Stop calling me cute

stop calling me cute

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ok you ugly fucking bitch

A girl is a female human from birth through childhood and adolescence to attainment of adulthood when she becomes a woman. The term girl may also be used to mean a young woman, and is often used as a synonym for daughter.

Never have and never will

Clairo is to musical talent as Aziz Ansari is to dating

Never stop rolling them dubs on they death.

Is this music related?
it not than fuck off!

Only if you let me fuck your throat and rim my ass.



lookie lookie what I found:

she had dark rings under her eyes.
not enough sleep?

She is the new Queen of Sup Forums

*rich millionaire marketing ceo father pays to kickstart daughters music career*

hehe i’m so diy look at my webcam video lol

for real?
than I am already hating her.

who is this qt?

her dad was the head marketer for like coca cola and converse and she’s managed by the same guy who manges chance the rapper lmfao she’s 100% a plant. the seeds are already sown for her to release her full generic lofi LP in a year and pitchfork will give it a 8.7 touting LOOK HOW HARD THIS BRAVE WOMAN WORKED TO DEFY THE ODDS AND BTFO MEN!

who is this 6/10?

ugly jew

sucks for people who are not millionaires and are trying to start a career and get and EARN 8.7 rating.

>mfw over-privileged people

she already had two p4k interviews and one in fader. she had her own show. yet musically she didn't do shit besides singing some songs other people wrote and produced without any vocal ability.

she is all what is wrong with music industry and music journalism. I really wish she just kys herself.

She will probably start crying and become a brat if daddy don't do what she wants.

she's the proof that literally anyone who can fuck around in a daw and spout their nonsense with enough confidence can become a succesful musician. She sounds like babby's first month in FL Studio, but has a pretty enough face for the little lonely cunts to jerk it to

post example of her FL studio production plz.

lol it’s not even FL studio. it’s literally preset drum beats on her keyboard and some uninspired playing over it. then add quirky tumblr lyrics and record yourself on a webcam and you have a hit

*inserts every song made by her, ever*

Looks like a pretty boy

wtf? post video example.


yeah, I posted that.
this is all she does?


You give her too much credit, she didnt even make the cheap beat, literally only the lyrics haha

she’s a talentless hack what do you expect. someone post the video where she “plays” this live

Her father beats her every night after he heard what he paid all that money for



clairo is garbage music for tumblr users who think mac demarco is edgy and underground

What's the point of listening to this artist if she's not singing to me in person? She has the candid appeal of something completely common and average, she's like a youtube vlogger of 2006 era but as an asmr musician, she's marketable as something more authentic and believable but it's just a new manipulation of an old format

WTF did i just watch

my first song wasn't this good so i gotta give her some credit, at least it makes sense

I wonder how much daddy paid for that concert?


>i’ve been slaving on my music for 10 years and can only now get a crowd a quarter of this size and she’s half my age and shits this out in 5 minutes and gets 600 people to show up

it’s not fair


It isn't fair.

she's a talentless hack and her dad pays for her concert and promotion.

probably spent thousands and thousands on her marketing. thats why so many people were there.

was this a concert with a bigger named artist featuring clairo? or was it just a clairo concert by herself?

her music strikes a certain chord with people as shallow as it may be. it's so simple, almost to a disingenuous degree, but maybe re-evaluate yourself as a musician; and you'll find what's missing in your works.
or maybe your music is ass and as generic as her's, i don't know.

then stop taking it out on a teen girl. shes lucky. and so is pretty much everyone who is popular ever. its more to do with access and who you know than talent or hard work. ive learned to appreciate the small ammount of fans and oppurtunity i have to get to play and release music. i see most clairo hate as thinly veiled misogyny. even if she is lucky or privileged hate the system not her...

i’m fairly certain she was opening for someone but you never know

""all proceeds go to the transgender law center!!! READ MORE if u read this ur cool :) the reason I made this music video was to actually help myself. on the day i made this, my hair was greasy, my skin was bad, i had nothing to wear, and i didn't want to leave bed. i had just woken up in this video and you can definitely tell (lol) i felt really ugly but realized that it's perfectly okay to feel that way/have those types of days. the song is about a relationship i had where i felt I needed to be the perfect girl for another person.. whether that's wearing makeup, doing my hair, wearing things they like, or even changing the way i speak/WHEN i speak. so, i felt that the only way i could make this video was to have a lot of fun looking disgusting and not caring at all ! it's okay to have flaws and it's okay to embrace them and it's okay to be silly and stupid. you all might already know this, but i'm happy that i know this now""

this is truly sickening and very shitty music

lol kill yourself faggot

I wouldn't lie to you like that

i think she was opening for Tyler the creator despite this being her like first show

Spoiled little brat