what did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
Aw shit nigga is it time for a based Dredd thredd?
I'd climb her peach trees if you get what I'm sayin
>lets out a silent fart
god she was so hot in this movie
i had the fattest boner when she got dream raped
i'd hate to see what you get for a full braaaappp
That the movie needed a sequel.
>suck on my tits and beg me not to cube you
Did she have sex with Judge Dredd?
>The role gave Thirlby a chance to examine a very modern take on sexuality -- one that happens to jibe pretty closely with her own personal philosophy, as it turns out. "She's comfortable with the notion of having sex with her friends, and I think that's something that she does, and that's something that's pretty popular among the young kids these days," she says with a laugh. "And it's, I think personally, a very healthy view of sex. You have sex with your friends -- why not? They're trustworthy, you know them, you like them, you know? You have sex with your friends but then you're still friends the next day."
Urban is so based
picked up
what type of small talk topics did she use when talking with a friend after he licked cum off her feet?
Dredd is a virgin and in a relationship with the law.
what kinda movies u like
was she asking him that as he humped and fapped
was she just sitting there texting on her phone on her stomach like that
did she even notice when he grunted and then felt several warm ropes of fresh cum land on her feet and legs
What they're gonna order since they're both pretty hungry.
is she then changing channels on the tv looking for something to watch?
as her 2 random user friends just finished exploring and tasting eachothers milk off her feet?
>you will never be Olivia Thirlby's friend who has sex with her once and falls painfully in love with her
>that's something that's pretty popular among the young kids these days
I know those autismal faggots from Sup Forums are gonna sperg but I was literally born in the wrong generation.
Anderson's visions gave me such a fucking stiffy. I don't even care if the sex scene was a body double
>tfw dredd isnt on netflix anymore
It got a Tv series that no one knew about and disappeared in an instant.
It was preddy fucking gud too
so her character is a slut
>its modern guys xD thats whatta kids doin diz yaaass!
well, dropped.
When i read that she has sex with her friends that's exactly what went through my head.
I'd be that guy and ruin everything.
stronk woman character done right
they need to include a "going soon" section or some shit. I was planning to watch the rest of dexter but it's gone.
no one has any aesthetic dredd webms?
challenge A C C E P T E D
>drop this cool universe so you can go back to your roots with riddick 3
didn't really approve. He should have stayed emperor
My thoughts exactly.
You're not ruining anything if you don't mention it and just pine silently and get jealous and cry and drink yourself to sleep when she fucks other friends
I know man I was so hype for lord marshal politics
Instead we got more OC dont steel fic about Vin's D&D ranger doing ranger things
come on brian you know i would buy her flowers and proclaim my love to her eventually, only to get rejected.
It's just my nature.
What fucking trash
Why buy her flowers when you can just try and talk to her about it while shitfaced at the bar one night, black it out and not know why she's treating you really weirdly the next day?
that girl was hot as fuck in this movie, too bad shes ugly IRL
I went to highschool with her
did you go to the bathroom and fap to her after staring at her?
i don't drink (._.)
Is having sex with a Judge legal? Is asking about having sex with a Judge legal? It seems like in the comics, literally any interaction with Dredd whatsoever will get you sent to the cubes. Is that the joke?
do you know any good stories about her butthole?
No she was attractive though. Richard Price's daughter was also my classmate, she was in The Wire and a few other things i thought she was hotter
She's hot and Dredd ruled.
Sequel please.
No you did not.
This is pretty obvious stuff. If you think your girlfriend is hanging out with a guy because of his personality, you're a fucking donk. She might not be actively trying to fuck him, but she's definitely thinks about it. It's funny when the guy tries to explain to his girlfriend that her male friend has impure intentions.
> ywn fuck her in a forgotten supply closet in the basement of the hall of justice while she quietly moans a list of crimes you are committing and what your sentence would be
why even live?
>next movie is apparently Furia, not Underverse
Oh well.
>posting softcore of a Judge
exactly. Nice.
Really? Source?
IIRC the director's cut of Riddick showed Riddick back on board the Basilica and looked like they were about to enter the underverse.
Given that Anderson eventually gains enough psi-power to put pic related down that guy got off easy with Ma-ma chewing his dick off.
kuks rely upons streams
Have you seen this? youtube.com
>i have several friends who believe in the free love gender fluid we're just people shit because they also happen to be cognitive hypochondriacs who feel horrible for not feeling horrible
>their neurotic desperation becomes more tangibly histrionic by the day because they refuse to recognize that sex between friends was only a viable thing back before modern consciousness or even pre-Luddite civilization
thanks to "late" capitalism we now live among the most intellectually regressive generation ever born
Don't focus on the free pussy you'd get when you're young, focus on the fact that your wife will have fucked everyone of her and probably your friends too.
It's more common among liberals, thankfully.
>dredd is 5 years old
>sex with Judge Dredd
Is Dredd the only autistic comic book hero?
Is he dare I say it, "our" guy?
Literally the plot of The Wackness, starring Olivia Thirlby
what was the point of this scene?
Yup my life is a total joke. I've completely missed out. Even my ugly sister has had a lifetime more life than me. It's no wonder I'm so depressed and demotivated.
whaaat where is this from
the show was good but why the fuck did they put out the episode in the wrong order.
Fair. Not seen many of her movies because I'm not actually that big a fan of her
I'm just projecting personal experience because I keep falling in love with people after casual sex please end me
Oh what the fuck ever. It's all fun and games on paper, until you worry abut whether or not you got infected with an std or if some cum leaked into her or some shit.
Sex is such a fucking bother, I dunno why it's so glorified. Call me a prude or whatever but you all fucking know sex typically has some stupid attached worry to it.
>ctrl+f lily labeau
>0 results
Trust me, you're better off
Which direction is he looking?
>that's pretty popular among the young kids these days
Wasn't there an article about our generation being one of the least liable to oblige in sex of the last 50 years?
Remember: Judge Dredd was racially ambiguous originally.
Wait I just grabbed this off Google. Looking at it I noticed something odd. Ive only read the first 2 Case Files of issues. This is the original ambiguous Judge Dredd talking to the modern Judge Dredd? How does that play out? I wanna read it.
She was hot as fuck, and cute too. Too bad she's a rug-muncher irl. At least there's a chance we'll have leaked lesbo pics one day.
Is she Jewish? pls be Jewish
No, but she's a product of their propaganda
She wants you to judge her
Holy fucking shit you're right.
That we need a Dredd tv shows with her and Demarco as side characters
Where does the time fly? I remember seeing a trailer for this 5 years ago. 5 fucking years,gone like that...
somebody hold me
>no Dredd film with William Dafoe voicing Judge Death
why even live?
Dredd's original artist was a Spaniard living in England so that may have something to do with it
The law sees everywhere
WTF? Do women really do this?
>she probably fucked around with Ellen Page while filming Juno
> I now consider 5 years to be a short amount of time
Believe it or not, women have similar insecurities regarding their breasts as men do their dicks.
Please proceed DIRECTLY to the nearest trash receptacle.
I just realized she would be a perfect Regina for that Dino Crisis movie.