Not all Muslims are terrorists

Not all Muslims are terrorists.

All Nazi are Germans but not all Germans are Nazi.

But I'm not German!


i am not german

Yes you're something much worse.

Wrong on both counts. Ukranian SS would like to have a word with you.

>all Nazis are German
You must be new here, welcome.

Your Wahhabist Kingdom needs to be nuked.

What Hitler really thought of other races.

Nazi is an intended derogatory for nationalist, and half of the world is nationalist. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but those that aren't make such a fine job of shitting up everywhere they emigrate to that we don't even need to use terrorists as an example of how utterly awful Islamic culture is.


not all germans are nazis
not all arabs are muslims

not all muslims are terrorists
not all nazis are murderers

>da natzee
why do i hate this word so much?


>tfw whitey uses this belief as justification for letting us repopulate their countries

Your time is over Europe. Islam is the future of your continent.

>All Muslims want Sharia law in western countries.

I don't want to live under a laws from a religion I'm not a part of. Do you Muslims even understand that?

Hitler himself was Austrian.

All fags are homos but not all homos are fags

>All Nazis are Germans

Whatever you say, Mr. "1 post by this ID".

Not all Germans were Nazis, but see what happened to France back then for neglecting their borders and not having a proper defence strategy.
Apply the same logic nowadays, fag.

>not all Germans are Nazi.

Jews tend to disagree.

Please nuke your Wahhabist country and stop funding terrorism.


>not all Germans are Nazi
Yes, I know of that theory.

You're absolutely right. It's just Saudis that are Wahhabist jihadi terrorists.

Would you kindly go aloha snackbar your nearest mosque?

thats true but was it wrong to attack germany?
They still bombed dresden to shit maybe we should do the same with mudslime countries.
It wont even be that bad, we will bomb you forward into the stone age