Does Netflix not know the meaning of the word "oversaturation"?
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That's their new business strategy m8, they're saying fuck movies and throwing it all behind original programming.
Well apparently you don't.
Yeah, but you can't have 50 original shows and 50 original films in one year, people aren't going to watch 90% of any of it.
>Open netflix
>Browse through a mountain of trash
>Close netflix
At a point you're just burying everything decent under a pile of shit.
challenge accepted
People who say shit like "oversaturation" or "overexaggeration" need to be shot.
t. embryo
>Spy Kids
Apparently you don't know what oversaturation mean, pseduo-intellectual.
Yeah I can't watch all this shit if it's just going to be on par with "Stranger Things."
Does Netflix have too much money? They keep producing average but watchable/passable shit.
Netflix is dead by 2020. Calling it.
Movie companies are raising the cost of licensed streaming because they're greedy as fuck, so people instead are turning back to pirating.
Netflix knows this, and they also know that raising rates to pay for license agreements will cause more people to unsub. So they need to fill that void with something, and what we get is this shit.
You have to go back
dude i dont have an argument so ill call you a fetus LMAO
They are trying to be the next hbo, but it just dosent work like that. Amc had that potential a few years ago.
t. not overfed-up with overoverstatements
They don't have to, they just need to stay subscribed.
Which they will, because new stuff is coming out all the time even if they aren't interested in most of it, the platform looks healthy.
>Netflix original programming
>it's not original
How does that work? What is the purpose of the 'Netflix original' brand if half or more of the shows aren't from Netflix.
>turning back to pirating
why would anyone ever turn away in the first place?
About to start watching The OA...should I turn back now?
>married woman
>posting on Sup Forums
Yeah that meme don't work here
I don't see what's wrong with that. Internet-based cable with pre-filmed seasons is a way fucking better alternative to what we have now.
>They keep producing average but watchable/passable shit.
That's what people want though. They've probably focus tested the shit out of potential programming.
>if i say the other guy doesn't have an argument, but i don't have an argument myself, i win!
They've produced it and it's only available on their platform.
that's not their strategy. all they need is for you to like a few of those shows and think it's worth $10 a month for their service. ratings mean nothing to them and they have the money to pay for all of these shows and plenty more.
Because netflix was cheap enough, simple enough and legal. Most normies are scared of pirating, and avoid it if they can.
>The Walking Plebs
>Sons of Dadrocky
yeah, wonder why that didn't work out
Yes. It's shit.
Watch webm related instead, if you haven't already.
kys retard
Not an argument.
not gonna lie I got a halfy during this scene
The climax is akin (no spoilers) to people doing the hula to stop a bank robber armed with a gun.
Not even joking.
so many arguments, so little time
to Garbagians of the Galaxy
Is it any worse than the musical saw scene in Another Earth?
Brit Marling a shit
>a dear white people series
>all those gay people documentaries
if Netflix had any fucking sense they'd blacklist whatever nu-male is making these decisions and just use the money to buy the streaming rights for more network shows.
Not an argument.
Who are you kidding, time is all you have.
they don't expect you to, they want to have enough shows where everyone has one thing they really like, gives them enough reason to not cancel
>Spike Lee
>Joe Swanberg
>Woody Allen
>Joe Wright
When auteurs cave to mammon and sell their souls to the streaming gods they get D R O P P E D
The musical saw scene would be legitimately tear-jerking in comparison. I say this as someone who liked Another Earth A LOT. That climax I'm referring to is CRINGE as fuck.
Exactly. Except it's dead serious. (and a group affair, not even a one on one.
Jesus Christ, now I'm intrigued.
Is there a clip?
That's the whole thing. Skip to 3:00 if you just want the dancing. Spoilers, obv.
Yup, they have something for every demographic. That's part of the reason they revive dead shows, for example picking up Longmire probably attracted lots of old people (and people who appreciate kino, ofc).
HOLY SHIT I found it
Oh and for context she's the one who told them how to do it and they'd just found out she was full of shit and they STILL do the monkey. Kek.
this is exactly what i did a few weeks ago
>Alias Grace
weird, I'm reading that right now