You guys catch the new version of Roots? It's pretty dope

You guys catch the new version of Roots? It's pretty dope.

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ye, 2 episodes behind. Its ok.

Pretty rope.

They really captured the depravity of the white man.

I wish they had started earlier, not just from the slave trade days but back when blacks were building the Pyramids or something.


Yeah it's pretty funny, but the nigger girl is disgusting, she was molesting the white girl asking if she has hair yet and pulling her skirt telling her let me see.
I stopped watching after that episode, they should have whipped that nigger girl

So the book this is based on is it mostly fiction or what?

UN and America needs to set up an African American state in South Africa just like we did with Israel. They can all move back and we can help them financially.

So niggers are basically jews with the "muh suffering" angle? Make 6,000,000 million movies about "ebil nazis" and "ebil whyte men" in order to make money from other peoples suffering?

What is this, movie #6412912340923 about slavery? Gotta catch up though if you want to beat the jews with their holocaust movies desu

You already have Liberia, and South Africa is ours.

Only a nigger would complain about being given a job

The real history of slavery will never be told.
Arabs and berbers shipped more blacks to Saudia Arabia and India then were ever shipped to the Americas

I remember when the Burj Khalifa was being built everyone was angry at Dubai for using slave labour but now all of a sudden Muslims are good and don't have slaves?

Yeah, because it was white britons who drove the slave ships...

muh white people are ebil !!!111§§oneone!§

Yeah fuck that shit


For more then a thousand years muslims raided Europe to capture people and sell them into slavery. Nobody ever mentions these victims

Always remember that only 1.8% of the population owned slaves at the peak of slavery.

Because to progressives that is irrelevant.

If you ever want to shut any of them up just mention the Barbary slave trade and move along.

What does this picture even show?

Are you implying that Europeans built a bunch of cities in Africa? What cities are these? Do you even know?

Something like 20% of Brazils population in the 1800's were slaves, but now Brazil is poor and brown so you can't complain about that

is this show solely about dindus chimpng out?

So what's your point?

I live to kill niggers and kikes.

Fucking niggers.

Read my post and you'll see

Please God revive the British Empire and send me off on a mission to kill niggers, kikes and what not.

Okay... got it... 1.8% owned slaves. Okay. TOTALLY makes slavery okay. Especially if it's black slavery, right dumb dumb?

There were something like 12.5 million slaves shipped to America and over 2 million didn't even make it across the Atlantic alive. The fact that all that was concentrated in the hands of 1.8% of the population is even more disheartening.

It's ironic that you're so supportive of slavery, since you're such a stupid nigger.


No one even implied it was ok you fucking nigger.

Not that guy but I think top left is Johannesburg and top right is Harare/Salisbury.

No, what I'm saying is that when black people blame all white people for slavery, you should remember that it was a tiny minority of people who owned slaves. They use it to justify their bigotry toward white people.

In this thread we purchase a red coat and rifle, we pledge allegiance to the Queen and we conquer Africa killing all its population and replacing it with a European one.

Most early European settlers to the new world didn't make the trip, or last a few seasons. What about their acknowledgment? Without their sacrifice we wouldn't even have a nation, and yet no one seems to care about them. Take your nigger shit somewhere else; acting as if only non-whites have suffered in this world is the very definition of being a nigger

i dont know why american nigs care so much about slavery, if it didnt happen theyd all be in africa eating dirt

This is what caused Africa to fail America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand all did well because the Europeans out bred the natives. Argentina too did well because it had no natives compared to the other South American countries.

God damn I hate niggers.

There was no out breeding they were no natives on colonial soil in our lands.

Image result for population of africa
1.111 billion
We start from south to north pushing them into the saharan desert, there we surround fortify and kill them all.

There was natives in America you dumb ass

I dunno.

Looks pretty gay to me.

I feel like this show is #blacklivesmatter colonial edition. I can't bring myself to watch white guilt porn.

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No there weren't, there wasn't any natives even in the 1900s, they were in their own republics/tribes, illegal for natives to move to non native territory.

Not really a surprise since he has an asian wife and stars in "Racemixing&LGBT: The Show" but I can't help feeling disappointed.

Lol no, about 9.5 million was shipped to the american continent and about 400.000 made it to the US.
And the fact that only 1.8% of the population owning slaves means that MAYBE that means that it isnt really fair to blame every white person in the world for the horror that is slavery?

You're actually a retard

Congress Granted Citizenship to All Native Americans Born in the U.S.
June 2, 1924.
Native Americans have long struggled to retain their culture. Until 1924, Native Americans were not citizens of the United States.
There were only in their own nations.

Just stop posting, I'm not going to bother replying to you because you're obviously a shit poster.

>le facts are wrong

Why did he killed the white kid?

I'm not sure about the date. But Indians were supposed to be treated as nations when americans encroached on their lands and settled new territory.
Ofcourse this rarely happened, as they mostly got shipped of to reservations or just outright killed.

top stop him from shooting up a school

I laugh


>Shit that never happened: The show
This program serves no purpose other than allowing niggers to relish in their kill whitey fantasies

Naw, I fucking hate niggers.

Shit-tier people.



Enjoy your movie.

Why would I watch that crap?
It has absolutely zero impact on my life.

I'm waiting for the sequel. You know, when they all get shipped back so they can create flying pyramids again and all be royalty who can converse with aliens from other galaxies.

wasn't this guy a rival drug dealer or something?

They can move back, the end.
No help.
Kangs shouldn't need help.

Yes, Goyim

I forgot this fucking she even exists not even Sup Forums talks about it anymore.

Go back to Sup Forums

There are no friends here.

New Zealand did well because Maoris are aryan, look it up

Would have turned out differently if he had an assault musket
#makesyougohmm #prayfororlando

I heard Genevieve Hanalous was in iy. Was not enough to get me to watch it.