What does Sup Forums think of Sideways?

What does Sup Forums think of Sideways?

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Dubs and we all drink merlot

Is it just my autism that I notice the names don't match up? Gets me every time it's like bait that never stops being made.

I remember hearing about this film way back in the day and how it was kind of a sleeper hit or something
is it any good?

>this was a 10/10 in 2004

Does Paul Giamatti's unnaturally smooth cherubic face in that poster bother anyone else?

Sales of Merlot actually went down because of this piece of shit movie.

jesus christ fuck i just noticed the retouching

at least Madsen looks fine

So weird seeing 'normal' non-super hot people having sex.

Ya I was just thinking they all got airbrushed to shit there.

I liked THC in the movie, though.

I was expecting some momcore shit but it's actually pretty good

I don't see why everyone acts like she's some hideous beast, she's just got a different look. Same with Sarah Jessica Parker, completely normal looking even well above average to me.

>completely normal looking

It's amusing but really forgettable. I honestly don't have a clue what happens but I remember enjoying it

its pretty good, Thomas Haden Church is the best part

>I honestly don't have a clue what happens
Middle aged ex-yuppies spend their crises in wine country. One fucks a bunch, the other can't stop shitting on Merlot. It's unbearable. I'm a little astonished by the rottentomatoes score.

I hated this to be perfectly honest, not even memeing


oh ok, well I'll start disliking it now, I trust you guys more than my own memory of it (not even joking)

Sarah Jessica Parker was fucking hot back in time.

I'm not going to say I hated it. it's like saying you hate a cloud of water vapor hitting your face

there's just no substance to it. back in the day I rented it because of its universal critical praise. I watched it several times before returning it to blockbuster (holy shit was it that long ago?).

there's nothing really wrong with the movie. I could sit through it. but stellar reviews, at least back before every MCU film got 90+ RT scores, tended to mean there was SOMETHING interesting or inventive.

It's intentional but not to trigger your autism. It's a way of giving a form of top billing to multiple actors.

I know what you mean. I too remember how everyone was saying this was an instant classic back in 2004. Holy shit. I doesn't seem like it was that long ago.

it is funny and has feels but the ending is weak

>mfw Napoleon Dynamite will be the better remembered comedy of 2004

It's one of those movies that is actually really funny, but also kind of got pegged as a 'prestige' movie, so the critics went crazy for it. It's got a good script and characters, but yeah it was probably overhyped as some sort of genius piece of filmmaking.

A really long time ago.


Napoleon Dynamite is definitely more memorable, just because of the character. I think Sideways is a better and funnier movie, but ND is one of those teen comedies people will be watching for ages.

happens frequently. it's just how billing works, though: always top to bottom, left to right, in descending order of importance. design of the poster is another department.

Jesus dude. Do you own a vineyard or something?

I thought it was kinda dumb fun first time I saw it.

Then I watched it in a film class in college and it made me want to die. The discussion around this movie is borderline autistic.

>actually believing something this stupid

>live and work with vineyards in the santa ynez valley
>love pinots
>still haven't seen this movie because it looks gay

I like her in the early seasons of sex and the city, sometimes I watch that on cable

Its not his best film

It was a good film, don't listen to these assholes

>well I'll start disliking it now


that complicates things. I guess I'll just pretend I haven't seen it if it ever comes up

genuinely curious as to what there is to discuss user, please enlighten me

Cabernet is the best red wine fight me

It was the scene where he uses the payphone in the restaurant. That film class was... terrible.