>DCucks complain about quips in Marlel movies
>had the quippiest quipfest ever recorded in pic related
DCucks complain about quips in Marlel movies
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What superhero could Arnold have played in his prime?
Batman & Robin was still a fucking quippu movie
Soviet Superman
s'true. Puns involve wordplay. A quip only has to be inappropriately jocular.
Red Son would make an awesome movie adaptation
colossus. And Alyssa Milano could play Kitty. And make it to come out right after Commando.
yeah, but it was arnie, and arnie is allowed to do that shit
Is this quipkino?
Arnie's Mr. Freeze knew what it was. It's quipkino. Marvel tries to be quippy and serious at the same time, and fails at both.
Name 5 other movies that are quipkino
Batman and Robin knew what it wanted to be. It's the finest quipkino there is. Marvel throws quips to add levity to scenes that are supposed to be taken seriously because god forbid we have the audience actually feel something from our movie.
Can't beat the one man one-liner.
Arnold as the Tick would be prime kino
In a movie with the Bat Credit-Card, Bat Nipples, and Holy Metal Batman, Arnie is the least of the sins.
This is hilarious because in R1 threads quips are only puns.
Arnold was a superhero in and of himself.