Why is Sup Forums so mean?

why is Sup Forums so mean?

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I actually drew that. kek, no joke.

Because you touch yourself at night.

Also, in the thread when I posted that everyone was so butthurt kek. Fucking faggots.

We are mean because our society is gross.
We must let the savagery of nature return.

My fucking sides

haha, me too!

Low IQ jobless edgelords who have too much time on their hands and little to ocuppy their time with, aside from bickering about other races


The apps called draw me. I miss those threads. There was some genuinely hilarious stuff in them.

Omg, lmao
Are you me?? Hehe

was posted once on int. all the reddit fags showed themselves. over 300 replies of buthurt


Serious? Holy kek

Because human beings are mean.

and yet here you are.


I'm not a Sup Forumstard by any means buddy

>t. Paco posting from his Obamaphone outside Home Despot

because it is funny you stupid fag

Nice meme buddy

Edgy as fuck.

>I'm not a Sup Forumstard
>posts this on Sup Forums

Since this is an echo chamber 'Sup Forumstards' actually are comprised of trumptards and far right in general anything outside of this certainly isn't a Sup Forumstard

I realize that English isn't your first language, but that sentence didn't make any sence. Could you please rephrase it.

>Since this is an echo chamber 'Sup Forumstards' actually are comprised of trumptards and far right in general, anything outside of this certainly isn't a Sup Forumstard

Wew, is the lack of a comma really that challenging to you?

>pol is one person
>bricks laid by this ID: 0

Man not funny.... That's someones wife's daughter

>implying there is a diversity of opinions on this board

Not only is not funny bullying a defenseless girl.

By doing so you only reinforce the retarded skinhead stereotypes helping to leftist narrative.

And this is how we breed new enemies.

>Post racist shit about child
>Wonders why it is so easy for these liberals to indoctrinate the child
>Child never grows out of the indoctrination
>Screams rayyyyyciiisss at everything

Good job, lets create more liberals.

>Not only is not funny bullying a defenseless girl.

Yes it is.

The entire front page is filled up with shills and shitposters who just come here to disagree with us. How is that not diversity?

Ohohohoho, I love anime with cute little girls! I want to pluck the hairs off their penises!

What app is this called

Tweet this to trump he will put those racists behind bars


Could just fucking grow up. Think I became a dependent retard when I was told to kill myself 50 times a day as a kid playing games? Fuck off.

draw me or something

Doing this to little children isn't funny. If she was chimping out or whatever and this was drawn, I would have laughed. this kid didn't do anything to deserve that. Do you feel like a big man now? Degenerate shitstain.



Have been posting on Sup Forums for ten years and get shown >>>/reddit/ for the first time in my life by some retarded teenager.

Just die.


Piss off cunt.

Top kek

Wrong, It's fucked up and cruel but it's still pretty funny.

There is humor in everything if you can get off your high horse and stop being offended at everything for half a second to see it.



Who cares?

you're a liar and a fiend

There aren't any shills in here

They're just NEETs who believe in the same shit you do, but have too much time in their hands so they troll retards like you to pass the time

Does your dad work for Nintendo?

i aint gay boy.

You're posting on Sup Forums. You're by definition a Sup Forumstard, fucking moron.

>this is my countrymen

I'm sorry you had to see this, Sup Forums.

Don't worry user, I'm sure she's already behind bars for something.

How am I a Sup Forumstard if I don't believe in the inane consensus' that get spammed on this board?

Have you ever been called a Sup Forumstard outside of Sup Forums? Guess why they call you that? Certainly not because of your anti right wing beliefs.

You post on Sup Forums, therefore you are a Sup Forumstard. Go virtue signal somewhere else, attention whore.

So redditors who post on Sup Forums are poltards
'Shills' are poltards
9gaggers are Sup Forumstards
Sjws are poltards

Nice logic Aureliano

You post on Sup Forums = you're a Sup Forumstard. Period. Everything you named is a variety of Sup Forumsack.

i am in the wrong side of Sup Forums because i find this really funny

I don't think you even know what you're talking about, the tard suffix is added to basically any board like Sup Forumstard or Sup Forumstard to categorize those who accentuate the traits of each board.

Sup Forumstards are called that because they're always derailing threads with vidya shitposting and memes

Sup Forumstards are called that because they shitpost gore and indulge in other childish behavior

Sup Forumstards are called that because they shitpost right wing faggottry and racism on other boards

There's a thousand people like you who shit the place up. That's diversity.


Thats actually not quite funny and I say that as a racist. Poor lil cutie just wanted a nice drawing of her.

God wills it.

>Innocent little girl wants a drawing of her

This is it, I'm leaving Sup Forums.
It was nice the time I spent talking about libertarianism and hating commies, but it seems this place is done without salvation. Keep it all for yourselves, nazi farts.

Oh noes, were losing a precious Brazilian monkey mongrel, were truly finished this time>

see you tomorrow


Stormfront fags won't ever leave here

bye HUE

i dont get it, story?


>Why is Sup Forums...
because it is his will

>reinforce the retarded skinhead stereotypes
>implying the kikes will ever let these stereotypes fade regardless of action on our part

This desu

dubs bro she's like 5.

I miss that app

Whats the apps name?

French girls it's iOS only

>skinhead stereotypes
>by pixels on the internets
Drink bleach, maybe you'll become white and realize how stupid you sound

>hey this looks like a fun app daddy! Can I please download it? Pleeeeease?
>Sure, whatever
>Oh boy hahaha I'm so excited, I wonder how people will draw me, I'll put on my best outfit and strike a really cute pose!
>get back a picture of herself hanging naked from a tree
>cry eyes out
>delete app from tablet and never speak about it to anyone, dad would just get angry and tell me not to download anything anymore

Oh ouch, how horrible, a kid gets to see the real world. Only if they were alive 10 years ago to experience the unfiltered internet, maybe they wouldn't be so braindead because the cellular jew isn't programing them how to think.

you have to go back

>says fucking mexico
el oh el

This isn't the real world, though. It's some assblasted teenager who thought his buddies on Sup Forums would give him a pat on the back if he posted this bullshit online. Lo and behold, you did. This surprises me to be honest. Non-behaving niggers should be shot. Non-behaving anyones should be shot. Little girls who want to laugh a little don't deserve to be confronted with something like this. How would you like it if your daughter got a picture back of a dozen black ripped dudes raping her and killing you in the background? How do you think your daughter would like that?

This whole thing is so fucking stupid.

We are what the world has made us.
And you will be what we make you to be

>I can't take responsibility for anything, ever

You sound like a nigger.

>11 posts by this ID

Whatever makes you feel better


Because the vast majority of them are fat insecure NEETS that need to be mean to others to feel any joy at all.

There is difference between shit talking on a forum and actually going out of your way be cruel to a real person.

An asshole will always make up convenient excuses to be an asshole though, thinking someone deserved it because XYZ. Funny how those same excuses never apply to someone being cruel or mean to them.

>m-muh baby sheboon's feelings!

Please leave

they're poorly raised scum

>no arguments at all, just personal attack


>posting on Sup Forums makes you a poltard