Barbarossa 75th Memorial

75th anniversary of Barbarossa commencement is tomorrow. press F to pay respects to the 850,000 Axis forces who died fighting civilizations enemies in the east.

The current German establishment, to its eternal shame, does not commemorate those who died fighting this campaign, instead commemorating events like D-day.

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If only it ended with success, the failure will scar Europeans for all time to come.


And bump.

>Caring about socialists killing socialists

> commemorating the greatest ass-kicking for Germany ever

Hey Ireland, do you celebrate potato-famine day?

Ha! Topkek

The idea that Nazis were ever good at fighting is one of the most hilarious Nazi sympathizer myths.

On the Eastern front, the nazis only made their initial gains when they had a numerical advantage during Barbarossa.

They considered slavs subhumans and any Red Army soldier that was captured would be shipped off to concentration camps and exterminated. That's why the kill ratio is artificially inflated in the nazis' favor.

Keep in mind the nazis were nothing but a bunch of jumped up street thugs whereas the red army was a highly competent and professional fighting force. The nazis only made their initial gains because of their numerical advantage. It was the soviets who basically invented mechanized combined arms warfare back in the 1930s and perfected it during the great patriotic war. Late war soviet operations made the blitzkrieg (which was never a coherent doctrine to begin with and only ever worked out of sheer luck) look like a child's game in scale, logistics, and tactics.

It didn't hurt that the Red Army was also technically superior to the nazis. When the nazis were using bolt action rifles and shitty czech tanks, the soviets had T-34 and KV tanks and ppsh machine guns, even late war nazi Tiger and Panther tanks fell flat against stalin tanks and 152mm assault guns.

After Barbarossa the great patriotic war basically consisted of the red army persuing the nazis at a leisurely pace all the way to berlin.

Pic somewhat related. This man had more aryan pussy in a week than most of you basement swelling neckbeards will in a lifetime.

> Keep in mind the nazis were nothing but a bunch of jumped up street thugs whereas the red army was a highly competent and professional fighting force.

You are not very partial to facts, are you?

Ok, so let's look at what those two armies had accomplished prior to the invasion of the Soviet Union

>Soviet Union
>Lost the Finnish War
>Took half of Poland after Germany invaded

>Invaded Norway
>Invaded France
>Invaded Belgium
>Invaded The Netherlands
>Invaded Austria
>Invaded Czechoslovakia
>Invaded Poland
>Won every single invasion

Golly gee, that Russian Red Army sure was better, they really were a force to be reckoned with, and the evil Nazis were too scared to fight them, so they pushed through the areas where there wasn't a Red Army. At least I truly see!


Nice b8 m8

The nazis literally had their beginnings as thugs roaming the streets, beating political opponents and intimidating voters.

Who won in the end?

> their beginnings

How does this say anything about the military capabilities of the Wehrmacht?

The side that was given an incredibly amount of assistance from the U.S. because they literally could not fight their own war

The SA did. As well, Hitler discouraged the street fighting and violence greatly. It was the communists who incited the violence and the corrupt SA leaders that encouraged it. That's why the SA got btfo an replaced by the SS. Remember fellow leaf, not every German was a nazi. The great, great majority of the Wehrmacht was comprised of regular men.

>muh lend lease that only started arriving when the nazis were already on the run

top kek

but these threads are boring as long as all russians are banned from Sup Forums...

>It was the communists who incited the violence
They were only exercising their right to fight tyranny.

In 1941 the Germans captured more ground faster than any army before in history...
Anthony Beevor - Barbarossa

F for fuck Franklin Roosevelt in his fat faggot ass for fighting for the wrong side and not firebombing the filthy bolshevists

Ruskis were only banned for a day a couple weeks ago

most commemorate the dead, our ancestors, flesh and blood, yes

Did I say that? Or are you trying to make up quotes so that you can re-frame the counter-argument? Here's a (((you)))

Kek now I know this is bait.


Bonus Lecture:


Sad, because there will be some that survived that war, who only fought for their country, for there brothers/fathers/families and have to live in darkness and shame because some 19 y/0 sjw faggot who smokes weed will call them and hound them a "FASHIST BATARD NARZEEE". If onyly all of europe could just uncuck ourselves, the men who fought this war, fought for what they felt was right


Wrong. That would be Operation Bagration in the summer of 1944.

The Red Army covered as much ground in 2 months as the Nazis did in all of 1941.

>Invaded Norway
>Invaded France
>Invaded Belgium
>Invaded The Netherlands
>Invaded Austria
>Invaded Czechoslovakia
>Invaded Poland

and after all that they decided to waste all their resources attacking a neighbour who had no intention of attacking them, Stalin warned weeks in advance but ignored it because he was sure Hitler wasn't that fucking stupid

they should have sent all those barbarosa units to strenghten their hold on europe, or shit even the african front could've used them

aryan cucks got greedy and lost everything






FFFFFFFFFFFF for not letting Patton nuke the commies before they got nukes too.





Why should we celebrate an angry incompetent tyrant's scheme to invade a sovereign nation and decimate its people at the cost of millions of German lives?

>genocidal fasicst dictatorship

Barbarossa was a win for civilisation. Killed a generation of fascist and communist scum.

>this post
>that flag

Good job wehrmacht, good job

>Muh Allies, evuhl hitler

He stopped the Jewish communist advance and takeover of Europe. Best defense is a good offence.

>Stalin a good boi dindu noffin



Brave men who fought for what the held dear, even when the world was against them.

Sieg heil

tribute to the Soviet heroes

That glorious sound!

Am I the only one from the alternate timeline where it was called operation Barbosa?

The axis forces can suck my allied red white and blue cock.

Fuck the Nazis, fuck the Italians, and fuck Imperialist Japan.

These days, Japan is cool. Germany is cool. But Italy? Those greasy meatballs can go fuck right off. Fucking followers. Hahhahahahahhahaha Italy full of gays.

Yeah, he did a real fine job.

Rip Soviet heroes, you will forever be remembered for saving humanity from evil tyranny.

>muh perfectly unique wermacht soldier that can kill le ebil russkies );;; FUCKING JEWS REEEEEE ITS YOUR FAULT THEY INVADED THE ENTIRE WORLD

A pity Germany wasn't nuked like Japan.
Those nazi faggots deserved what came to them and more. I'm glad their race is being bred into extinction and that they know to take it like the cucks they are.
Fascism was a failure and will never ever rise again no matter how many memes you post in your basements.

Allied bombing helped a lot.
It ruined the German industry.

>a few nukes would do anything

hitler loved muslims, he would probably send some of the german qts to their harems


hi tumblr

>pic related

just came to say that my grampa killed some 20 invading krauts and about 10 occupying wops, he died 10 years ago a happy man, I love you grampa

Did he ever tell you much of his experiance user? Just curious.

reading is hard

>Implying Greece doesn't love mudslimes

They he rape 100 little girls user?

>cherry picking like a complete moron

Look at all those aryan supermen.

only in broad strokes such as theatres and battles he'd been a part of, the stories were mainly about the hardship of wartime, disease, malnutrition, guerilla ways etc; post-war he was working counterintelligence and took the stories of the latter to his grave

his son sold (!) the trophy Luger he got off a kraut he'd killed

I reckon that's just propaganda that little people fall for, after all the truth is always the first casualty in any war

why so butthurt sempai?

Maybe we should nuke your lazy ass """"Greece"""" Your country is entirely populated by NEETS and any sensible man would flee to a more relevant place.

>acting like an organic retarde
kill yourself

Wow, so edgy. Don't you have to stop your sister from getting raped by a Paki or something?

>Got raped by Turks
>Getting raped by German (((banks)))

The only life that needs ending is yours

>soviets ere vastly superior

since when does human wave attacks were considered a superior tactic?

you DO realize that the sovits lost around 10 fucking million men during the war and germany only lost 5 million.


The German "War Machine" on the eastern front is a myth. The high watermark of the advance was December 1941 at the outskirts of Moscow. That is, the German ability to conduct a wide offensive across the entire front lasted less than a year. After 1941, Germany never again tried to advance on Germany, opting for a push South towards the oil fields, which was then blunted in 1942-43.

The idea that Germany had technological and air supremacy is also largely a myth. By the end of 1942, soviet tank production was already equal and exceeding that of Germany's. Moreover, air supremacy was already starting to be lost to the Soviet airforce. This all on top of Germany's extremely dire logistical situation with overstretched lines, bad roads, and little mechanization for the roads that did exist.

The gains that Germany made in its Eastern offensive uniformly came from strategic surprise, nothing more. Once the effects of strategic surprise wore off in the push to Moscow in 1941 or the push to Stalingrad in 1942, the German advance stalled and began to be pushed back.

By 1943, with the war of logistics and production being lost and a fully engaged Soviet Army, Germany had little chance for strategic surprise and thus fought a losing war of attrition for the rest of the war.

Thanks for destroying Europe for decades to come, Nazi Germany. Killing millions of Euros was a big help for humanity.

They fought for a noble cause. We fought for the rights of Africans and Arabs to rape European women.

The end is near.

>get raped by turks
lol prove it you moron

>getting raped by germans
Not even fucking close, we're literally taking all their money


They were not Europeans at the time, nothing of value was lost

Should have went straight for Moscow desu

Memorial ? Nobody is going to commemorate losers, they lost and died. The winners on the other hand not only are still alive, but still receive commemorations for their deeds.

What a druggie you are! Taking money from people who actually work and thinking this is good for your abysmal economy

t. Alberto Barbarossa


I would say that Germany has mainly prevent Stalin to invade Europe. Because that was the plan of the Bolsheviks since the 20s.

>you DO realize that the sovits lost around 10 fucking million men during the war and germany only lost 5 million.
If we killed german pows we would make numbers even. Yet we did not. Ahaha russia weak.

and germans are again being send to russias border

why do people never learn from history?

>Not even fucking close, we're literally taking all their money

Kek, your entire country is a fucking private branch now.

Nope that was Trotsky and Lenin plan, to lead the global revolution, through arms or internal revolutions,
Stalin was more of a Socialism in 1 country style, Even though he was agressive to others, it always was on the borders of a commie block

forgot link

You think one day the west is gonna uncuck itself and start again? This time all together?

But you did kill them Ivan. Almost as badly as your own repatriated POWs who actually managed to survive the Nazis.


By the time that happens, half of Europe will be Muslim and half of the USA non-white.

you really should leave.
It can't be that bad.

Just kill yourself already Hans. There is no one I hate more on this planet than you traitorous suicidal cuckold "aryans". Yes, you are below even the sandpeople.

False flag mehmet.

all the soviet soldiers who died, RIP