Pro-lifers, I just want to know: why do you care? How does abortion effect your life enough to actively be against it?

Pro-lifers, I just want to know: why do you care? How does abortion effect your life enough to actively be against it?

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Because it's degenerate?

So is shitting in the streets, what are you actively doing to prevent others from doing it?

You've convinced me.

Start bombing abortion clinics again, boys!

They believe it is the murder of children. Bodily autonomy is irrelevant to them, because they don't care about silly things like "rights" or "freedom" or even "burgers".

It murdered millions of people I would have shared a world with

People that would have made good that God would have resurrected when the resurrection comes. So abortion has permanently made my - and everybody else's - existence worse.

I think there's honestly no real moral distinction between abortion and infanticide, if one uses the argument that it's a matter of mental development then I fail to see why you wouldn't also approve of killing the retarded or brain damaged.

That being said Im not prolife, in America at least it's kept us from being utterly swamped in black welfare babies worse than we already are. Truly I view it as a necessary Evil

> they don't care about silly things like "rights" or "freedom"

A person's right to live is the most fundamental right there is

Death is the ultimate lack of freedom

So killing a child in the womb is the worst violation of rights and deprivation of freedom that there can be.

You might as well say that its denying me freedom and "bodily autonomy" that I can't assrape you. When it comes to freedom, you always have to ask: the freedom to do what? Some freedoms are good and some are bad.

They fear they dont get to heaven. Its good way to control plebs but has become obsolete.

How can you say that insanity with a straight face?

Even the Alex Jones conspiracy theories are at least bound in what is physically possible.

You came into existence once - your mind found itself coming into existence with a body. Is it insanity to say that you'll be doing that one more time?

Apples and oranges

Same thing as gay marriage. It doesn't affect them at all, but they want to control how others live their lives.

The woman has a right to control her own body. The fetus is an unwelcome guest that, conveniently, cannot survive outside her.
>You might as well say that its denying me freedom and "bodily autonomy" that I can't assrape you.
No. You would then be denying my rights by interfering with me. Are you braindead?

Shouldn't we all be concerned for each other's wellbeing? Especially when it comes to people that can't advocate for their own, like the unborn

In most cases I would never be okay with killing an innocent human being, and unborn children are the most vulnerable.

>The woman has a right to control her own body

What is a "right"? Where does it comes from?

>You would then be denying my rights by interfering with me

Same with the child in the womb. By interfering and ending its life, you're denying it its "rights" (whatever those are - I don't believe in them. There's only good and bad, a "right" is a useful legal fiction)

>murder of under 20 year olds should be okay because I'm now 21
this is what baby killers sound like

how would you go about re-writing the tax code to fit in unborn children?

if a fetus is determined to be a citizen on the US, then they will have to be taxed accordingly. how should we replace birth certifications? with conception certifications?

aside from the argument that legal and safe abortion leads to less crime, there's a big reason why it's legal, and that's got to do with the whole concept of legislating around fetuses that count as citizens, and therefore get the same rights and laws afforded to all of us.

I'm pretty happy that tons of niggers and shitskins are aborted, actually. If they weren't, whites would already be a minority in the USA.

People shouldn't have the right to kill someone else because they suck at life.

Little sluts should just sterilize themselves if they are going to have abortions.

As much as I hate murder, which abortion is, I understand what the USA would look like if abortion was completely illegal. Look at Africa - its population has been rising despite all of the disease, genocide, and poor living conditions. Africans and African-Americans breed like the fucking plague and I guess the same could be said, albeit to a lesser degree, for South Americans.

Also, it's my belief that being born to a liberal family is a fate worse than death. So whenever a liberal kills her child, I think of it more as a mercy killing than murder.

because I'm sick of Democrats murdering unborn children.

so it should be legal to straight up murder beaners if they can't produce their certificates of american citizenship?

>pro abortion people care about ONLY their lives and nothing else

O boy we sliding hard right now.

This honestly, if liberals want to campaign to kill to their own future voters... What's that saying? "never interrupt an enemy when he's making a mistake"

As if thats a common thing

it'd certainly be at the bottom of police concerns, and the fact that they aren't citizens would make it MUCH easier.

also, i'm pretty sure they found a mass grave of illegals somewhere in Texas. nobody gives a shit, and that's a shit argument.

> an unwelcome guest

It's not unwelcome when you chose to have sex, the one and only act that's one and only purpose it to create that "unwelcome guest". That's exactly like literally calling some guy up and inviting him to walk inside your house and then killing him because he was an unwelcome guest.

>i'm pretty sure they found a mass grave of illegals somewhere in Texas. nobody gives a shit
isn't Texas like nearly half mexican by now?

I get that they don't like state funded or enabled abortion, as it's shady as fuck whenever a state gets involved. Hey let's harvest these dead babies and sell them to Dupont Corp.

Private abortion I could care less, though all of us have met a slut in highschool that had like 3 abortions. Some girls are stupid, stupid whores

>It murdered millions of niggers I would have shared a world with
Threadly reminder that abortion is minority population control.
Threadly reminder that if it weren't for Roe v. Wade, the black population in America would be DOUBLE what it currently is.
Threadly reminder that pro-life Americans are actively advocating for their country to have a nonwhite majority even sooner.

It's against the bible.

Because of morality.
If you consider murder wrong, then abortion, being murder is also wrong.

That babby is you.

But overall they're just murdering unborn democrats?

What about rape? By your analogy, that would be like someone intruding into your house and you pulling a shotgun out on him

People who are against murdering adults, I just want to know: why do you care? How does murdering an adult human effect your life enough to actively be against it?

shitpost indians too death
i also produce videoclips on the subject

>It's not okay to kill murders, rapists, pedophiles etc
>It is okay to kill unborn children though

I'm morally alright with abortion if the mother was raped. Even then, there should be a time limit and in fact, any woman that is raped should make an appointment to have a pregnancy blood test done within a week or two and the termination should happen ASAP. Any baby that was consensually, purposefully created should not be killed, it's disgusting.

>a child is responsible for the crimes of their parent
try again

My mother cares enough for two people, so I care for her, even if I otherwise wouldn't

Religiously the belief is that you're literally ending a human life so it's hard to kinda budge on it ideologically. I have every empathy for women in shitty situations but it's hard to just say that justifies ending a human life

Abortion is nig birth control. If you're a racist and hate it, you are a hypocrite. Nigs are killing themselves more actively with birth control than with nig on nig murders. I support it.

Eliminating party or racial lines; hoe does it affect your opinion that humans have been using various resources to carry out abortions since the modern human walked. Various plants that induce abortion.
Doesn't this prove this is in human nature? Can something that isn't conscious even be considered alive?

Satan confirmed pro life.

It should only be allowed if a woman gets raped, but if she just casually fucks and gets a baby, then she shouldn't waste tax dollars

>The woman has a right to control her own body.

if she were truly controlling her own body, then she wouldn't get pregnant unless she wanted to have a baby

Because they love niggers and realize the nigger population would be 20% bigger if abortion was illegal.

well, it's definitely not getting better. feel like i read that our illegal immigration problem started to reverse, but i'm not sure.

Where did you pull that from? I didn't argue anything

I'm a pro-choicer. I understand the opinions of those saying that a fetus is a human, but I believe it is justifiable to abort a baby up until the point it becomes viable to exist outside the body of the mother. Viability is the ability for the fetus' body to circulate their own body fluids, and have enough developed bone structure to hold vital organs in place.

>muh nature
can I take it that you're going to revert to moss toilet paper and throwing sharp rocks at the neighbouring family? no?

Look at what the ungodly say everybody. They're actively supporting the murder of children based on how much melanin their skin has.

Remember what God tells us in Colossians 3:11 - "there is neither Greek nor Jew...barbarian nor Scythian...but Christ is all, and in all".

Secularism will be remembered for bringing the greatest slaughter of the most innocent group in all of history. Only Christianity can save us from this sort of depraved evil.

I have nothing against abortion as long as the costs aren't covered by the wealth redistributed from me, the only cases I'd be willing to foot the bill are medical conditions and rapes (I have a universal healthcare system)

>our illegal immigration problem started to reverse
probably because they're being given full and legal citizenship, so they aren't illegals anymore

Anti-murderers, I just want to know: why do you care? How does a random murder effect your life enough to be actively against it?


the baby obviously didn't rape this hypothetical mother, did it?

I didn't advocate using these methods today did I? I merely pointed out that the act of abortion has been around so long that it could be considered an innate human instinct/action


Personally, I think murder IS justifiable, anyone who lives in the US and believes otherwise should stop paying their taxes and protest war/government/etc.

When it comes down to it, people who would be shitty parents should not have children. you can't stop humans from fucking, and yeah sure, the fetus did nothing wrong. but it will when it grows up to a single mother who can't care for it.

It's really great how many people try to argue from morality. I'm willing to bet their morality is a limp-dick tho, because if they WERE serious about morally opposing something, they'd rally against the entire institution.

>they'd rally against the entire institution
where do you think you are?

Christianity dies with whites.

>Why do people that believe murder of innocent people is wrong care about kids being murdered?

only 1% of abortions occur because of rape/incest

Being pro-choice is actively being pro-bad life choices. Saying it's the womans choice to terminate her baby is actively saying you don't value your own life because your mother could have had the choice to abort you but she didn't.

I'm not against abortion, I just don't want to pay for it, you should pay for your own fuckups.

But since some women can be raped or feel regret while having their first child I believe that a woman should be granted one government-funded abortion and if she wants a second she should agree to sterilization before getting a second one free on the house.

>Citing a book of Ancient Jewish folk tales
>Actually wanting a larger shitskin population
Running out of bulls to prep?

I'm for abortion of non Whites for what should be obvious reasons, they're a drain, a plague, threat.
I'm against Whites aborting for what should be obvious reasons, god tier genetics, productive.
I'm against Whites race mixing for what should be obvious reasons, degeneration of the race.

I used to be against it.

Then I accepted the fact that abortions help cull all the trash of society.

Maybe because we know the simple difference between good and evil?

Because I despise the honorless and malicious and their wicked deeds.

abortion = other word for murder

Because it is murder.

>how does murder affect my life
It affects society by systematically hardening us and dehumanizing us

People who make bad choices don't stop making bad choices because of a baby.

Is it better for a crack-head to carry a baby to term and give birth to an already addicted baby? Is it cheaper for the state to pick up a shitty parents kids, take care of them, on the taxpayers expense?

From what I know, abortions do cost something to the person getting them. maybe i'm wrong, or maybe it differs state to state. An abortion is a hell of a lot cheaper than pushing another delinquent kid through the foster care system and hoping they don't turn into a criminal.

And people used to walk around with shit crusted assholes before toilet paper was invented. It doesn't affect my opinion at all.

Shitty argument

It should be legal under 6 weeks, anything over that will have to be purely for medical reasons; i.e. birth would kill the mother or the child will have a terrible quality of life.

Most white nations have become heavily secularized. Christianity is growing rapidly in Africa - if anything were to die with whites it would be liberalism.

You cannot legislate people's optimal life choices through the government. All you can do is expose them to the negative consequences of their decision making by refusing to subsidize it. No funding for abortion, no welfare state.

Also, the "don't value your own life" thing isn't an argument. You could just as easily say "you have to make birth control a controlled substance and possession of them illegal -- otherwise you don't value your own life because your mother could have had the choice to prevent you".

You have actually touched upon a legitimate point there, there should at least be some option for the state to be able to get tubes tied for complete retards or drug addicts, speaking from experience with degenerate relatives here
inb4 eugenics nazi

Because it lowers our overall birthrate for the country, and our low birthrate is used as an excuse to import more shitskins. Pro-choice is pro white genocide.

>An abortion is a hell of a lot cheaper than pushing another delinquent kid through the foster care system

Supporting the deaths of children for the sake of money is the epitome of greed

Worse yet, it isn't even a greed that'd bring you any real benefit. Its some sort of weird collective greed about saving "society" money.

>Not realizing abortion is minority population control
>Not realizing we would already have a nonwhite majority if it weren't for Roe v. Wade

Nice quads

>Hurr durr it kills democrates and niggers so I'm okay with it, LOL

Edgy faggots

>I want to pay higher taxes to raise the next generation of criminals!
Remain cucked, my friend

>Actually wanting a larger nonwhite population

>he thinks killing a baby isn't everyone's business

That's like saying "why do you care that there's a serial killer on the loose? It's none of your business."


In that particular case it's much less wasteful to have her abort, obviously.

I realize this, and probably should have been more specific that abortion should be illegal for whites. I encourage government funding for black and hispanic abortions.

Perhaps a campaign to get SJWs onboard by saying whites are too privileged to deserve access to abortions.

>He thinks fewer niggers is a bad thing
Get a load of this cuck

>Pro-lifers, I just want to know: why do you care? How does abortion effect your life enough to actively be against it?
I'm Pro-life personally and Pro-Choice Politically.
I want all those left liberals and their pet nigs to go to hell when they die. But only if they deserve it by choosing wrong. More heaven for the rest of us.

greed made this nation great you little shit. sorry the logical point of abortion bothers your entitled sense of morality.

you probably pay taxes though, which tells me that you'd rather speak about morality than do anything about it. actions should speak for you, because when they don't, people can see through your bullshit.

you are pretending to be opposed to this "epitome of greed" for the sake of your own thin skin.

besides, we fund the murder of countless unnamed humans in many other ways too, all for the sake of greed, or, to use another term, all for the sake of our self-interest as a nation.

>yeah let's let minorities kill their children
>Psssh... Nothin personal... kid...

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In Europe it is mostly whites that are aborted while Muslims do not approve of abortion. Not everywhere is the USA. Being pro-abortion is anti-European.

Have you ever seen an abortion? It's ine of the most horrific sights ever. I'm ok with abortion in cases of rape and incest, but at some point people need to learn how to live with the decisions that they make.

>abortion should be illegal for whites.
What if the white woman wants to abort a halfbreed mulatto?
What if the fetus in question is physically deformed or mentally retarded?
Neither of the above would benefit the white race, yet you propose forcing the white woman in question to carry these to term.

Defending innocent lives doesn't make me a cuck, you fucking gaylord.

Repeating what your opponent said while sounding like a retard doesn't constitute an argument