Trump supporters are entirely feels over reals, you won't get a good explanation that isn't make-belief bullshit.
Jacob Miller
Xavier Jenkins
Cuz he hasn't been fundraising until now
Jesus Christ man
Wall it
Adam Hernandez
The 1 million is from donations, the self funding part is not factored into that you nimwit
Christopher Martin
>trump has 1$ million you might want to get that checked friendo
Aiden Gomez
Most of Trump's wealth is in assets.
Daniel Jenkins
He mobilized a brand new voting block: trailer trash.
Some actual conservatives will hold their nose and vote for him (not me), but they won't give him money. Good luck getting the illiterate trash that voted for you to donate, donald.
Alexander Johnson
>oh shit i just replied to a Mexican poster and forgot to sage
Bentley Scott
yes he hashe received 5 millions in donations since the beggining of his campaign, most of those donation come from individuals giving small amounts of money