that was god awful, if you reddit fags liked it you should jump off a bridge.

But if you're a nigger you can just assume anyone that is mean to you is racist. If you're a white man you have to take it up the ass.

>Privilege is some liberal bullshit

So if I'm the son of say Bill Gates, I'm not privileged?

You probably have half a dozen gauges jammed into various parts of your face, you fucking nu-male faggot.

That's economic advantage, not racial "privilege"

The cruise confirmed mac being gay with no apologies so i dont like it.

It's not bullshit. Black people have institutionalized privilege thanks to affirmative action. Whites lack privilege.

>It's a rich people who will never ever have to worry about finding a job ever again preach to the working class about how stupid they are for worrying about the economy episode

Isnt being irredeemable a staple in this series? What would an ending where the gang learns a lesson be like? Thats the best part of this show you faggot.

Are you dumb? Blacks and white woman have privilege user.

There were parts where the message was so fucking hamfisted it made me think "what the fuck happened to this show". But overall it was decent. The part where Frank and Dee are under the bridge and do a minute long musical number on the morals of using "nigga" just to have Duncan say "what's up my niggas" was fantastic. The cops shooting Charlie made me roll my eyes though.

It just seems that the writing staff is divided. Half of them want to make topical shit with political commentary and half just want to make funny shit. Don't get me wrong, the first fucking episode of Always Sunny was Charlie saying "nigger", but they never said "we should realize that Black people have it tough in this country".

The joke was that they didn't say it *because* they were black. Everyone except Frank was overthinking it and thinking they had to learn a lessom to turn white again. They were trying to appease a higher power by being less vulgar and acted contradictory to their established character purposefully so they could escape the hell of being black.

Don't tell me that simple joke went over your head.

If you don't think being white is easier than being black you are deluded.

The only reason that white people aren't more up in arms over affirmative action is that black people are so wildly inferior that even with the cards stacked in their favor they make up a minuscule part of the labor pool. Any black person who is not 100% a piece of shit is playing on easy mode compared to a white person with the same personality, abilities,and economic background.

This tho, and I'm the guy you replied to

But calling it privilege implies to me that you base the advantage on some inherent uncontrollable quality of circumstance like race or wealth of family.

>episode contains the line "I don't want to see Orland Bloom in Back to the Hood!"

i think your definition of privilege is very different from the one most people use.

What about being white do you think is easier than being black? Having to actually earn a job or placement in a college?

>There were parts where the message was so fucking hamfisted
I think that was the point. It seemed like it was partially a parody of an after school special, with the switch happening right after they awkwardly just happened to bring up a ton of current racial issues and then brush them off.

>be white male today
>half the country hates you for being privileged despite losing jobs or an education to "fair selection" otherwise known as Affirmative Action

>be black male
>don't be a retarded thug
>get handed scholarships and jobs on a 2.0GPA

>But calling it privilege implies to me that you base the advantage on some inherent uncontrollable quality of circumstance like race or wealth of family.

That definitely exists. Rich people are definitely privileged. SJWs being crazy pieces of shit who think all white men are in the same club as rich brats like Donald Trump doesn't change that.

Tbh deaf people and retards are way more at risk for being killed by trigger-happy cops than black people are. Why isn't there a deaf/retarded lives matter movement?

Really? White people, and especially white women, get better treatment at all levels of society.
Do you understand how affirmative action works?

I don't like wealth either but don't shit on trump

I'm lower middle class but at this point I've associated hating trump with being a faggot, I'm skeptical Of him at worst as of right now and even then I don't see any reason to dislike him yet other than "my facebook buddies called him an angry Cheeto lol rekt! #imwithher"

That was really, really weak, only one or two good lines. If this is what they have to give us straight off this season will probably suck.

Masterpiece of anti-art.