What would a Death Grips jazz inspired album sound like?

What would a Death Grips jazz inspired album sound like?

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*90 minutes of freeshit*

freeshit is when you poop and you just let the poopy take you where it wants go almost like the poopy is pooping itself

the beginning part

This already exists and it came out 6 years before Death Grips formed.

Shabazz palaces

You know, if they listened to this, I'm almost sure Death Grips could do a god tier Jazz styled album.

Jesus Christ this actually a lot better than i expected. Good shout user.

This, unironically my favourite hip hop record

more accurate than i expected

>Impying people who make jazz even listen to death grips

The guy that showed me death grips literally goes to uni for jazz guitar

What would a Chester Burnett and Stefan Burnett album sound like?

this album is so hard to find or download. even youtube doesnt have the full record.

B-but I make jazz
Well technically it's jazz fusion

this legit sounds like something dg would make youtube.com/watch?v=w_sX3L7yr8M&list=PL552A92AF1AC8325F

? Even spotify has it

like jazz and death grips..


If I wanted to listen to some mentally ill nigger scream over avant garde jazz, I'd put on a Charles Mingus album.

Like free jazz


bandcamp user.

How the fuck has no one posted this